Stupid ~ Ch3

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Author-San whispers : This was a double update so go back to chapter two if you didn't get the notification!

3rd Point Of View

Sukuna spent around twenty minutes looking for Uraume after having that add encounter with the servant girl. Earlier, be thought she could have been a relative of another servant. But then he realised she was wearing a black kimono which meant that she herself was his servant. And for a servant of his to act in such a way towards him was absolutely unacceptable. He would have Uraume punish this girl as soon as possible. That is if he could actually find the damned woman.

After twenty minutes he gave up on looking for Uraume, deciding that she'd find him eventually. He just had to sit on his frustration until then. He wish he could have killed the girl there and then for her disrespect. But no, he just had to make a damned pact with Uraume where in which he was no longer allowed to kill servants. Instead, they were to be punished if they done something out of his liking.

Apparently Sukuna kept killing every worker to the point that Uraume had to hire a whole new set of staff all at once from four villages over because he'd killed all the good workers that were closer to the temple. He regretted that damned pact now. He should have bargained for at least one kill that was justified. And this audacious servant was completely justified. He'd make sure her punishment was painful that's for sure.

It was around 10pm when Sukuna decided to go to the scroll room to read about new jujustu. There were a few thing he was not please about upon arrival. One, the fact that there was a mess of tools beside the door. And two, the fact there was no light inside- though the second one didn't bother Sukuna too badly considering that it could be corrected by a snap of his fingers. But this mess however? Sukuna would tell Uraume to punish whoever the hell was his translator. So many damned disrespectful people today.

Sukuna spend two hours peacefully reading, learning about new jujustu one after the other. It didn't take him too long to zone out of the world around him, his need to collect power overtaking him. His mood got better as time went on, forgetting slowly about that insolent servant girl who knew no manners. That was until that same brat came bursting into the scroll room during his reading time.

"Lord Sukuna, are you in here?" The girl asked softly as she entered the room, leaving the door open behind her. Sukuna angrily bit the inside of his cheek, looking up from his scroll to stare at the girl who connected eyes with him.
"There you are. I have repaired your scarf for you." The girl told the man, pulling out his scarf from her bag with a gentle grip.

"You." Sukuna seethed, glowering at the girl. He didn't even think she noticed.
"And who has given you the impression that I allow just anyone to call me by my name? And that isn't the first rule you've broken today." Sukuna scowled. Another one being that she entered this room when only the translator and himself were allowed inside. And again another rule broken when she decided it would be a good idea to come into a room while he was inside it. Disgraceful.

"Who gave you your training, woman? I may have to pay someone to kill them." Sukuna mused with an unimpressed hum, sighing as he dropped his scroll down onto the table beside him.
"Uraume trained me, my Lord." The girl replied with a small bow. Sukuna paused at the information.
"Uraume trained you?" He repeated with a hint of suprise.

"Yes, my Lord." (Y/n) confirmed. Sukuna sighed with disappointment.
"Well I can't kill her, can I? She's quite useful." Sukuna muttered to himself with annoyance, clicking his tongue.
"If it truly is Uraume who trained you, then why are your manners towards me so damned atrocious?" Sukuna then asked the girl with a glare. Uraume must be slacking.

"I apologise, my Lord." (Y/n) replied, her face stoic as she spoke. How dare she not even look scared? Come to think of it, even earlier she did not have a single emotion etched across her face- not even as ran off with his scarf. Odd.
"I ought to kill you. But unfortunately, that's been made impossible so long as you remain in service to me." Sukuna grumbled the last part, annoyance taking over him. It's not like he could even fire her either. He needed Uraume's approval before firing the help, because she knew he only tried to fire people so that he could go around the pact to kill them.

"I apologise for disappointing you, my Lord." The girl replied with another bow, making him scowl once again.
"Get out of my sight, woman. Expect to be punished the moment I find that wench Uruame." Sukuna hissed, waving off the girl with the flick of his wrist, picking back up his scroll.
"Right away, my Lord." She replied, his promise of punishment falling upon deaf ears, too focused on memorising every detail about his face as she placed his scarf on the table beside him.

After dismissing her, the girl went back to the little station she'd made herself earlier in the corridor. She was happy to see that nothing had been knocked over or moved. Sitting down back in that same spot, she continued her translations, trying not to let her mind drift and remember the fact that Lord Sukuna was still in that scroll room, merely a few metres away from her.

She wished she could smile. This would definitely be a moment that she'd smile. Grin maybe. (Y/n) always kept a mental note of all the moments she'd smile if she could. Sukuna was exactly how her mother described him. His power and presence was everything and more. Lord Sukuna truly was the most incredible sorcerer. (Y/n) wished she could see him in action one day, to watch him fight would be a dream come true. Her mother told him fire was his element and now (Y/n) wondered if his flames were the same colour as his eyes.

It wasn't long before (Y/n) realised she was too excited to continue focusing on work. So instead she pulled out her own personal scroll from her bag and open it up to fresh blank paper. She began drawing what she could remember of Lord Sukuna's eyes and drew how it would look with his flames glistening within the reflection of his darkened orbs.

Not long later, (Y/n) heard Sukuna sigh loudly from within the room.
"I've lost my will to read now... damned brat." Sukuna hissed to himself. (Y/n) heard as he stood to his feet, dusting himself off as he stood up. (Y/n) waited with growing anticipation until he walked out of the scroll room, his scarf in hand as he stopped outside the door, noticing her, drawing on the floor.

"You again? You're still here?" Sukuna growled, turning to face her with frustration. Oh, how he was itching to kill her. It was killing him on the inside.
"Do you need something from me, my Lord?" She then asked him, standing up to her feet as she looked up at him with eyes full of emotion and yet nothing across the rest of her features.
"You must be really brave or really stupid to still be looking me in the eyes." Sukuna scoffed.

As if on qué, thunder struck loudly, crackling in the air around them. (Y/n) gasped, and fell back to the floor, her eyes clenched shut with her arms raised defensively. Sukuna couldn't help but laugh loudly, raising a mocking brow at the servant girl with amusement.
"You're more scared of thunder than you are of me? Then my question is answered. You're not brave at all, just incredibly stupid." Sukuna scoffed.

(Y/n) forced herself to stand to her feet shakily when she heard no more thunder strikes, nodding at the Lord's words.
"You are right, my Lord." She answered automatically, having more control over her words than her actions. Everything she said was usually rehearsed and has been since her first day in China. Sukuna cackled with disbelief as he walked away from the woman, muttering,

"Humans and their stupid fears."

(A.N ~ So many cursed technique hints that nobody will be able to appreciate yet...)

Chapter 4 Quote Teaser :

"And teach her the rules again. I think she might be stupid."

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