Calum is planning on getting a new tattoo, it's a dagger, sword? I don't know. But Goddamn does he look good with tattoos.

But anyways, the baby's due soon. It's uh, April 23..just a few more days. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I had made sure we had everything we need in the hospital bag in case I go into labor early, or if we're just not prepared for it. 

Calum and I stayed quiet on social media this month, we don't want anyone knowing anything yet until we're ready.

April 28th

Fuck, I'm really scared now. I know he's coming soon. It's past 1 in the morning and I was hungry, so I was looking for a light snack. Calum stayed up with me watching comedy movies. When I got into the kitchen, I looked into the pantry for some Cape Cod chips. They're the shit. Then it hit me. My water broke. Fuck.

Yn: "Uh- Calum.."

Calum: "Yeah, baby?"

Yn: "It's time.."

Calum: "Oh, shit. Okay, okay. We have everything?" He hurriedly got up and helped me to the car. The contractions started and they were painful as fuck. They were timed by 8 minutes apart. 

Calum rushed me to the car and made sure our bags were in the car. He got in and drove to the hospital.

Calum got out and helped me into the ER.

Calum: "Can we get some help over here? My fiancé is in labor!" He yelled.

?: "Yeah, guys we have a triage here." 

The doctors helped me into a room and were doing their doctor things. I was wrapped in this band under my gown. When they were Cal texted our friends, then came back over to me.

Yn: "Oooh, motherfucker.." I squeezed Cal's hand tight.

The doctors had me doing some breathing exercises to ease my pain but it wasn't helping. Then another contraction hit me, it was now timed by 3 minutes.

Calum started rubbing my back as I squeezed his hand again.

Yn: "God, I fucking hate this."

Calum: "I know, love, it'll all be worth it."

About an hour and a half passed and it was nearly 3 in the morning. This is fucking exhausting. And finally my doctor, whose delivering, came in.

Dr. Bailey: "Are you ready for a miracle to happen?"

Yn: "Yeah, FUCK. Just get him out." I can't handle the pain anymore.

Dr. Bailey: "Good thing is you're 10 centimeters dilated, so he is ready whenever you can push for me."

10 or 15, maybe even 20 minutes had passed and I pushed one last time and then I heard crying.

Yn: "O-oh my God." I started crying as they cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket.

Calum: "He's got your eyes."

Our friends were in the waiting room and after half an hour or so they were finally able to come in.

Leilani: "Oh my God.."

Luke: "Congrats, guys."

Michael: "Awhh, look at him."

Nova: "He's so cute."

Ashton: "He has Yn's eyes."

Blair: "And a hell lot of hair." She laughed.

Yn: "Anyone wanna hold August?"

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Yn: "Anyone wanna hold August?"

Nova: "I do!"

I showed her how to hold him properly. 

Nova: "Jesus, he looks a lot like Calum."

Yn: "He's definitely his daddy's son." I laughed.

Ashton: "Awh, little Auggie."

Everyone took their turns holding him. But Calum had him last. Everyone was yawning because of how late, well, early it is in the morning.

Michael: "What time was he born?"

Calum: "3:33..exactly."

Luke: "Jeez, that's something."

Yn: "Definitely a sign.."

Calum: "I uh, can't believe he's here already.." He said as he was admiring August.

Leilani: "You're going to be great parents." She smiled.

Blair: "And if you ever need a night off, we're here to help."

Michael: "Yeah, anytime, day or night."

Yn: "Thanks, guys. I'll let you know if we do." I yawned.

Luke: "I guess we should go?" He looked at Blair.

Blair: "Yeah, we'll see you guys soon."

Ashton: "You ready to go, too?" He looked at Nova.

Nova: "Yeah, um, we'll see you guys. Later Auggie."

Calum: "Bye guys."

Yn: "Bye."

Michael and Leilani stayed for 10 minutes.

Leilani: "I'm going to spoil your kid so much." She looked like she was about to cry as she was holding him again.

Michael had this look on his face of something he knew but he couldn't say.

Michael: "We're..uh, we're gonna go now."

Leilani gave August to me.

Calum: "Bye.."

Yn: "Bye."

And they walked out.

Calum: "What do you think happened?"

Yn: "I have no idea.."

Then we focused on August. A nurse came in and asked us what we were going to name him.

Yn: "August."

Calum: "August David Hood."

Nurse: "Awh, August. It's so nice to meet you." She said as she was rubbing his hand.

Yn: "I think your dad will flip his shit when he realizes not only does he have a grandkid, but his middle name is his."

Calum: "Yeah..I have no idea how he's gonna handle this conversation."

Yn: "It's not like my parents can disown me anyways." I laughed.

Calum: "Really?" He laughed.

Yn: "It's a coping mechanism, Cal. I like dark humor."

Nurse: "We'll be checking up every couple of hours to see how you guys are doing, but so far, everything looks good."

Calum: "Thanks."

Yn: "Thank you."

And the nurse walked out of the room.

Yn: "Lay down with me." I moved over to the left side of the bed.

Calum walked over to the other side and laid down on his side.

Calum: "I'm so proud of you."

Yn: "I couldn't do this without you by my side."

My eyes got heavy from the exhaustion of the delivery. Calum wrapped his arm carefully around my stomach and baby August was in this like bassinet, I think it's called. 

Calum: "I love you, Yn. I'm so glad I met you. You really changed my life around."

Yn: "I love you more. You have no idea how much you saved me growing up."

We kissed and then fell asleep, considering it's like 4:30 in the morning.

Not even two hours later, he started crying. Here we come restless nights.

Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now