Father ~ Ch52

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Warnings : Physical abuse

3 Years Ago

(Y/n)'s Point Of View

I woke up gasping for air, awoken by a heavy and painful blow to the stomach. I rolled across the floor, clutching my stomach and curling into a ball.
"You little whore!" My father angrily yelled, as he stumbled towards me, stepping over our bedding which I now noticed was stained red. My eyes travelled down to myself, my grey kimono stained red to match. Ah, I was menstrating. That's why he was angry this time.

"You damned whore!" He yelled angrily, kicking me again in the stomach, pushing the air right out of me. I choked as I greedy tried to suck oxygen back into my lungs, only making me choke harder. Pain spread through my chest as my father kicked me over and over again, his blows imprecise and random. He then kneeled to the ground and lifted me by my collar before throwing me against the nearest wall.

"It's everywhere!" My father yelled, his features seeming blurry as my head slammed against the wall.
"This is where we sleep!" He screaming, motioning over to our bedding. My eyes followed his arm, now noticing my mother who was in-between two pieces of our now broken table, unconscious. It seems as if he got to her before me tonight. I was glad, now she wouldn't have to watch me suffer.

"There's blood everywhere, (Y/n)! You women are so damned selfish! Do you not think about the people around you when you bleed so disgustingly?!" The man yelled as he delivered another kick to my stomach. As I curled into a tight ball, he kicked me again, his attacks now landing on my shoulders and back.
"I-I'm sorry." I told him through gritted teeth, hating the taste of blood in my mouth.

"Oh? You're sorry? Well I guess that makes everything okay then, doesn't it?!" The man seethed. "Do you think an apology is going to fix the bloodstains on the bedding that I paid for?!"
"No." I said, making him growl.
"Where's my damned whip?" The man then asked himself as he drunkly stumbled back, his eyes flickering around the room.

"No." I whispered again, my voice no where near loud enough to cause a difference or filled with the slightest bit of emotion that could make him feel pity. If my father were a stronger (L/n) his aura would cause everyone in the village to feel his anger and drunkendaze. But his reach was weak- effecting less than half a mile. Those in his radius would probably feel dizzy- maybe even a bit annoyed. His technique was weaker than that of a two year old (L/n).

It was a few moments later that my father found his whip, pulling it from under my mother's unconscious body.
"There we go." My father grinned as he hiccuped, stalking towards me before whiping me with all his strength. I made no reaction as he struck me, only curling into a ball and counting the seconds until it was over. My cuffs prevented a react but did not take away the pain. Heat seared through my wounds as he struck down on my shoulders over and over again.

I gritted my teeth as anger built up inside me. I wonder if you'd be able to see the anger in my eyes or if that would be concealed just like it was from my face. I covered my face, just like my mother taught me to do as he punished me. After the first ten whips, I stopped focusing on the pain but rather than anger that wanted to burst through me like pressured water.

If it weren't for these cuffs, everyone in this village would feel my pain- everyone would know excatly what kind of man my father was. They'd see him for what he really was- a cold-blooded monster- a drunken wifebeater- a terrible father. They'd feel my pain and when they would come to find my the source they'd see my father standing above two helpless women with bloodied hands and a weapon.

Before I knew what I was doing, my hand reached down into my kimono, shakily pulling out the key to my cuffs that laid ranging on a threaded necklace. I gulped as began to unlock my cuffs, my curled body sheilding my actions from my father. He was a (L/n), so my aura wouldn't effect him. But what I wouldn't give for him to feel the pain he inflicted on me.

My cuffs felt like the dropped to the floor in slow motion the moment I turned the key, it clanging loudly once it hit the ground. My father couldn't hear it over the sound of his own angered yelled. I curled myself tighter into a ball, waiting to hear the screams of those in my village- I waited for them to come running to find the source. Yes, maybe I'd be killed after being outed as a (L/n). But if they killed my father first, then it would all be worth it.

The longer I waited, the more my anger rose and threatened to explode. It wasn't until I looked up at my father's angry eyes that it finally erupted. My aura sunk through the ceilings and the walls, contracting until it was a little bubble around me, it searing red and somehow incredibly beautiful. I then watched as it launched into action, reaching for my father and striking him down like a strike of lightning.

I slowly uncurled from my ball, sitting in my knees as he screamed with agony. The skin then tore of his back piece by piece, making his scream over and over again, tears rolling down his cheeks as he fell to his knees. His skin tore off his body like feathers being plucked from a chicken, one by one rolling off until he was a withering pile of blood, muscle and bones. I could only watch with wide eyes as my father crumbled into a pile of red infront of me- because of me.


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Chapter 53 Quote Teaser :

"I had a feeling you'd come to ask for permission to leave... and the answer is no."

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