Distraction ~ Ch25

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Author-chan whispers : Double update, so if you didn't get the notification for the last, then go back a chapter!

3rd Point Of View

Once Sukuna had warped away from the (L/n) girl, he settled down on the roof of his temple. He bit the inside of his cheek angrily as he thought about the sheer audacity of that woman. The way she thought she could talk to him as if they were on the same level, sugarcoating her insolent question and statements with a simple 'my lord', thinking that would suddenly make her words more polite.

She was the most audacious woman he'd ever met- and he'd met plenty of lustful women who thought their smooth skin and plump breasts were enough to get them into Sukuna's bed. But (Y/n) was audacious in a completely different type of way, in a way that proved she wasn't even trying. The way she kneeled there before him, looking up at him with her innocent eyes and her exposed legs. What was she doing with a hadajuban that short in the first place? Surely that was against some kind of rule.

Sukuna groaned as he leaned back to rest on his elbows, waiting for the moment that the (L/n) brat warped back to the temple. Only then he'd be able to back to the north wing and head back to sleep. But the longer he waited there, his senses on high alert for any traces of her cursed energy, the more he began to think that she was not coming back. Surely, she realised that Sukuna didn't just warp to her for the fun of it. That was only him telling her that he expected her to come back to the temple because she needed permission to leave- permission that she did not have.

Five minutes went past and Sukuna had enough of waiting, anger rumbling through him as he shot up and incased himself with golden flames, warping back to the same clearing he'd just been at, where he knew she still was.
"Did I not make it abundantly clear tha-" Sukuna's frustrated scolding faded into nothing, pausing the moment he laid eyes on her- well, eyes on her and the cursed spirit that stood above her.

The girl was fast asleep, with a slug-like curse inches away from her, ready to devour her. The curse froze at the sight of Sukuna, it's eyes going wide. Sukuna's eyes flickered back and forth between (Y/n) and the curse, unable to hold back his scoff- unable to believe his eyes. The brat was about a minute away from being attacked simply because she fell asleep straight after Sukuna had left. Did she have no sense of self-preservation? Who in their right mind would fall asleep in the middle of a field unprotected?

Sukuna couldn't help but chuckle to himself, running his fingers through his hair with pure disbelief. The man stood in that same spot with his arms crossed over his chest, his brows raised.
"I leave her alone for five whole minutes..." Sukuna muttered to himself. The man then snickered to himself as he spun around on his heel, walking away.
"Let her get injured. It'll be a valuable lesson for falling asleep in the middle of a feild unprotected." He laughed to himself.

It's not like she'd die. The curse was a third grade at best. It would give her a slash or two before she'd be able to react and retailate. But then again, if the curse slit her throat before she could react and/or retaliate- she'd die instantly, no matter the grade of the curse. Sukuna groaned as he turned back around, admittedly not being able to let the (L/n) to die. He still had plans for her.
"Get lost." Sukuna then growled to the curse, watching with disgust as it scuttled away and out of his sigh with pure fear.

Sukuna then stood directly above the (Y/n), tutting his teeth in annoyance. The man then bent down and reached his arm forward, not hesitating as he flicked the girl's forehead harshly.
"Wake up." The man demanded, his tone dry and completely unamused. (Y/n) whined in her sleep at the hit before spinning around and sleeping on her side, facing away from Sukuna. The man raised his brow at her audacity. Did she just ignore him?

"Fine. Stay here." Sukuna scoffed as he stood up to his feet, once again spinning on his heel and walking in the opposite direction. The man then activated his cursed energy and prepared himself to warp. At least, that was until he felt a rain drop against his cheek. Flinching, the man then looked up at the grey clouds. Not even seconds later he saw a bright light momentarily flash and then heard a loud crackling sound of thunder follow.

(Y/n) gasped in fright, whimpering as she curled herself into a ball. The girl was still asleep, but the sound of thunder affected her deep into her core. Her heart beat erratically with fear, making Sukuna grunt with pain. Her terror felt like tiny needles stabbing into his chest, running up his throat and then down to the top of his tongue. Fear.
"Damned bloody (L/n)." Sukuna hissed angrily, grabbing onto his chest. And then again, the thunder crackled and the pain only intensified.

Sukuna sneered as he turned around to face her, marching up to her angrily.
"You always seem to get what you bloody want, don't you?" Sukuna hissed and he kneeled down and scooped the girl into his arms. He needed to get out of this storm and back to the temple where the damned weather was muted. (Y/n) did not react to being picked up as ungratefully as Sukuna had, still fast asleep even while in his arms. The crying took all the energy out of her.

Sukuna gritted his teeth angrily as he warped the both of them to the confinements of his temple, now in the hallway from the north wing to the east. He looked down at the girl in his arms, wearing clothing that could barely be counted as a hadajuban. At least nobody would be awake to this.
"Lord Sukuna, you've returned. When you left, I assumed something was incredibly wrong." A relieved voice called out from further down the hall.

Sukuna looked up with a clenched jaw. Uraume. Of course, with his luck Uraume was awake. She already had her suspicions about him and the stupid (L/n), as if Sukuna has never had playthings before. Uruame froze as she stared down at a sleeping (Y/n) in Sukuna's arms, so many questions running through her head. Sukuna growled as he marched down the hall, pushing past her harshly.

"You will not speak a word of this. Ever." Sukuna growled as he brushed past her, making her nod slowly, still not sure about what was even happening. Uruame couldn't help but follow behind Sukuna as he strides over to the east wing, anger in every step he took. She stayed as silent as she could be in order not to trigger the lord as she followed him, opening the doors for him until he was in the main hall.

Sukuna went all the way to the bedding area of the main hall in the east wing- (Y/n)'s new bedroom. He looked down at (Y/n) in his arms one last time with a glare before dropping her harshly on her futon. The girl whined on impact but ended up rolling over onto her stomach and curling into a ball as if nothing had happened at all. Sukuna rolled his eyes, staring down at her incredulously.

The man then kneeled down to her height to get a better look at her face. Her cheek was now smooshed against the futon, her hands curled up into balls under her chin. She looked so small. Sukuna then reached out and poked her puffy cheek with disgust. It was obvious how much she'd been crying.
"I just don't understand." He muttered, "How can someone be so fragile and so powerful at the same time? I mean look at her... she's practically an infant."

Sukuna didn't even know who he was talking to. But if Uruame dared to reply, he'd probably end up burning her. Sukuna then sighed loudly as he stood up, turning to face the said woman.
"Uruame." He began, "Summon my whores. I need a good distraction."
"A... distraction from what, my Lord?" Uruame dared to ask, watching as Sukuna raised his brow challengingly before glancing down at (Y/n) and then back up at Uruame.

Uruame followed her eyes before nodding, understanding immediately and asking no further questions.
"Most are visiting family during this season so it will take a few hours for them to arrive from their hometowns." Uruame then informed the lord as he made his way towards the doors.
"When?" The man then asked simply.
"By morning, sir." Uruame explained, making Sukuna exhale before nodding and saying,

"Good enough."

(A.N ~ Sukuna hate gonna be wild next chapter.)

Chapter 26 Quote Teaser :

"Could I have the first go at making her cum, my Lord? Oh, please say you'll let me."

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