Painter's market ~ Ch49

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Author-san whispers: Double update so go back to the last chapter if you did not get the notification!

3rd Point Of View

The next day came quickly- even more so than usual when all (Y/n) could think about was the lucky opportunity she'd received to train her domain expansion. It was an opportunity she never thought she'd get. At least, not for a very long time. The excitement overwhelmed her all night all the way until she'd managed to fall asleep, and again when she woke up.

Sukuna said she could start training from today, but gave her specific times that she must abide to- which were after her normal working hours. At first she was eager to get to day over with because of her excitement to train- but then it became because of different reasons entirely. It was a reason that had her running to Sukuna's throne room- a reason that forced a smile on her face so that the sudden panic in her chest wouldn't escape and effect everyone in the temple.

"Sukuna!" (Y/n) called out chipperly as she burst into the throne room, not thinking about checking who was inside before she became enthusiastically talking, "I just found out that today the painter's market is ope-" (Y/n) cut herself off when she paid more attention to Sukuna, seeing Uraume standing infront of him, her aura navy with worry and then white with shock.

Uraume choked upon hearing Sukuna's name leave (Y/n)'s lips, her eyes wide and nervously darting over to Sukuna to see whether he'd lash out. But he did not. In fact, he seemed content, leaning back on his throne.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise that you were busy..." (Y/n) mumbled, having guessed that Uruame's worried aura only meant that something must be wrong.

"Not for long." Sukuna replied before motioning over to the side of his throne where (Y/n)'s paintimg supplies still littered the floor, "Sit and wait." (Y/n) lightly bit her lip, trying to fight the urgency in her chest. But she nodded anyway, softly smiling as Sukuna as she made her way to sit beside him on the floor.
"Okay." The girl mumbled as she sat down, cross-legged.

"M-My Lord..." Uraume stammered, not at all knowing how to react after hearing what she'd just heard from (Y/n).
"Continue." Sukuna replied, unbothered, making Uraume pause before forcing herself to nod, attempting to shake it off.
"My Lord, the curse users are getting anxious without Hiyate. Without a leader, they're becoming restless." Uraume told Sukuna, making (Y/n)'s brows furrow.

"What happened to Hiyate?" (Y/n) suddenly asked curiously, unable to ignore it, making Sukuna turn to face her with a raised brow.
"Didn't I tell you to sit and wait your turn?" Sukuna asked her, making her grin playfully.
"You didn't say I had to sit and wait quietly." (Y/n) giggled cheekily, making Sukuna huff with amusement, her audaciousness taking him by surprise everytime- amusing him everytime. Sukuna chuckled before shaking his head with entertainment.

"Okay, well. Since you're that curious... he's dead." Sukuna admitted with a smirk, cocking his head to the side as he assessed (Y/n)'s reaction. The first thing that he noticed was the fact that her smile dropped, pausing.
"Oh...I see." (Y/n) whispered, her gaze dropping to the floor. Well, that certainly wasn't the answer she was expecting. Now it was Sukuna's turn to pause. Was she mourning for him? Did this man actually mean something to her? Should he...not have killed him?

"Will you grieve for him?" Sukuna asked, his grin fading.
"I didn't know him well enough to grieve for him. But...I guess I am sorry that he is dead. I wouldn't be here today if he hadn't decided to let me and my mother walk free from captivity." (Y/n) admitted softly, making Sukuna pause, an odd feeling in his chest. Was he actually...regretting his desicion to kill Hiyate now? Surely not.

"I'm sorry, Sukuna. I'll keep quiet now." (Y/n) mumbled, realising she'd disturbed their important conversation. What she didn't realise was how shocked Uraume was, hearing (Y/n) say his name so fearlessly yet again- not getting reprimanded for it in the slightest. Sukuna bit the inside of his cheek as he turned back to Uraume, now wanting to wrap the conversation up as soon as possible.

"Have the curse users assigned a new leader?" Sukuna then asked.
"N-no. They were hoping you'd do that for them and if they were to vote amongst themselves, it would cause a fight to break out." The white haired lady replied, making Sukuna hum, agreeing.
"I guess that would be the best thing to do." Sukuna nodded, "I'll see to it tomorrow. Uraume, you're dismissed. Remind me about this tomorrow morning."

"Yes, my Lord." Uraume said with a nod before turning on her heel and walking through the doors and door the corridor. Sukuna then turned to face (Y/n).
"Now what is it you came to tell me so enthusiastically?" The man asked, making (Y/n) perk up.
"The painters market!" (Y/n) then replied quickly, remembering why she came here to Sukuna, "Today is the opening- I heard about it from the staff."

"And? What of it?" Sukuna asked boredly, not seeing her point.
"And I'd like your permission to go." (Y/n) replied with a forced smile, biting through the guilt clawing at her chest. She had to force it down, or he'd know that she was lying to him.
"There are people whos literal jobs are to go to the market for me. Just give the job to them." Sukuna replied dismissively, making (Y/n) frown.

"But that's no fun. It defeats the purpose of shopping." (Y/n) objected with a pout.
"And what is the purpose of shopping. Pray do tell." Sukuna replied sarcastically, making (Y/n) huff at his childishness.
"To have fun." She replied incredulously. Sukuna scoffed before grunting boredly.
"Have you been to a market before, Sukuna?" (Y/n) then asked, moving to sit on her knees, facing him.

Sukuna looked at the girl on her knees and gulped, the image engraving itself into his mind, making him gulp loudly and look away from her. Sukuna forced himself to look at the wall, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Yes, and then I burned it down when a child bumped into me." Sukuna replied, making (Y/n) purse her lips.
"Well, then I guess it would be best that you don't join me." (Y/n) joked. Sukuna scoffed in response at her sheer audacity.

"Who said anything about joining you?" Sukuna asked incredulously.
"Nobody. But I'm sure if I asked you to join me, you'd probably say yes." (Y/n) replied cheekily, making the king of curses brows raise.
"What a bold assumption." Sukuna replied, making (Y/n) giggle. It was then then something crossed upon her mind again, remind her and making her realise her urgency.

"So, will you let me?" (Y/n) then asked eagerly, her tone quick and rushed. Sukuna took a moment to glare at the girl before bedrudgingly agreeing.
"Fine." The man grunted, making (Y/n) smile gratefully. "But if you do not return by sunset this time, then I will personally make sure if your punishment and insure it effects everyone among your seven mile radius."

"Yes, Sukuna." (Y/n) replied.
"Well, off you go. Time is ticking." Sukuna told her, making her nod.
"Maybe if you're lucky, I'll find something that suits your taste!" The girl grinned, giggling at the way he scoffed in reply before running down the hall- running away from him as the guilt began calling at her chest.

Oh, how she hated lying.

(A.N ~ Why ever could she be lying?)

Chapter 50 Quote Teaser :

"Then if you don't have a problem, Uraume, then you can brainstorm with me on why the brat would feel guilty."

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