Breakfast ~ Ch32

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

After waking up, I found Uraume waiting outside the north wing, standing in her usual formal postured position, her back straightened and her arms clasped together infront of her. She informed me that the Lord had summoned me, which I found odd because he'd never summoned me first thing in the morning before.

It was nerve-wracking, walking to the throne room with Uraume in lead. All I could wonder is if I'd done something wrong, if I was getting punished again. Uruame then knocked on the doors to the throne room, a firm knock.
"Enter." Lord Sukuna demanded, his voice clear even through the closed doors. Uraume then opened the doors to the throne room wide and motioned for me to enter.

Uraume did not close the doors behind us as we entered, leaving them wide open as I walked towards Sukuna's throne. I stood before the throne nervously, my head bowed down.
"Raise your head, little brat. I'm not going to bite." Sukuna scoffed, making me follow his orders and look up at him. I then saw the colour of his aura and began relaxing, seeing no hint of anger. Then that meant I didn't do anything wrong. What a relief.

"Good morning, my Lord." I then told him, a content smile now returning to my face when the fear of possibly having upset the Lord disappeared. "Is there something that you need?"
"Yes, I'm hungry." Sukuna replied casually, making me pause. Did Lord Sukuna just tell me that...he was hungry?
"P-Pardon?" I stuttered with confusion.

"Well, just in case you've forgotten, you've handicapped all my staff...that includes my cook." Sukuna informed me pointedly, raising his brow. My lips parted in suprise, having not realised that I'd caused so many concequences.
"From the berry picking..." I whispered in realisation, making Sukuna hum in agreement.

"Exactly." Sukuna hummed out, leaving his head down on his fist as he stared down at me, amusement in his eyes.
"I do not eat meals very often, but today I'm rather peckish you see." Sukuna mused, "Currently, other than Uraume, you are the only staff on duty. So, it's up to you to make me breakfast." I gulped at his words, realising that I'd be cooking for the king of curses.

"When you're done gawking, Uruame will escort you to my private kitchens." Sukuna grinned, making me close my mouth immediately, not having realised that my jaw had dropped open.
"Are you going to complain?" Sukuna then asked me with a raised brow, when I stopped replying, making me snap out of my suprise and shake my head quickly.

"N-no, my Lord! It would be an honour to cook you breakfast." I told him quickly.
"Good. Then off you go." He told me playfully, shooing me away with an entertained smirk. I bowed my head slightly as I turned around and walked towards the doors, Uraume already a few steps infromt of me. She led me towards the south wing in silence, leading me to a room I hadn't entered before.

It was a kitchen, but three times bigger than the one I'd go to to make my own food, which usually was a loaf of bread or some fruit. I didn't often make myself any warm meals, it took too long and I'd rather use that time translating scrolls for the Lord or painting.
"You may use any ingredient you'd like in this room to make Lord Sukuna breakfast." Uruame then told me as we entered.

I twirled on the spot in awe, looking around at the dried meat hanging at the corner of the room as well as the fresh meat kept on ice. Ice was a rarity and I was almost suprised Lord Sukuna possessed it during the summer. Thousands of fruits laid in bowls on one side of the room, vegatables and herbs in baskets beside them. Kitchen utensils were on the tables, everything I could possibly ever need to make anything at all.

"This is... incredible." I whispered. I wondered what I'd make, or what the Lord would enjoy. I then wondered if there were food items that he did not like to eat. If so, I probably shouldn't use those ingredients or I'd lose his trust.
"Is there anything that the Lord would definitely not enjoy?" I then asked Uraume, looking towards her eagerly. I was suddenly extremely excited to cook. It's been a while.

"The Lord is not a fan of sweet dishes." Uruame then told me stoically, making me nod and take a mental note of that.
"Alright. I'll avoid such dishes then." I nodded determinedly, with a smile. This was going to be so much fun.
"When you are done, you are to take it straight to him. He will be in the main hall of the North Wing." Uruame told me as she walked towards the exit. My eyes went wide.

"North wing?" I echoed. I was to enter the North wing alone? Without Uruame as my guide, to make sure I didn't get distracted. I was like a kitten, I could get distracted by the smallest of things.
"Did you expect him to eat meals in the throne room?" Uruame asked with a raised brow, making me shake my head.
"I suppose not." I replied with embarrassment.

Then without another word, Uruame left me alone in this giant kitchen. She didn't give me a time limit on how long I would be given to make him this dish. So I started thinking on a dish that wouldn't take any longer than half an hour. I pursed my lips as I looked around, trying to think of every possible thing that I knew how to make and which of them would be Lord Sukuna's standards. And then I thought of it.

I would make Lord Sukuna some steamed dumplings.

(A.N ~ aka Dim Sum which is a traditional Chinese breakfast mean pared with tea.)

Chapter 33 Quote Teaser :

"I guess it would only be fair that I reward you for cooking me this meal, no?"

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