I heard an alarm go off. Oh, right..the movie tonight. It's 6:40 now. Calum was dead asleep on my stomach.

Yn: "Cal.." I shook his shoulder as I tried opening my eyes.


Yn: "Calum. Cmon, I need you to get up."

I started rubbing his back with my nails and I heard him moaning. Hehe.

Calum: "Mmm, keep doing that.." I did only for a couple of minutes.

Yn: "Mhm, now get up. We have a movie to watch soon."

Calum: "Fine.." He yawned and got off of me.

Yn: "Finally." I laughed.

I know that he's tired but I really wanna see the Polar Express. I got up and grabbed his shirt and walked into our room to throw in the laundry basket. I grabbed him a t-shirt and a jacket and walked back out to give him.

Yn: "Here. Can't have the girls staring at you now."

Calum got up and he grabbed the stuff out of my hands and put them down. I looked at him as he stared into my soul, with our height difference being nearly a foot. Scary.. He grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me hard.

Calum: "Love..I only want you. You're my best friend, soul mate..the love of my life. I love you."

Yn: "I love you, baby. So much."

Calum: "Let's get packed for the movies, now what are we gonna bring to eat?"

Yn: "Ooh, I want..strawberries, watermelon, uh..my chips, you know the Cape Cod one, um..obviously drinks. Waters, but I want sweet tea."

Calum: "Haha, alright. You go get the blankets, I'll pack the food."

As I was walking away, Calum slapped my ass. I stopped walking and stood still.

Yn: "Calum! I swear to God.."

He ran laughing like a kid. I walked towards the bedroom and grabbed our pillows, then the hallway closet and grabbed two blankets and sat them down on the table by the front door. He finished packing the food and we were on our way in his car.

After the Movie

The movie was as amazing as I remembered. I ate almost everything, but I wouldn't let my baby starve. He knows I'm eating for two. I was tired still, but I stayed awake for Cal.

Calum: "Tired, love?"

Yn: "Mhm." I tried keeping my eyes open.

We were driving back home and I put on I Feel It Coming by The Weeknd. I love this song. Calum smirked as the song was playing. I felt his hand's touch on my leg and move up every few seconds. My body was starting to get hot, heat waves were flowing all throughout me. I bit my lip as he reached my..ehem..yeah..he started using a finger and rubbing my clit as he got his hand in my sweatpants. I was trying so hard not to move as he sped up. 

Calum: "What's wrong, darlin'?"

Yn: "G-god, Calum.." I was already about to come from his touch.

He slightly turned his head as he smirked again. He then moved his finger in me.

Yn: "Ah- oh, shit!" 

I felt Calum's eyes on me as I tilted my head back from the pleasure he was giving me. He used that to use another finger. My eyes were closed shut and moans were leaving my mouth.

Calum: "You like that, hm?" He bit his lip.

Yn: "Mhm." I was whimpering.

Calum stopped before I could come on his fingers.

Yn: "Ugh, you fuckin' asshole."

Calum: "What?" He laughed.

Yn: "How can you do that to me?"

Calum: "You'll be alright, Princess."

I rolled my eyes. Then I thought of something..Calum and I were by the house, but we still had a few miles. We were stopped at a red light and my intrusive thoughts kicked in. I kissed Calum on the lips, then on his neck as I was pulling out his dick. I rubbed my thumb on his tip and he was moaning.

Calum: "Fuck, babe, I can't- fuck.." I was pumping him now. "Baby..we're almost home. The light's about to.." The light turned green and he pressed on the gas, which gave me an advantage to suck his dick while he was driving.

My tongue started licking him a bit, then I made my way to start taking him. I could only fit about four inches of him, hey..he's uh..fuckin' packing.

Calum: "B-baby.." I felt him jerk and push on the gas a bit more. "Fuck.." He grabbed my hair and tugged on it as he drove with his other hand. I felt the car turn, we're in the neighborhood at least now. I stopped and got off of him just before I knew he was about to come, too.

Yn: "Now whose the asshole?" I smirked.

Calum: "Heh, clever.." He was panting from his heart racing.

We pulled onto the driveway and he parked the car. He got out and before I could, he opened my side and picked me up. Then, without any signs of struggle, he opened the front door and walked into the bedroom to lay me on the bed. He left quickly and grabbed the pillows and blankets out of the car and set them down on the floor in the room. Calum took off his shirt before he laid on the bed and I crawled on top of him. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

Calum: "Goodnight, my love."

Yn: "Goodnight, baby."


I woke up and Calum wasn't here..it's..10? I checked my phone to make sure. Damn..I must've been hella tired. I got out of bed and walked into the open living room/kitchen area and saw him cooking.

Calum: "Ah, you're up!"

Yn: "Yeah, I was looking for you. What're you doing?"

Calum: "Making you breakfast.."

I walked over and he was making chocolate chip pancakes and had the coffee going. I sat down at the island. 

Calum: "I also..want to mention that uh..I'm taking you out for dinner tonight." He said as he turned around.

Yn: "Oh, really? Where?"

Calum: "LA Prime, I haven't been there since..Sounds Live Feels Live Tour, actually."

Yn: "Don't tell me its a fancy restaurant..I don't have anything to wear!"

Calum: "Which is why you're going to go find yourself a nice dress, I've already texted your friends to take you and I'll get you at Nova and Ashton's place after."

Yn: "Oh, cmon, Calum."

Calum: "Nope, you're going. Anyways, here's uh.." He pulls out his wallet and $3,000 in cash. "your budget, I guess." He laughed as he sat his money in front of me.

Yn: "No, Calum. I'm not taking your money. That's a fucking lot for a stupid dress I probably won't wear again."

Calum: "Love...I don't care if you do or don't wear it again. I just wanna see you going somewhere nice with me, I haven't taken you out in a while. And not like movies, I mean a real date. So you're taking the money, if you don't, I'm gonna send it to your account or give it to your friends and they'll pay for it."

I looked at him with a pissed off face.

Yn: "Fine." I said as I crossed my arms.

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