Rules ~ Ch1

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"Your duties will be the exact same as your mother's. I assume, you are already aware of all her task and what they entailed." Uraume spoke, her voice echoing across the walls as we walked through the narrow halls of the temple.
"Yes, she spoke me through every one." I said softly, nodding in agreement as my eyes wondered off, glancing at the extravagance of the temple. It was incredible- nothing like I pictured from my mother's descriptions.

"Good. That saves me some time then." Uraume replied, closing the scroll that I supposed included all my tasks. Uraume guided me towards the far left of the castle, towards my working quarters. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice how the marble floors shone. The cleaning was impeccable, making the temple look enchanting even in daylight. The pillars were glossed and the lanterns on the wall were already lit.

"The room that you will spend most of your time in is called the 'Scroll room'. You are permitted inside during all hours of the day except from between nine in the evening to three in the morning. Lord Sukuna stays up late learning new jujustu between those times." Uruame explained. I nodded at her words, making a metal note of the hours of the day that I wasn't permitted in the room. And as I done so, I was internally giddy the moment she mentioned Lord Sukuna's name. Though, you wouldn't be able to tell by my face.

I wondered if Lord Sukuna would match my mother's description, or if he just like his temple would be far more incredible in person. Oh, how I couldn't wait to find out. They say he has four arms and four eyes and so the rumours in my village have only made me more curious.
"Come." Uraume said, motioning for me to follow her inside the scroll room.

The room left me in complete awe for a few moments, seeing the hundreds of collections of scrolls all on multiple stacked shelves. My lips parted with fascination, my fingers lifting to drift along the carved shelf edges.
"The scrolls you'll be translating are located on the white painted shelves. New scrolls will be added to your shelves every week after a donation." Uraume told me, pointing to the back of the room where there is a little table and chair surrounded by white shelves.

That part of the room seemed so seperated from where I stood now, and so I assumed that is my working space.
"When you translate them into Japanese, you'll place the new scroll on the black shelves here where Sukuna will then know to read them. The original Chinese scrolls may be placed in the archives which is the larger room beside this one." Uraume explained. I memorised her words as if they held the weight of gold, determined to do my job just as well as my mother done hers.

"When you arrive on temple grounds in the morning, you are expected to clean the entirety of the scroll room before you start your translations. You also clean the archives once a week as Lord Sukuna does not go into that room." She listed, making me nod I'm understanding, attempting not to think about how I already couldn't wait to see the archive room in person.

"Lord Sukuna has permitted staff of the temple to use the small washroom and second bathing room at the back of temple as it is too small for his own use. He expects you to be clean and presentable as this temple is his home. If you are not, you must bathe and fix yourself." She told me, "The bathing room is also known as the punishment room, so if you should ever be informed that you will be punished, that is where you go." Uraume continued. That made me pause. I wondered what kind of punishment could take place in a bath. Drowning maybe?

"You've earlier requested that you keep staying at your old home at the nearby village rather than sleeping in a servants quarters so I will not go through night ettiquette as you will most likely be off temple grounds by then." Uraume told me, but sounding more as if she were talking to herself at this point.
"Now, for the most important rules concerning the Lord." Uraume then started, making me perk up, listening eagerly.

"If you are to see Lord Sukuna in the halls, you are to stop walking and look down at your feet while bowing your head. Do not by any means look up at him or look him in the eyes. It is not your place." Uraume said, making me nod. But if I don't look him in the eyes, how am I supposed to confirm that they are truly the shade of crimson blood as my mother has described to me?

"You do not address the Lord as anything other than 'my Lord' and you by no means address him directly. If you have concerns, you come to me- never to Lord Sukuna. Your contact with Lord Sukuna should be at zero, if not less." Uraume explained as I nodded slowly.
"Do you have any questions regarding anything I've just told you?" She then asked me.

"No, I do not." I told her, shaking my head.
"Good." She replied before reaching down towards a box beside the small desk at the back of the scroll room. She then pulled out a black kimono.
"You are to wear these robes while you are on temple grounds so that Lord Sukuna may view you as a mere spec of dust." Uraume then said calmly, handing me my own black kimono. Now I understood why the floors were black marble instead of the beige marble that every other surface was- so they help could blend in.

I held my new uniform tightly against my chest as I looked at Uraume, a faint whiff of my mother's familiar scent washing over me. This one specifically must have been her uniform.
"Your duties start immediately with cleaning. Your supplies are under the desk." The lady informed me, pointing over to the bucket under the desk. "I now have things to attend to, so I will be departing now. If you need me, I will be around the temple."

I nodded as she left, bowing respectfully as she left me alone in the scroll room. I didn't straighten myself until I hear her footsteps completely fade away, leaving me alone on this side of the temple. I let out a content sigh as I looked around me. I wanted to smile but I knew that would be impossible, not with my cuffs on. I tried to ignore the heavy weight of metal around my wrists as I clasped my hands together behind my back.

"Mother, you were right. This room truly is magnificent." I whispered out softly, taking a step forward towards the black shelves that were reserved for Sukuna's reading. I picked up the first scroll I saw and unraveled it, seeing my mother's perfect handwriting in black ink.
"I hope to follow in your footsteps perfectly, Mother." I whispered again, "So perfectly that Lord Sukuna will not even notice of your death or your replacement- as if you were still serving him. Your devotion will live on."

And with that promise to my mother's resting soul, I began to clean.

(A.N ~ What did you think? I don't think any of you will be able to figure it out just yet, but I've already started dropping hints about (Y/n)'s cursed technique ;) Vote & comment!)

Chapter 2 Quote Teaser :

"Did you just...command me?"

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