August 1, 2018

I woke up to the feeling of me having to throw up, so I ran to the bathroom. I felt it all come out of me. Then I heard Calum rushing towards me.

Calum: "Hey, hey, hey...what's wrong?" He held my hair up and started rubbing my back.

It finally stopped. The urge to throw up was gone.

Yn: "Uh..I- I don't know..I don't feel sick." Then we both stared at each other.

Calum: "Um.."

Yn: "Calum, I'm gonna fucking murder you." I stared into his soul and he was scared for his life.

We both think we had an idea of what's going on.

Calum: "Fuck, fuck..okay. Um, do you want me to go to the store to be sure..?"

Yn: "Well, yeah. That would be nice to know if I'm pregnant or not."

Calum: "Okay, I'll be back. I love you." He kissed my head.

Yn: "I love you, too."

And he rushed. I shit you not, not even 5 minutes pass and he's back.

Calum: "S-so..fuck..hold on." He was catching his breath from running. "I got a couple boxes, for extra proof..," He handed me a pregnancy test.

Yn: " get out."

Calum: "..Yeah..okay." He seemed scared. Don't get me wrong, I'm fucking scared as shit. But I think he's scared of me fucking him up.

As he left, I quickly grabbed the test and took it out of the package. I took off the top and peed on it. Please don't say I'm pregnant. Please. I put the top back on and waited for the time it said. I left it on the counter and Calum and I were talking as we were waiting, so we sat on the floor.

Calum: "This is all up to you..but if you are pregnant..what do you wanna do?"

Yn: "I honestly don't know..I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom. I want to but not're about to go on tour literally tomorrow, so you'll be gone for nearly a third to half of the pregnancy and I don't want to be alone for it. the same time, I do. Fuck, I don't know Calum." I put my head in my hands as I sat my legs up and rested my arms on my knees.

Calum: "I won't let you go through this alone, you know that right? I love you, Yn. I honestly would be psyched to have a kid with you."

Yn: "Really? You would?" I smiled.

Calum: "Of course, love. I will never leave your side, no matter what."

I moved over and sat on his legs and wrapped mine around his waist. I hugged him.

Yn: "I love you so much Calum." I started to tear up and I looked into his eyes.

Calum: "Don't cry'll be alright."

Then I see out of the corner of my eye is Duke walking in.

Yn: "Hi buddy.." I sniffled and petted him.

Calum: "Hey Duke, what ya doin'?"

He sat down on my lap.

Yn: "Aww."

Calum: "See, even he agrees."

Yn: "Is it time to see it..?"

Calum: "I think so.." He moved Duke off my lap and we got up.

I was fucking shitting my pants at this point.

Calum: "Okay, I'll count and you flip it."

Yn: "Okay."

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now