After I flipped us, he took off his shirt. I ran down my hands along his chest to his stomach. God, he's fucking hot. Then I was taking off his shorts and I can already feel that his dick's hard. I decided I might as well tease him. I palmed him before removing his underwear and he kept muttering words under his breath but I couldn't hear. After I took off his underwear, his dick sprung up to my face and I slowly and lightly licked him.

Calum: "Oh fuck, baby, don't t-tease me."

I swirled my tongue lightly still, but more than what I was doing. 

Calum: "L-love.." He groaned.

Okay, I'll stop now. I finally let my mouth starting to take him. Then he started with his moaning.

Calum: "Oh, God. Fuck." He let out a heavy breath. 

Now I was taking him as much as I could. After a couple minutes, he moved his hand to my hair and was pushing my head further, which I didn't mind, but God I was nearly choking at this point. 

Calum: "Shit..I'm gonna come, love." 

I think he expected me to stop but I didn't. I let him come in my mouth.

Calum: "O-OH, F-FUCK.." 

I felt the stream of him hit my tongue and I swallowed him when I got off of him. His breath was heavier and his chest was moving a lot. 

Yn: "Did I do good for you Daddy?" I was blushing.

Calum looked at me with a smirk and held his hand on my cheek.

Calum: "Yeah..yeah, you did good for me, Princess." He took a breath in.

Thankfully, I was wearing my short black skirt. I took off my underwear and aligned myself on him. The first few inches of him made me wanna scream, not only because I was in pain but this time I'm really feeling him. I gasped as I was going down on him slowly. 

Yn: "Mmm, fuck.." 

Calum: "God, Darlin' you're tight." He groaned as he held onto my hips.

Then I was making myself take more of him and faster. Moans were not being held inside anymore. 

Yn: "Oh God, you're big. Ugh, f-fuck." I was riding him and I didn't want it to end. I lifted my head back from the pleasure and my eyes were shut but I wanted to look at him. 

He thrusted as I was fucking him and that made me scream. I'm not capable of taking all of him and that really fucking hit me. I was whimpering every time he did it. 

Yn: "FUCK- OH, FUCK ME DADDY!" I yelled. 

Calum: "You- You like it when Daddy fucks you? Huh?"

Yn: "Mmm, yeah. I do." 

He stopped me and told me to lay down on my stomach instead. So I got off and was laying down and he positioned my knees up. Oh fuck. He started fucking me again. I buried my face in the pillow because I was screaming as loud as I could when he hit my g-spot over and over. He held his hand on my hip and my legs were starting to burn now. Then he moved his other hand around my throat. I love his hands as my necklace.

Calum: "Scream my name, baby."

Yn: "Fu- Oh, Calum!" I was on the edge of crying now. I felt my body starting to feel like it's on fire. God, I'm about to come on his dick. 

Yn: "F-fuck, I'm gonna come-" 

Calum: "I am- too, love. God, ugh, come for me."

And we both did and he pulled out. I turned over and he kissed me. Goddamn, he's really fucking good in bed.

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now