It's been four hours and Cal and I won't stop texting. He was telling me about his childhood of how he never cried and was a shy kid throughout school and how he got into music. While I was still texting him, I decided to FaceTime the group chat. It took them a couple of minutes to respond considering we're in different time zones. So, it's nearly 4 am here and it's 2 pm back home. Finally they decided to pick up, but I forgot that they have lives too. 

N: "Hey girlie"

B: "Hi guys!"

L: "Hey!!"

Yn: "Hi everyone! Have I disturbed you?"

B: "Never! What's up?"

I spaced out and was distracted while talking to Calum.

L: "Hello! Earth to Yn."

Yn: "Sorry, what?"

N: "How's life in the famous Sydney city?"

Yn: "Better than expected, everyone here is friendly, and I've just had the best night."

B: "Oh, the concert! How was it?"

Yn: "It was...sorry, it was really great!"

L: "Whose that your messaging?"

Yn: "Who said I'm messaging someone?"

N: "Well, first of all, you're distracted, and second we can see it in your glasses." She laughed.

Yn: "Oh shit."

B: "So..whose that you're texting.."

Yn: "No one important, just this guy I met at the concert."

L: "Ooooh, what's his name? How close were you to each other?"

Yn: "I can't disclose that information." I said as I continued to message Calum debating whether or not if I should tell them.

N: "Are you afraid to tell him about us or is he ugly or is he just..."

Yn: "Please stop, I don't know if I should say. But I will say that he was pretty close to me."

Everyone was silent. They didn't know whether if I was joking or not so they laughed.

L: "And by close you mean barricade, right? Not the stage?" She snickered.

I stayed silent. Then they all started screaming.

Yn: "Ow, you shattered my ear drums."

B: "Please tell us that it's Calum you're talking to."

I started to blush. Then they screamed again.

Yn: "Please with the screaming!"

L: "Sorry girl."

N: "Sorry Yn."

B: "I'm not, that's a huge deal!"

N: "Can you ask him why he started talking to you?"

Yn: "Ouch, but yeah."

Yn: "He said cause of my brothers connection but that I'm a badass after hearing the stories of my connection with music."

I screenshot our messages to send to the girls. 


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