It was around 6pm now and we just started packing my stuff.

Yn: "Why did we wait last minute? Ughhh, I hate packing." I groaned.

Calum: "It's fine, love, I can pack for you. I don't mind. Just say if you want to take it or not when I show you."

Yn: "Okay.." I said as I moved to the dresser to finds pjs to wear.

I looked through the drawer and found a pair of black shorts and I was just gonna wear one of Calum's shirts. 

Calum: "This?" He pulls out this cute top I love.

Yn: "Oooh, yes."

Calum: "Oh- aha- oh, yeah, you're wearing this one.." He pulled out my shirt I wore to the concert as he laughed.

Yn: "Jesus, Calum.." I laughed.

Calum: "Okay, okay.."

It took us an hour as I laid down on the bed as he showed me the clothes I wanted packed. He zipped up the suitcase and moved it by the bedroom door.

Yn: "Now, can we go to bed? I'm exhausted."

Calum: "Yes, Princess." Ugh, that killed me. On top of that, his accent with it. Fuck me, shit. That's the hottest thing to ever exist. 

He took off his shirt and I was hyping him up.

Yn: "Oooh, look at you.." I got up from the bed and walked over towards him. 

Calum: "Like what you see?" He chuckled.

Yn: "Very much so." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his hands around my waist. 

Calum: "Yeah?" He said as his face got closer to mine and I melted. 

Yn: "Mhm." And our lips were connected. 

He picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

Calum: "As much as I want to.." He moved to his side of the bed. "I don't want to affect the pregnancy at all." He started rubbing my stomach.

Yn: "Ugh, I know. I love you, though."

Calum: "I love you. Oh, also, our flight is like hella early, like at 2. So be prepared on running on no sleep."

Yn: "Okay."

I laid my leg over his hips and had my hand on his chest. He moved his hand and rubbed my back and I fell asleep.


It's hella early...and by that its been 4 or 5 hours and we're already running late for the flight. It's what? 12?

Yn: "Ugh, I hate this already." I was barely moving.

Calum: "I know, but you get used to it. It'll be fine, babe."

Yn: "Okay, as long as you can sing me to sleep, I don't care."

We were rushing to the airport, and you know LA, busy as always. It was nearly 12:45 by the time we got to the airport and we saw our friends get here later than us. We rushed to the security line and it was stressing me out. I felt my anxiety kick in with all of these people. I get claustrophobic when I'm surrounded by hundreds of people. Our gate was on the opposite side in the west wing. 

Osaka, Japan

After one long ass flight, we finally made it to Japan. This is so fucking cool! We unfortunately have to rush to the venue, which is about 30 minutes away. We hurridly found our suitcases within 15 minutes and there was a bus waiting for us. We got on and I laid my head on Calum's shoulder and fell back asleep.

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now