I was replaying Reflections by The Neighbourhood. I love this song. Calum was at the studio so I was playing it on the speaker. Duke was laying on the couch and he looks so cute.

I decided to do some light cleaning because I'm bored and our place is a bit of a mess

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I decided to do some light cleaning because I'm bored and our place is a bit of a mess. I started cleaning the kitchen first and wiped the counters off, then grabbed the dishes. I hand washed them, then after that I started on the floors. I grabbed our vacuum from the small closet next to our pantry. Thankfully it's electric so I don't have to plug it in. I turned it on and started from the pantry all around to the corner where the fridge is. Then I started vacuuming the whole floor, like our hallway and the living room, which took me a couple hours. As I was finishing up in the living room, then Climax by Usher came on. Cal fucking loves this song. I was humming along to the rhythm and then I hear the door open.

Yn: "Oh, you're home already?"

Calum: "Yeah, guys said they'd need me tomorrow though. I missed you." He walked over and sat on the couch as he watched me finish vacuuming the carpet and started petting Duke.

Yn: "Did you now? Looks like you missed Duke more."

After I said that he got up and grabbed my face with his left hand and kissed me. His lips are soft as always. He moved his hand lower and it was on my neck. My favorite necklace, God.

Calum: "And you have this song on?" He chuckled.

Yn: "It started playing on its own." I looked deeply in his eyes, honestly with fear.

Our height difference imitates me. He's what.. 6'1? He's nearly a whole foot taller than me. I'm 5'2, I hate it. Cal's been recently on my ass about how short I am and it's pissing me off.

Calum: "I can't help it but love your shortness, love." He snickered as he patted my head.

Yn: "What? Why do you keep bringing up my height? Cal, seriously." I scoffed as I was trying to get past him to put the vacuum up.

Calum: "Oooh, you're feisty today."

Yn: "Calum!" I hit his arm.

Calum: "What?"

Yn: "I am not playing these games today. Or ever."

I put the vacuum in the closet and shut the door and he scared the fuck out of me cause he was right behind me.

Calum: "And why not?"

Yn: "Jesus-"

He moved his body closer towards mine to block me from moving. I put my hands against the wall and tilted my head down. But his fingers moved my head back up to look at him.

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now