Curious ~ Ch15

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3rd Point Of View

"Uraume." Sukuna called out from where he sat at his throne. Uraume had just entered the room, this being the first time he'd seen her this morning.
"Yes, my lord." She replied immediately as she biwee her head to Sukuna either respect as she approached him.
"That (L/n) girl and her is it that they came to know how to read Chinese?" Sukuna suddenly asked, this particular question having haunted him for a while. It was odd because when (Y/n)'s mother was in service to him, he honestly could have cared less.

"It is not a skill that many Japanese people posses. To know Chinese, that would either mean that they themselves are Chinese or that they have spent quite some time in China, would it not?" Sukuna mumbled, now just talking to himself about his own theories. Uraume sighed, realising that it was too late for (Y/n) to undraw attention to herself if the thought of her was already haunting the Lord at the brink of the morning.

"(Y/n) and her mother indeed spent quite some time in China, my Lord." Uraume confirmed, making Sukuna's eyes squint at her with curiousity.
"Why?" He asked her, making Uraume pause, unsure how to word her answer.
"It...was not willingly, my Lord." Uraume muttered softly, making Sukuna pause as realisation caught up to him.
"Ah, I see. They were taken as slaves- whores most likely." Sukuna realised.

"...I-Indeed, my Lord." Uraume confirmed, not being able to help but to stutter.
"Well, that explains the scars on her back then..." Sukuna mused, the image of the girl's shoulders gracing his mind from when he caught her changing back into her kimono after her punishment. At first, he assumed that maybe it was her mother that gave those to her. But the brat cared too much about her mother for that to be the case. His next guess was a former employer. It would have taken him a while to guess that it was a former-master.

"Did you find out the girl's fears?" Sukuna then asked with a raised brow.
"I did, my Lord. I've written them all down." Uraume confirmed, pulling out a scroll from the sleeve of her kimono. Sukuna outstretched his hands.
"Hand it over." Sukuna demanded, watching as Uraume scurried over to his throne and used both her hands to pass forward the scroll of (Y/n)'s fears.

Sukuna hummed to himself in thought as he skimmed through every point on the list. Every fear seemed stupid- childish even. Spiders and mice? Was she trying to make him laugh? The sounds of thunder and exorsised cursed was something he'd already guess by everytime she flinched when she heard it. But the last fear? Confined rooms, tight spaces and closed doors? That was new information.

"Closed doors and confined rooms?" Sukuna chuckled, "I'm guessing those ones became a problem after being smuggled back to Japan." Sukuna then closed the scroll and tied it shut before throwing it back at Uruame.
"Add whips to that list- and any weapon really that could be used for flogging." Sukuna told Uraume, making her brows furrow in confusion.

"Her scars seem to be lacerations from whipping or flogging." Sukuna explained to the white haired lady, making her nod slowly. She couldn't help but be so confused as to why her lord was going through so much trouble for (Y/n). To her, it almost looked like he had the tiniest bit of a soft spot for her, but to suggest that out loud would surely be her demise.

"Yes, my Lord." Uraume replied.
"And have it so that no rooms are closed shut while she is in it. I'd rather her not have a panic attack and force me to feel it too." Sukuna added casually, making Uraume nod, committing his orders to her memory like an engraving. Uraume then bowed her head at the lord before turning around with the intention to leave.

"Speak your mind, Uraume." Sukuna suddenly called out, "We've known eachother long enough for me to know that you do not wish to leave quietly." Uruame then turned to face her lord, her eyes down on her feet as she sighed.
"My Lord...does her cursed technique really effect you in such seriousness that you would take all this precaution for one mere servant girl?" Uraume asked him, making him hum in understanding at her bafflement.

"You know enough about the (L/n)'s cursed technique, don't you Uraume?" Sukuna suddenly asked, his fingers drumming softly against the arm of his throne. "You know that each (L/n) has their own radius where in which their aura can effect. The average is four miles, which made them a problem even for the emperor." Uruame's brows furrowed as she listened to Sukuna speak.

"(Y/n)'s radius is just over seven miles, almost double the average of her clan. And when a (L/n) feels an emotion like fear, the feeling quadruples so that everyone in their personal radius would feel four times their fear." Sukuna explained, "It usually only effects humans with low cursed energy or weak curse users and sorcerers. But when this brat feels fear, it nestles so deep into my throat that I'd feel safer decapitating my own head"

Uraume froze at his confession. Lord Sukuna was no longer joking around or being sarcastic, this was his truth. And that was terrifying to Uruame.
"Then, my Lord...why do you not just kill her? Or refuse her service- send her away? Why do you continue to indulge your curiosity?" Uruame asked. That was when Sukuna grinned, his eyes glittering with amusement as he said,

"Because, Uraume, it has been a very long time since I've been curious."

(A.N ~ Vote & Comment!)

Chapter 16 Quote Teaser :

"We're going to play a little game, you and I."

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