Audacity ~ Ch2

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3rd Point Of View

(Y/n) adjusted the cuffs around her wrist for what felt like the hundredth time, gently putting down her inking brush so that she could twist the cuffs in a way that would let it dig less into ger skin. She's been wearing them for the past three years and they have never been more annoying than in this exact moment as she tried to mimic her mother's handwriting. (Y/n) wasn't sure how her mother was able to translate scrolls for Lord Sukuna so flawlessly with her set of cuffs on.

(Y/n) looked through dozens of her mother's scrolls and there was never once a single mistake- not a blotch of ink too heavy or somewhere it wasn't supposed to be. Everything was without imperfection. So, she took her time with her scrolls, wanting her work to be just as perfect. The moment her cuffs were sorted out, (Y/n) picked up her inking brush and attempted to get back to work. But just before it hit the scroll, the lantern above her began flickering.

(Y/n) put the brush back down, now looking up at the lantern, watching the flame on the candle slowly fizzle out into nothing. It left her in almost complete darkness, the light from the corridor peeking in every so slightly that gave her only a slight idea as to where all her tools were. She stood up from her seat and walked over to the lantern, attempting to reach up and grab the handle, but it was too high. If she grabbed it by the bottom, her hands would surely be burnt and that would effect her writing for Lord Sukuna.

The girl pursed her lips and she pondered through her options, wondering if she should ask Uraume for help. But this seemed to menial a task for to bother her. So, she settled on moving her tools out into the corridor where there were multiple lit lanterns. (Y/n) didn't actually need a table or chair. The floor would do just fine. With that settled, she picked up her ink jar, inking brushes, the empty scrolls and all the Chinese scrolls.

She carried them all out into the halls and laid them across the floor, keeping it closer to the wall incase anybody decided they wanted to walk past. (Y/n) sat down beside her tools, placing the empty scroll on the floor and the Chinese scroll beside it with her ink jar.
"Much better." The girl whispered to herself contently, feeling much more comfortable here than in that chair in the room. She kind of hated the fact that she felt more comfortable here on the floor than in the space her mother worked.

(Y/n) shook the thoughts out her head before guilt could consume her, focusing her attention back to her half-finished scroll. She picked up her brush and began writing Kanji symbols once again. It was ironic how similar Japanese Kanji was to Chinese Hanji, considerimg the fact that Kanji was taken from China. And yet some meanings were changed- grammar and sentence order too. So a Japanese person has great difficulty reading Chinese and vice versa which made her and her mother very useful.

The girl continued her translations until she heard a set of footsteps come down the hall. She looked up immediately, hoping it would be Uraume so that she could mention the lantern that was too high to bring down. But instead of seeing Uraume, (Y/n) saw someone who she had not expected to run into yet. Her heart stopped, everything going in slow motion as she watched him walk casually down the hall. It's him. Ryomen Sukuna.

This was the man she's been waiting to meet for the past three years. The man her mother told her so many stories about, as well as every memory she had of serving him before her sudden death. So many stories that made it feel like (Y/n) already knew him. The Lord walked with confidence. Power. She doubted he even noticed her, sitting down on the black marble floor with her black kimono.

(Y/n) stared up at him with awe, dropping my brush onto it's plate so that she wouldn't mess up her work while gawking at the Lord. His red eyes were as crimson as she imagined them to be, his four arms as muscular. It showed how powerful he was not to be tainted by a single scar. (Y/n) watched as he walked right past her, her head turning with him as he walked. It was then that Sukuna stopped walking, because why on earth could he feel a set of eyes on him?

(Y/n) then realised that she wasn't actually allowed to look up at the Lord. It was one of the rules. So just as Sukuna turned his head to look at the girl on the floor, she quickly looked down at her lap with a gulp. Sukuna took a moment to stare at her, and boring his gaze into her skin to see if she'd dare look up. But she did not. Maybe he was imagining it. He then scoffed loudly before turning around and continuing to walk down the hall.

Once (Y/n) heard his footsteps continue, she looked back up at him, eager to lay her eyes upon him just for a few seconds more. The girl's eyes stared at him with admiration, narrowing in on his eyes detail. It was then that she noticed his scarf. It was thin, wrapped around his neck twice. But there was a rip at the back, hiding behind the nape of his neck. (Y/n) gasped, pushing herself up to her feet.

"Wait!" (Y/n) called out to him, making him pause in his steps once again. He turned around slowly, unsure if he'd heard that correctly, disbelief in his eyes.
"Did you just...command me?" He asked the servant girl lowly, turning around to face her with a raised brow. He was completely taken back as she rushed toward him, bowing once she was directly infront of him. Sukuna stared down at her as if she were insane- because she must be.
"Your scarf. It's torn." She then pointed out, motioning towards the fabric.

Sukuna's brows furrowed at her words, his eyes narrowing as he glared down into her own orbs. He didn't say a single word as he slipped off his scarf, gathering it into his hands to inspect if what she'd just said was true. And it only took him a second to find out that it was. And if she knew that, and then that meant she'd broken a rule. The man looked down at her, with a hard stare.
"And how would you have seen that when your eyes supposed to be fixed on the floor when I walk by you, woman?" Sukuna asked her, his voice low and demanding.

"Let me repair it for you! My knitting skills aren't anywhere near as perfect as my mother's was but I'm sure I could get the task done!" (Y/n) asked him, ignoring his question, hope in her eyes as she stared into his red ones. Sukuna scoffed again, looking around the hallway. Was this a joke? Is anyone else here to witness this girl's audacity?
"Again with the commands, woman? Are you even listening to me?" Sukuna asked with shock.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked her. That had to be the only explanation for her behaviour. Maybe she was someone's daughter or sister at this temple with no clue how the infamous Lord Ryomen Sukuna looked like. She'd be horrified once she found out. He'd have to punish her and her sister for the mistake, of course. Sukuna did not noticing how the girl was looking down at his hand, the scarf still clutched between his fingers as he spoke to her. So before he could react, (Y/n) pulled the scarf out from his grasp and brought it to her chest.

"It'll only take a few hours! I'll have it returned as soon as I can!" She promised, quickly rushing down the hallway in the opposite direction before Sukuna could react to what just happened. Did she just take his scarf? Without his permission? Whilst ignoring everything he'd said to her? While looking him in the eyes the entire time? Sukuna spent two more minutes in that corridor, bewildered by the audacity of that girl.

Because what the hell just happened?

(A.N ~ I hope you liked it!)

Chapter 3 Quote Teaser :

"You must either be really brave or really stupid to still be looking me in the eyes."

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