Reward ~ Ch33

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3rd Point Of View

It was just over forty minutes later that (Y/n) was finished cookimg the Lord Steamed dumplings. She cooked a variety of flavours, from fish to meat simply because she wanted to impress Lord Sukuna. Plating them was probably the hardest part, wanting every detail to be perfect on the serving board so that the Lord would see it and think of it as perfection.

When everything was plated just the way she wanted, (Y/n) took the tray to the North Wing with pursed lips, suddenly eager and nervous at the same time for how the Lord would like her food. She even made tea to pair the steamed dumplings with, something she'd seen in China quite a bit. Lord Sukuna could probably sense her coming from her nerves and anxiety alone.

The doors to the main hall of the North Wing were both uncharacteristically open, unvieling the room to (Y/n) who had never seen this particular room before. The room was mainly gold and white, a mixture of marble and wood. The Lord sat on a cushion on the floor, a small table unfolded out infront of him where he had laid out some sort of scroll that he was very focused on.

As (Y/n) inched closer, she realised that the scroll was a map of the entirety of Asia. The girl now began to wonder why he was suddenly interested.
"Ah, you're finally finished." Sukuna sighed as he looked up at the girl, now noticing her presence. He then rolled up the map and throwed it down to his side, motioning for her to put the tray down on his table.

"What have you cooked for me?" Sukuna then asked with a raised brow, watching as the girl placed down a tray of unfamiliar food infront of him.
"Steamed dumplings. It is called Dim Sum." (Y/n) said with a smile.
"Interesting." Sukuna replied, poking the dumplings with his chopsticks. These were nothing like the dumplings he was used to. They looked foreign.

Just as Sukuna was about to pick up a dumpling, he realised that he felt a pair of eyes boring into the side of his face. He looked up and squinted at (Y/n), who for some odd reason was still there, staring down at him with curious eyes.
"And you're still here...why?" Sukuna asked her dully, putting down his chopsticks as he glared at her.

"I just...would like to know if you like the meal, my Lord. And if you do not, I could make you something else to eat." (Y/n) told him, her eyes innocent and round. Sukuna sighed as he rolled his eyes, deciding not to reply. Instead, be just picked up his chopsticks again and used them to shove a dumpling into his mouth. The man was ready to complain the moment he began chewing, but after the taste of meat hit his tongue, he paused.

He wasn't expecting her food to be so good.  He didn't doubt that the meal would be eatable at the very least, but for it so taste so... addicting? That was a surprise indeed. Sukuna finished swallowing his first dumpling with furrowed brows. If (Y/n) couldn't use her cursed technique to figure out what the man was feeling, she'd be lost right now.
"This is... quite good." Sukuna admitted, making (Y/n) burst into happy squeals, clapping her hands together with excitement. Her hard work paid off. The lord liked her cooking.

"How is it you know how to coo- actually, wait. Let me guess- that bastard embasador made you cook for him too?" Sukuna asked, suddenly cutting himself off when a wave of sour bitterness coarserd through him.
"No, my Lord." (Y/n) replied, suprising Sukuna, "I actually worked in an inn upon my arrival back to Japan. I cooked and served three meals a day to all tenants."

"Interesting." Sukuna mumbled to himself, "And did you whore yourself out to these tenants also?" Sukuna wasn't sure what made him ask that question.
"No, my Lord." (Y/n) replied simply, her mood not at all decreasing due to his harsh comments which Sukuna actually for some reason felt relieved by.
"I see." Sukuna replied as he lifted another dumpling with his chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

(Y/n) was about to take that as her leave, but the moment she lifted her eyes off the Lord, she then was then reminded of the room around her. Only now she realised that they were surrounded by dozens of shelves, each with scrolls stacked on eachother. They were tied by gold thread, showing how many of them were important and incredibly expensive.

"Why are you still her-" Sukuna cut himself off when he noticed that (Y/n) was no longer paying attention to him, her eyes locked on the scrolls that surrounded them both. Sukuna smirked.
"My rare collection has caught your attention, I see." Sukuna smirked, making (Y/n) snap her head back towards the Lord.

"I a-apologise for my distraction, my Lord." (Y/n) stammered sheepishly, scratching her neck.
"They're all rare fables. Stories of myth and folktales written by famous scholars of Japan that I've collected from all over the country." Sukuna bragged, "I don't read any of them often but they do in fact make decent decor, wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed." She whispered absent-mindedly. (Y/n)'s eyes were now focused on the shelves, her eyes flickering to each individual scroll, no longer paying attention to Sukuna. He looked at her with narrowed eyes before sighing.
"I guess it would only be fair that I reward you for cooking me this meal, no?" He suddenly mused, capturing (Y/n)'s attention again. She snapped her head to him with wide eyes.

"Pick one." Sukuna suddenly said.
"R-really?" (Y/n) stammered with shock, her eyes blowing out wider.
"Yes." Sukuna replied with a nod, motioning his hand to the shelves.
"Are you s-sure? These must be incredibly valuabl-" Sukuna cut the girl off with a loud huff.
"Do not make me repeat myself." He told her sternly, his eyes boring into hers. The young girl gulped as she nodded, hesitantly moving to the shelves.

Her fingers grazed gently against the scrolls, wondering which she should pick as she didn't want to open them all to find the 'perfect' tale to read about. It would be an honour to read any of these. Then she saw a scroll that had gold engravings on the edges of the paper. It looked so beautiful, glimmering slightly against the candles above her head. This one. She picked this one.

(Y/n) picked it up instantly, cradling it against her chest safely as she turned back to face Lord Sukuna who was staring at her expectantly.
"Why that one?" Sukuna asked her curiously, her eyes looking at the fable that she'd picked out.
"It's embellished in gold. It's very beautiful." She whispered, looking down at the scroll in her arms.
"You like the look of gold then?" Sukuna asked, making (Y/n) smile and nod eagerly.
"Indeed, my Lord." She replied.

"I see." He replied as he shoved another dumpling into his mouth. Only now, he realised that she'd made him tea too.
"Thank you for the opportunity to read this scroll, my Lord. I'll return it as soon as I possibly can." (Y/n) told him chipperly as she bowed her head gratefully, watching as Sukuna waved her off. So she left the room with a smile and eagerly slipped open the golden thread that tied the scroll together, only to peak at the title.

The one time he cried.

(A.N ~ :)

Chapter 34 Quote Teaser :

"Get the damned brat a new kimono- anything but black!"

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