Game ~ Ch16

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3rd Point Of View

(Y/n) spent the entirety of her day cleaning, turning not only the scroll room spotless but the archive room also. It was her first time in the archive room today since it was part of her duties to clean it only once a week. Since she's been working for Sukuna for just over a week now, she deemed it time that she tackle that chore. The archive room was grand, and so not only did she spent her time cleaning, (Y/n) also read multiple scrolls during her breaks.

The archive room had thousands of scrolls, all written in Chinese Hanji. (Y/n) had a lot of fun reading about jujutsu she didn't even think we're possible, so much fun that she didn't even realise it was night. It was then that she decided to just make her entire day simply just about cleaning, deciding to make the halls outside the scroll room shine as well as the outside walls of the temple too because she rarely saw anyone clean the pillars.

So the girl took her wet washing cloth and bucket and began cleaning the walls outside untill she was out of breath. It was then that she sat on the steps, too worked up and hot to be affected by the cold biting breeze. She sat with a sigh, looking out into the distance with content. As her eyes began exploring her surroundings, she realised that she was not alone out here.

Lord Sukuna was sat on a woven straw mat, sitting cross-legged with a small trable infront of him. A bottle of sake was in the table as well as a few tiny cups that were made for drinking alcohol. (Y/n) leaned her head on the stone pillar as she watched Sukuna down another shot of Sake with a loud wince, seeming to enjoy how quiet it was out here, void of people and annoyances.

He clearly was not effected by the cold, and (Y/n) wondered if that was because fire was his element or because he'd lit a bunch of torches around him like an altar. The fire flickered beautifully, making his side profile glow in a way that almost made (Y/n) jealous. Not only was he blessed with incredible power but also good looks. Lord Sukuna had it all. (Y/n) doubted there was anything more he could need in life.

(Y/n)'s attention was then grasped when she noticed movement from behind the surrounding trees. Trees circled the temple grounds in a perfect circle, leaving enough space between the building and the forest for a few supporters of Sukuna to grow fruit and vegetables. (Y/n) couldn't see the cause of the movement considering the lack of light during this late night, but once it got closer to the barrier, she noticed it shining teeth and drooling gums.

She wasn't sure if it could see her from how far away it stood, but when it's jaw widened and it charged towards the barrier, she knew it had. (Y/n) couldn't hear it's snarl but by the way it's mouth moved, she guessed it had done so really loudly. She flinched back with fear as it charged forward, only to slam straight into the temple's protective barrier, sizzling instantly as it was exorsised, creating little flashes of orange light untill it disintegrated into nothing.

(Y/n) gasped as she put a hand over her heart, her lips parted with awe when the beast she just saw moments ago turned into nothing. She couldn't hear a thing as it was exorsised, suggesting that Uraume had managed to find that curse user to adjust the barrier.
"I thought I made it clear to you that you are not allowed to feel fear anymore." Sukuna spoke up, not even looking back at her as he spoke, taking another gulp of sake.

"I apologise, my Lord..." (Y/nk whispered, her wondered eyes still on the barrier with fascination.
"You don't sound very apologetic." Sukuna pointed out dryly. She couldn't help but chuckle softly, her eyes still staring at the barrier- right where the curse had been a singular minute ago.
"The curse...when it was exorsised. looked like a firework- silent, yet so very beautiful." She whispered, finally making Sukuna turn his head to look at her with narrowed eyes.

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