Rarity ~ Ch63

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3rd Point Of View

When (Y/n) woke up the next day, she was surprised to see that it was already noon. She spent the first half an hour of her day attempting to piece out the contents of her night but no matter what she done, she couldn't fill in the huge gap between being at Kazuya's place and waking up in her own bed. Her memory was foggy but the one thing that she was completely certain about was the fact that she'd figured out that she was in love with none other than Ryomen Sukuna yesterday.

After getting changed into fresh clothes the girl spent a while banging her head against the wall, trying to figure out what had happened yesterday. She thoroughly doubted that Kazuya carried her back to the temple yesterday when she lived over ten miles away- which means that she was either carried by transport or she was warped. (Y/n) was hoping that it was the former- because other than her, there was only one person in this temple that knew how to warp and she happened to be angry with him right now.

"I was wondering why my staff suddenly began complaining of a migraine all at the same time." An amused voice spoke up from behind the girl, making her quickly turn towards the open doors only to see Sukuna leaning on the doorframe with her arms cross over his chest. She winced at the speed she'd turned her head in, only now realising that she did indeed have a migrane- meaning that the entire temple could be having an aneurysm right now.

"I see that you haven't noticed the tea on your bedside the table yet." Sukuna then added, making (Y/n)'s eyes flicker over to the tray that was on her table that she hadn't noticed until now. "It should soothe the pain." (Y/n) didn't reply to Sukuna, pursing her lips as she walked over to the tray. For the sake of the others suffering on her behalf, she drank the tea in a few gulps. If it would help the migrane, she'd drink it- even if he was the one who told her to.

When (Y/n) had finished the cup, she placed it down on the table before walking towards the doors. Sukuna stood still in his same position, watching her with narrowed eyes, painfully aware of the fact that she had yet to speak to him yet. He sighed when the girl brushed past him, walking down the hall. The man pursed his lips as he kicked off the doorframe, following behind her casually.

Sukuna followed her quietly as she walked to the south wing, guessing that she was heading straight to work. The girl surprised him when she went to the kitchens instead, grabbing a singular loaf of bread and a cup of water before again brushing by him as if he weren't there. Sukuna ignored the annoyance that he was feeling bubbling up in his chest, knowing that he deserved this silent treatment. He clenched his jaw as he exhaled through his nose, moving to follow behind her once again as she walked down the hall.

"You won't speak to me." Sukuna stated, a part of his statement sounding more like a question- or maybe a plead. (Y/n) continued to ignore him as she walked down the hall to the scroll room.
"You've never lasted longer than a few minutes without talking. I'm almost impressed." Sukuna told her, feeling the need to break something when she again did not reply. But he stayed calm and patient- that was the only way they'd be able to get through this.

"Are you waiting for an apology? Because you should know now that I do not apologise to anybody." Sukuna then told her truthfully. Again, she ignored him and kept walking away. If he continued like this, he'd get nowhere. Maybe, he needed to strike a nerve- only then would she finally speak her mind.
"Why do you care about those fools anyway? They may not be criminals but they are far worse." Sukuna growled truthfully, his words making (Y/n) stop walking.

She turned to look at him with glossy eyes, making Sukuna also stop walking. She began tilting her head with offence.
"What? Good people?" She asked him incredulously, making Sukuna growl angrily as the girl offered him once last glare before turning on her heel and marching down the hallway. Sukuna didn't follow her this time, knowing that he'd end up telling her the truth if he spent another few minutes in her presence- if his anger increased any higher than it already was.

"Why do you not just tell her the truth about who they are? The longer she does not know the longer it will take for her to forgive you." A voice said from behind Sukuna, making him turn.
"Uraume." Sukuna muttered, not having paid attention to her sudden appearance or what was going on around him other than the fading sounds of (Y/n)'s footsteps as she walked away from him.

"Who says I need forgiveness? I am a king. Whatever I say goes and if someone is against a decision I make, then they may leave." Sukuna said as he watched (Y/n) disappear down the hall. Uraume pursed her lips at his blatant lie.
"And if she actually left? You would be okay with that?" Uraume asked him with a raised brow, making Sukuna bite the inside of his cheek.

When Sukuna didn't reply, Uraume decided to speak up, "She'll figure out who they are eventually... especially if she happens to catch one of them speaking mandarin." Sukuna scoffed loudly in responsem
"You think I don't know that? She's a smart girl." Sukuna snapped as he exhaled loudly, "If she finds out that these men are in Japan, she'll know that bastard Yanfei is here too- and now is not the right time for her to find that out."

"She thinks that they're good people." Uraume told him.
"Yes because those bastards only told her half the damned story and with what little information they gave her, she could see that it was the truth." Sukuna growled, "They told her they weren't criminals because in China whore trading is legal. One told her that he's a farmer- which is what the Chinese call those who train whores. The bastards knew exactly who she was and exactly what to tell her."

"What will you do if she tries to free them?" Uraume then asked.
"Only a curse user can unlock their chains and they are all out attempting to steal the (L/n) ring from the emperor." Sukuna told the white haired lady.
"Maybe. But eventually she will confront you and ask you to free them and you will need to tell her why you will not." Uraume told the king of curses.

"I didn't think this would play out like this." Sukuna admitted with a sigh.
"You believed the traders would be willing to play along with the schemes of their captor?" Uraume asked with a raised brow, making Sukuna turn to glare at her venomously. "What did you believe they'd do when they'd see a naive girl like her enter the dungeons?"
"She's not naive." Sukuna muttered, "Just too kind- a rarity around here, no?" Uraume nodded with a sigh before saying,

"My Lord, this issue needs to be solved as soon as possible...or (Y/n) will lose all the trust that she's built for you."

(A.N ~ Vote & Comment! I love you all, Mwah!)

Chapter 64 Quote Teaser :

"I apologise for my sheer disrespect, it was incredibly rude for me to capture and transfer you all to a different country like a bunch of cattle. Please, accept my deepest regrets."

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