Fear ~ Ch27

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

Sukuna didn't last ten minutes in that throne room without launching out of his seat angrily. He grabbed the girl who had her lips wrapped around her cock and yanked her back by the hair before throwing her across the room with a loud growl. The rest of the girls froze, not moving an inch in order not to provoke the Lord. Sukuna sneered as he tied his kimono around his waist, still feeling that damned pity sinking into his chest.

He tried to ignore it. He tried to let the pleasure distract him. But the longer he tried, the more he realised that he was not at all in the mood for pleasure. At first, it sounded like a good idea. He thought he'd be able to get that stupid brat off his mind. But the moment those girls began stripping infront of him, Sukuna began wondering if that's what (Y/n) did when she offered her body to his best curse user.

Did she bend down in such a compromising position? Did she spread her legs with that same infuriating smile that she gave Sukuna? Did that fool of a curse user take her from the back or from the front? Sukuna guessed that the man probably let (Y/n) do all the work. Sukuna then wondered if he'd cum inside her or not. All these thoughts made it really difficult to enjoy getting sucked by his whores.

Sukuna left them all terrified in the throne room, slamming the doors open as he left so hard that they closed behind him from the impact against the wall. Fury was obvious in every step Sukuna took, increasing the closer he came to the scroll room where he knew she'd be. And a sneer came across his face when he saw her sat in her usual spot in the hallway outside the door, a loaf of bread in her hands that she was quietly nibbling on while reading a scroll.

"Are you trying to mock me?! Is that it?" Sukuna hissed as he got closer, suprising (Y/n) with his sudden arrival.
"W-what?" She asked baffledly, "Why would I be trying to do that, my Lord?"
"Earlier..." Sukuna growled, "Earlier, I expected you to become flustered. I expected to feel shame and embarrassment- not damned pity!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened ever so slightly, not realising the Lord was paying attention to which emotions she felt.

(Y/n) thought that someone as power only felt her emotions when she had big reactions, like from pain or fear. She didn't realise that he also felt her menial emotions like pity, especially when the emotion she was feeling at the time wasn't strong enough to cause any physical damage to any humans. While not having access to her cuffs, the girl had manged to figure out ways to take her emotions, like breathing exercises and whatnot. Of course, it didn't stop her from actually feeling- but it helped her calm down if need be.

"I... apologise, my Lord. I did not mean to offend you in any way." The girl told him truthfully, now feeling incredibly guilty that he thought she pitied him.
"Tell me why you pitied me." Sukuna growled, "Tell me why you pitied me when I was served as a king, sitting on that throne with my cock nestled so deeply down a whore's throat! My eyes were graced with the sight of fine women devouring eachother with their tongues. I was elated! So what was there to pity?!"

"It was not you that I pitied, my Lord..." (Y/n) then told him softly, making Sukuna's anger pause, disintegrating as realisation dawned upon him.
"The whores...you pitied the whores." He mumbles to himself with realisation.
"Yes, my Lord..." (Y/n) whispered.
"Why?" Sukuna then asked, in his heart already knowing the answer. How could he not?

"Because as you already know, I was a whore once too during my time in China." (Y/n) began, "I was quite favoured by a high-ranked Chinese embasador because my walls were tight and he liked the way I gripped around him when he hit my cervix." At this new information, Sukuna could feel his cock begin to get painfully hard.
"And back then, I did not wear my shackles. I had full access to my cursed technique as I do now." She continued to speak, Sukuna staying silent as he listened.

"When I felt pain, my friends did too. And moreover, when they felt pain- I could do nothing but see the colour of their aura turn red. I watched them go from orange with anger to blue with sadness. I could do nothing but watch them hate...watch them become disgusted." (Y/n) whispered, her eyes locked on the ground shamefully.
"Are you saying...my whores were disgusted by me?" Sukuna's words were slow and calculated, holding back the anger as he spoke.

"No. Your whores fear you. " (Y/n) corrected, making Sukuna pause. They feared him? They certainly did not act like they feared him. Maybe when he threw that one girl against the wall, but that was for good reason. Surely they did not fear him when he was deep inside them. Maybe she mistakes pleasure for fear.
"They fear you so greatly that every single one of their auras were ice cold." The girl told him truthfully.

"That is why I pitied them...because I remember when my own aura was the same colour. When my mouth was full of the cock of a man that terrified me to the core of my existence." (Y/n) mumbled, her eyes glossed over and empty as if she were thinking about that man now. Sukuna grinded his teeth with anger. If he stood here any longer, he'd burn her to a crisp. He needed to leave. Now.

The man turned on his heel and matched down the hall the same way he came, his footsteps loud and heavy. Right as he was closing in on the throne room, he saw Uraume. Her hands were bandaged, blood spotting around her fingers that Sukuna honestly could care less about. Uruame looked up at him and paused hesitantly, instantly recognising the look of anger in his eyes.

"Send them away!" Sukuna growled loudly as he walked.
"M-my Lord?" Uruame was confused, but Sukuna didn't have the patience to deal with her confusion right now. He didn't have the patience to deal with anyone right now. He'd kill them.
"The whores! Send them all away!" He yelled, making Uruame flinch. Then he stopped waking, hie eyes going dark as he added,

"And inform them that they are all fired."

(A.N ~ Next chapter may or may not be just a tiny little bit spicy...)

Chapter 28 Quote Teaser :

"No, I mean next month- yes, right now! Do you think I'm a prude or something?"

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