Acquaintance ~ Ch21

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"Oi, brat." A voice called out to me, the tone of voice and the harshness of his time making it obvious to who it was. I looked up to the Lord, who had stopped approaching me halfway down the hall, not bothering to walk the rest of the way- only close enough so that he could motion for me to come to him. I hadn't seen Sukuna since this morning, so naturally I wasn't at all timid about how eager I was too see him again after having spent the last few hours alone.

I smiled as I rushingly pushed my supplies towards the wall and stood to my feet, brushing down my kimono before hurrying to where Lord Sukuna was waiting for me. His hands were crossed over his chest boredly as he waited, his foot tapping impatiently.
"Yes, my Lord?" I asked him as I came closer, finding it odd that he'd come to summon me himself. Usually if he was ever in need for me, he'd send Uraume.

"Come." Sukuna replied gruffly as he suddenly turned around and walked down the hallway, the way he just came from. I gulped as I rushed to follow him, not wanting to be scolded for being too slow. The lord did not at all say anything else as he guided me down the halls, making me extremely nervous.
"Is everything okay, my Lord?" I found myself asking as I followed him towards the large doors that led to the throne room. Again, why did he summon me himself? Why not ask Uraume to fetch me?

Sukuna did not answer as he pushed open the doors, making them slam on the walls behind them. I flinched at the noise but did not say another word as I followed Lord Sukuna into the room. The moment I made it a few steps inside, I gasped and stumbled back. The floor was soaked in red, streams running from end to end like a river. A river of blood.

My trembling eyes looked up at Lord Sukuna who casually sat down on his throne, a smirk growing on his lips.
"M-My Lord..." I whispered, my eyes darting around the room nervously.
"Luckily for you, the killings took place before I summoned you. See how kind I am?" Sukuna teased sadistically, holding his hands in the air with arrogance as he leaned back into his throne comfortably.
"Y-yes, my Lord." I stuttered out, nodding slowly as my mind processed the amount of blood on the floor- the amount of people he'd probably just killed minutes ago.

"Now, clean this up. Due to your little berry picking stunt this morning, you've rendered the hands of all my staff useless." Sukuna ordered with a wave of his wrist, motioning to the mop and bucket leaning against the wall. The mop was already stained red, suggesting that someone had already tried to clean this all up but probably couldn't get past the pain in their hands in order to continue.

"Yes, my Lord." I replied as I made my way to the mop. I grabbed it, dunked it into the water and began mopping away at the pool of blood on the floor. The Lord hummed contently as he grabbed a cup that was placed by his side and drank some wine leisurely from his high throne, watching me mop left to right with his dark crimson eyes.
"My lord?" I suddenly called out, making him hum in reply boredly.

"May I ask... who's blood this is?" I asked him, my eyes flickering to the now red soaked mop then up to Sukuna who began to grin deviously, swirling his drink within his cup with amusement.
"Curious?" He grinned.
"I am." I admitted as I mopped.
"Do you remember the three brothers I killed infront of you a few days ago?" He then asked me, making me pause. It was hard to forget. I could still feel the way their blood sprayed across my cheeks.

"I do." I told him softly with a nod.
"The blood you're currently cleaning off my floors belongs to their parents." Sukuna then told me, making my brows furrow. Their parents? But why?
"I don't understand...what did they do?" I asked him with confusion, pausing the motions with the mop to stare up at him.
"They raised their children foolish enough to steal from me." Sukuna shrugged. I suppose that was true. I nodded slowly before continuing to mop, the bucket of water turning crimson red.

We spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence. The only sounds of the room being the sound of the wet mop sliding across the marble floor. That was until the sound of footsteps graced our ears, snapping both me and Sukuna out of a trance that neither of use knew we were in. A man barged into the room a few seconds later, immediately bowing his head to Sukuna with respect upon entry. His kimono was grey, suggesting that he was not temple staff.

"My Lord." The man suddenly called out, ignoring my presence completely.
"Speak." Sukuna ordered boredly.
"We have found the cursed objects and all nine scrolls that were stolen from you." The man told Sukuna, making me lift my head in realisation. That was the stuff the three brothers managed to steal from the Lord. I couldn't help but stop mopping, looking up at the features of this man with awe- only to pause, my eyes going wide in recognition.

The black haired man then noticed my presence once my eyes were locked solely on his, his eyes also widening at the sight of me. He looked exactly the same as he did all those years ago, and so I wondered if he at all thought the same about me.
"I remember you..." The man mumbled, making me gulp. He recognised me. I guess that meant that I hadn't changed that much either. I smiled with gratitude, sincerity radiating off me.

The loud sound of Sukuna clearing his throat echoed throughout the throne room, making me and this man break eye-contact quickly. He cleared his throat, shaking his head slightly as he forced himself to get back in focus.
"Uh- I apologise, my Lord. L-Like I was saying, we've retrieved all that was yours but a few if the scrolls seem to be damaged by water. The jujustu written across those scrolls may be lost forever." He told Sukuna.

Sukuna didn't even seem to be listening, his eyes flickering back and forth between the curse user under his rule and me, who had now forgotten that I was supposed to be mopping at all.
"I could fix them!" I interrupted suddenly, looking up at my old acquaintance then up at Sukuna pleadingly. The black haired man then looked at Sukuna hesitant, despite the fact that Sukuna's red eyes were still locked on mine. Sukuna then nodded.

"Retrieve the scrolls for her." Sukuna told the man, approving of my suggestion. The man then bowed his head at the Lord before turning around. Before he could leave the room, he gave me one last look before grabbing onto the doors with the intention to close them. My eyes when wide, my breath hitching.
"No. The doors stay open." Sukuna then demanded, his voice sending chills down my spine.

The curse user turned around and nodded at the Lord's demand.
"As you wish, my Lord." He said store leaving the room. I watched the man walk down the hall all the way until he'd made a left and exited my sight completely. It was then that I snapped out of it and continued mopping, staying completely silent now. I could feel Sukuna's eyes bore into my back as I cleaned, making it hard to concentrate.

"You've got nothing to say then?" Sukuna then asked, prodding me to give him an explanation on my own. But instead, I was stubborn. Gulping, I shook my head.
"Not at all, my Lord." I replied, making him scoff with amusement. His scoff then turned into a dark chuckle as he said,

"So, what I'm hearing is that you want to be difficult then? Well... I guess I'm not above burning the truth out of you."

(A.N ~ any theories on who this man is to her?)

Chapter 22 Quote Teaser :

"That man is a curse user who is rarely ever in Japan for longer than a month!"

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