Self-proclaimed ~ Ch77

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"How many jars of ink have we bought so far?" I asked the two men behind me, turning back to them with curious eyes.
"Nine, my lady." One replied as he shifted through the basket he was holding. I nodded slowly in thought, my eyes flickering to the market stall that we were stood infront of. On the table there were different shades of pink and red, my eye focused on a certain shade of pink that stirred something within me.

"Surely one more couldn't hurt, right? We'll make it an even ten." I mumbled as I lifted the jar that caught my eye. Sukuna's curse users did not reply to my words, knowing that they did not have a choice win the matter anyway. I offered the seller a few silver coins for the ink before placing the jar along the rest of them in the basket. We'd been in the painters market for little under an hour and already both curse users that have been asked to chaperone me were carrying two full baskets each.

When I was sure that the jar was secure I turned on my heel and continued to lead us down the path. We were now approaching the section of the market that sold paintings- the section I was most excited for. I loved admiring the work of others. It allowed me to think about all the hidden talent out there in the world from people who we'd probably never meet.

"Do you paint, my lady?" One of the curse users asked curiously, only to get elbowed by his partner. I had a sneaking suspicion that Sukuna had warned them both to not talk to me, which would explain the stoic tone that they'd been giving me for the past hour. I assumed that for this specifc curse user, he'd finally given up on not conversing with me. He had a right to be curious after all, considering he was holding all my purchases.

"I do. It's one of my favourite hobbies." I smiled, pride taking over my voice. My mother was actually a good painter once too, but she left the hobby after we'd been captured and taken to China. Upon our arrival back to Japan, her main focus was keeping us safe, hidden and supported with enough money.
"A painter?" A voice suddenly my spoke from my side, making me turn to face a stall that was lined with feathers and expensive quills, "Then you should buy this quill! It's made with the finest feathers in Japan! It's sturdiness is best for painting and will last you weeks!"

"I guess I could use another quill also." I mumbled with thought, my eyes flickering to one of the baskets. I'd already bought over a dozen quills. Since they do not last long due to the scratching against the rough paper of scolls, I knew I had to get multiple for my translations and painting.
"Wonderful!" The stall owner said with a smile as he wrapped up the quill. I placed a golden coin on the table as he passed over the wrapped quill which I was quick to put with the others. Sukuna would not be pleased with how much supplies I'd be bringing back to the temple.

After bidding farewell to the vendor, I turned to the eldest of the curse users.
"How long until sunset, Watari?" I asked him, my eyes flickering to the sky that still seemed so blue. Sunset was nowhere near, but I knew I had to stay conscious of the time- I couldn't afford to upset Sukuna again by coming back late when he specifically asked me to return before sunset.

"I'd guess around two hours, my lady." Watari answered, his eyes flickering up to the sky. I nodded I'm response.
"Okay, then we shouldn't waste any time. We'll go through this last section and then head home. We wouldn't want Sukuna to get mad." I told them, making them nod in agreement. I then began walking down the market street, my eyes flickering over the stalls that gradually started turning from supplies to physical painting stalls.

I saw paintings of dozens of different styles, some stylised and some traditional. They were all so unique but none of them had caught my eye to the point that I knew I needed to buy it. At least, that was untill I saw a certain painting that was on the floor, positioned facing upwards and in line with three other painting of a similar style. The painting that had caught me eye was of two people drinking sake together, clinking drinks.

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