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Christian: "Well, hello."

Yn: "Hi, Christian." I smiled, but also fidgeted with my hands.

Christian: "You alright?"

Yn: "Yeah, just my nerves."

Christian: "What you nervous for?"

Yn: "A lot of things." I huffed. "For starters, my anxiety kicked in about twenty minutes ago, so I went back inside for a minute. Then..my mom died a few days ago."

Christian: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

Yn: "It's alright, you know. She wasn't necessarily the best parent..I don't even know why I cried about her."

Christian: "It's alright to grieve over someone who wasn't there for you. Do you need a hug?"

Yn: "Yeah." My voice broke a little as I said nearly tearing up.

Calum rushed over. The guys watched, concerned that Christian did something.

Calum: "Are you alright, love?"

Yn: "Yeah, I'm alright..it's..well, you know what it's about."

He bent down and gave me saddened eyes.

Calum: "I know. Do you need anything, like water even?"

I nodded my head yes. So Calum briskly walked into the house.

Christian: "So, what were you listening to?"

Yn: "Hm?"

Christian: "I can see you're using an AirPod, so..I'm just curious. What's playing?"

I was embarrassed to show him, but I did.

Christian: "Friends?" He chuckled.

Yn: "Yeah, we were listening to the new EP earlier. I love Moonlight."

Christian: "Thanks, it's one of my favorites too." He smiled.

I see Calum walk back my way and he hands me a glass of water. I take a sip, it feels nice.

Yn: "Thanks, baby."

Calum: "No problem, love."

Everyone started looking our way.

Clinton: "Is everything alright?"

Yn: "Yeah, just..personal issues."

Calum: "Well..let's go. I've got to show you something." He reached out for my hand.

Yn: "Okay." I took his hand and followed him through the house. He grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and we walked out the front door.

Secret Place at 7 pm

We were pulling up to this parking lot filled with sand on this hill.

Yn: "What're we doing here, Cal?"

Calum just looked at me not saying a word. He got out and opened my door for me. I got out and we walked to the railing. The sunset was nearly over, considering its almost dark. But it was a beautiful sight. I backed up a little bit and took a photo of him.

 I backed up a little bit and took a photo of him

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Calum Hood x Reader | I Can't RememberWhere stories live. Discover now