Pink ~ Ch79

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3rd Point Of View

"What emotion does that colour represent?" A voice asked from behind (Y/n) snapping out of her daze, tearing her eyes away from her new painting that she'd hung up almost an hour ago within the east wing. Since then, she'd spent her time staring at it. It was hard to tear her eyes away when all she wanted to do was study the foreign colour. Sukuna walked up from behind her, pressing his chest against her back, now also looking at the painting.

"Apparently... it represents love." (Y/n) told him, her voice sounding quiet, showing that she was still deep in thought. She wondered if different types of love had different shades- the way fear did. Did familial love differ from romantic love or were they both this same colour of pink? Would she ever find out her answer when her whole family was dead?

"I wonder if it was a (L/n) who painted this..." (Y/n) then mumbled. "How else could they have depicted an aura so correctly?" The mist of colour surrounding the person like a bubble looked too accurate to be a guess. The painter not only got the texture of an aura accurate but how it surrounded a person- as if they were glowing, but without the light. (Y/n) had always found auras to be hard to explain and so there was no way a (L/n) could have explained this so accurately that a non-(L/n) could have painting it so correctly.

"Is that really how you see? Colours around everyone... all the time?" Sukuna found himself asking. The longer he looked at the painting, the more his eyes got sick of the colour. Emotions changed every second- therefore the colour of an aura that a (L/n) saw would change too. Sukuna would have blinded himself after a mere minute because it would have been too much for him.
"It is." (Y/n) confirmed with a soft nod. This was how she'd been seeing since her birth.

"Is it not overstimulating? Seeing all these colours all the time- watching them constantly change?" Sukuna then asked. If (Y/n) knew any better, she'd say Sukuna's voice sounded sympathetic. But she decided that she'd rather not turn around to find out. She wanted to memorize this painting.
"It used to be- when I was a child." (Y/n) told him, "But when I became a whore, the colours narrowed down to usually only three colours. White, purple and red. Fear, lust and anger."

"That eased me into opening myself to more colours and more emotions when I was freed. My eyes got used to it." The girl admitted. After being freed, she then became more accustomed to the colours of exhaustion, frustration and boredom while working at an inn.
"And so why would you purchase this painting if this is how you see everyday? Surely, you do not need a reminder." Sukuna asked with a raised brow, a hand resting on the girls waist as he spoke.

"I've never seen the colour of love before, and so I knew I had to purchase it so that I wouldn't forget it." The girl told him softly, turning around in his arms to face him now. Sukuna seemed to pause at this information, realising that it probably meant that nobody has ever show the girl love before- not even him. Was that truly the case?
"Surely...your mother loved you." Sukuna found himself saying, his statement sounding more like a question.

"I'm sure she did. But a (L/n) cannot see another (L/n)'s aura. The same way we cannot affect another (L/n) with our own." (Y/n) explained as she leaned her head against Sukuna's chest. Sukuna paused, not realising that (Y/n) could never see her own mother's aura.
" want to hang it here where you'll never be able to see it?" Sukuna then commented, making (Y/n) look up at him with confusion.

"This is my bed chambers...of course I'll be able to see it." (Y/n) replied with a baffled expression, her eyes lifting back up to the painting. Was it too high?
"Is it? Is it your bed chambers?" Sukuna then asked, clarifying his question. This made (Y/n) pause, her eyes flickering around the room which she hadn't really done since she entered, having been too focused on the painting. Only now did she realise how bare it was, how much it lacked of her usual items.

The clothing in her basket was missing, as well as her daily kimonos that were hung on the wall, prepared to be worn with each passing day. Her futon was packed away, tied and propped up against the wall. Her finished and dried paintings had dissappeared too. Her paintings too? Even the special ones...
"My stuff..." (Y/n) mumbled, moving away from Sukuna as she wondered around her room.

"I admit that I had too much time on my hands while you away shopping." Sukuna admitted with a smirk. At that, (Y/n)'s feet began racing towards the open doors, rushing towards the north wing. Sukuna trailed behind her leisurely, feeling both panic and curiousity in her steps. He didn't understand the panic but he didn't let it both him too much. Both panic and curiousity seemed to fade into realisation when (Y/n) walked into Sukuna's private chambers, everything she owned now blending seamlessly amongst Sukuna's things.

Her eyes flickered to her kimonos that were hung on the wall to the paintings that were hung beside it. The paintings. They were here. They were safe. Everyone would still be safe. Relief took over her soul when she realised that Sukuna had simply just moved everything to his own chambers.
"You moved all my things." (Y/n) mumbled with realisation.

"Because that is not your bedroom anymore." Sukuna told her as he walked in, "You'll be sleeping here from now on."
(Y/n) couldn't help but let a smile slip across her lips. Sukuna really wanted her to sleep beside him?
"However, the east wing is still the queen's quarters. So you may do whatever you wish with the space. You could make it into an art studio or a study to work on your translations. It is your choice." Sukuna suggested, making (Y/n)'s smile turn into a grin. An art studio sounded beautiful.

"Thank you, Sukuna." (Y/n) mumbled as she walked closer to him, feeling warp as he welcomed her with open arms.
"You're thanking me for selfishly wanting you to myself?" Sukuna scoffed as he wrapped his arms around (Y/n). (Y/n) nodded as he laid her head against his chest. She had much to thank him for- wanting her only being one of them. But another was for showing her how much he cared.

Because, she didn't need to see a pink aura to understand his actions.

(A.N ~ I hope you enjoyed! Also I done mad foreshadowing in this chapter to tease the next one.)

Chapter 80 Quote Teaser :

"Did you really think that I did not know?"

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