Order ~ Ch10

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3rd Point Of View

Sukuna marched to the scroll room with a nervous Uraume hot on his tail. He wasn't at all surprised to see that (Y/n) was back sitting on the floor infront of the scroll room. Admittedly, knowing now that she was his translator, it made more sense that she was always there. Sukuna chuckled as he got closer to her, noticing how her cuffs now seemed more obvious in his eyes now that he knew what they were for.

When (Y/n) heard loud footsteps, she looked up at the Lord.
"Good afterno-" (Y/n) cut herself off with a small gasp as Lord Sukuna grabbed her by her wrist and raised her into the air with ease. His grip around her wrist was tight and deadly, squeezing it untill she lost grip on the inking brush she had in her grasp. She was sure that her inking jar had also been knocked over as she was lifted.

As Sukuna held the girl into the air like a dirty rag, he locked his gaze on her cuffs. They had a few insignias at the bottom, the engravings of jujutsu that could cancel out other jujustu. The closer he got, the more he could feel the cursed energy radiating of the cuffs. With these on, her cursed technique would be nullified as we all her ability to use or show any signs of cursed energy. Sukuna once thought it was because she was so weak that he hadn't felt any cursed energy from her. Now he knew otherwise.

"Take off the shackles." Sukuna then ordered, letting his gaze drift towards the girl's eyes. Her features were stoic, but if he looked carefully into her eyes, he could see the tinge of fear.
"W-what?" She hesitantly muttered out, making Sukuna raise his brow.
"You heard me." He replied simply, ignoring the fact that he could feel her body trembling with fear against him.
"I don't understand...my Lord." (Y/n) muttered. Sukuna rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you do. I am your king and I demand that you take off your shackles. Now." Sukuna hissed into the girl's ear before dropping her on the floor. He then crossed his arms over his chest as he stood above her, not at all caring that she was kneeled on broken wooden splinters and spilled black ink. (Y/n) looked up at Sukuna with a gulp before looking over at Uraume who kept her eyes locked on her feet. There was nothing she could do, except follow the Lord's demands.

So, (Y/n) reached down her kimono and tugged on the necklace that hung the key to her shackles. She broke it off with one hard tug and then slowly brough the key to her shackles. Why was Sukuna demanding that she do this so suddenly? Her shackles have never posed an issue before, have they? With a hitched breath, (Y/n) pushed the key into the cuff on her left wrist and unlocked it. Then she done the same to her right.

She took a deep breath as the shackles fell, closing her eyes as she focused on feeling nothing. You're not scared. You're not scared. You're not scared. She repeated this in her head like a mantra, but no matter how many times she said it, the inkling of fear never drifted away. Opening her eyes, she took a peek at Uraume who was grimacing- clearly feeling the same fear- but only four times worse.

That was how her cursed technique worked. It forced a person within her six mile radius to feel everything that she felt- but quadrupled. If it was a paper cut, someone in her radius could lose their hand, or another could die from bloodloss. (Y/n) hated that other people had to suffer because of her. That's why she kept those shakes on.

Sukuna grinned as he looked back at Uraume, clawing at her throat as if it were closing up. She tried to swallow but could not get past the growing lump. Sukuna began chuckling. Fear was like a disease wasn't it? How sad.
"Oh my, is that fear? It suits you. Now let us see if pain also suits you." Sukuna grinned as he kneeled down to the girl's height, close to grabbing her.

But before he could, Sukuna found himself pausing, feeling something itch at the back of his chest. It started off soft, only becoming worse- as if someone were slashing him with multiple knives. He looked down at (Y/n) with wide eyes, seeing how her eyes were now filled with tears and her lips were trembling. Was he feeling her fear? No, surely not. She couldn't effect him. He was too powerful. Sukuna gritted his teeth as he reached for her throat, forcing her in the air with him as he stood up.

He gripped around her throat harder, not caring that by now, Uraume was on the floor gasping for breaths. Sukuna dug his fingernails into her skin ruthlessly, drawing blood. (Y/n) winced with pain, his tiny hands gripping onto Sukuna's arms as she flayed around the air. Sukuna dug deeper after the first few seconds before freezing the moment he himself began to feel pain.

His neck began feeling bruised, like there was a rope wrapped around him that only got tighter and rougher against his skin. To affect Uruame was one thing, but to actually affect Sukuna was another. He'd met a few (L/n)'s in the past but none of their auras have ever been able to reach him. He was too powerful.

Sukuna stared down at (Y/n) with furrowed brows. He wanted to feel offended. He wanted to kill her. But to have a (L/n) this powerful in his possession? That was certainly something he'd have use for.
"Incredible..." Sukuna muttered to himself before dropping the girl on the floor again.

He watched her gasp on the floor for a little while, staring down at her as if she were some sort of new invention. After a minute or two, be felt her cursed energy rise and for a moment he thought that she was stupid enough to attack him. But instead she used a reversed cursed technique and began healing her wounds. That was a shock indeed.
"Are you alright, Uraume-San?" (Y/n) asked, crawling over to Uraume.

Sukuna's brows raised as he watched (Y/n) crawl to Uraume who had certainly seen better days. He'd almost forgotten Uraume was here too. Sukuna then looked down at the metal cuffs by his feet and tutted his teeth at them with disgust.
"Listen now and listen well, brat..." Sukuna began, making (Y/n) look up at him, "Stop blocking your emotions with these ridiculous cuffs. That is another order as your king- and if I find out that you're hiding anything else from me, there will be hell to pay. Do you understand me?"

(Y/n) nodded weakly in response, her eyes burning with tears. Sukuna scoffed at her insolence.
"Words." He demanded immediately, making her gulp.
"Yes, my Lord." She whispered to him. Sukuna then looked down at Uraume who was still choking.
"Uraume, get back to your duties once you've pulled yourself together." The man demanded before walking away, not leaving another chance for either of them to say another word.

By the time (Y/n) spared another look towards at her cuffs again, she realised that there was nothing left of them but ash.

(A.N ~ vote & comment!)

Chapter 11 Quote Teaser :

"My mother and I translate forbidden jujustu for you on a daily basis...does it suprise you that we may retain what we read?"

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