Missed ~ Ch62

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3rd Point Of View

It took Sukuna almost half an hour to get (Y/n) into bed. Half an hour of coaxing her to follow him to the east wing- half an hour of telling her that he'd punish her if she didn't get into bed. She was somehow more disobedient drunk than she was when she was sober which was a shocking sight for Sukuna because he never knew somebody could disobey him so much within the same five minutes.

"Don't leave me, Kuna!" (Y/n) whined loudly from within her futon bed, cutely pouting at Sukuna when he'd stepped away from her with a loud, tired sigh.
"What else would I do?" He asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Stay with me." She frowned, watching as he clenched his eyes tightly with annoyance, "Or don't. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." She then added quietly.

"Are you trying to guilt trip me into staying?" Sukuna asked incredulously, making (Y/n) burst out in a fit of giggles, unable to keep up the act anymore.
"Maybe." She replied in a sing-song tone. Sukuna stared at her momentarily before sighing for the hundredth time- knowing that he was giving in when his legs began walking on their own back towards (Y/n)'s bed.

"You're staying?" (Y/n) asked with a hopeful tone.
"It seems so." The king of curses told her as he leaned on the wall beside her bed, staring down at her with his arms crossed over his chest. (Y/n) smiled as she opened her mouth to express her gratitude but stopped herself, simply deciding to just look up at Sukuna with a soft smile. Sukuna sighed again, pinching the bridhe of his nose.

"What?" The king of curses asked with raised brows.
"What what?" She replied baffledly, making Sukuna internally swear, thinking that she was going to make him lose him damned mind.
"What's going on in that little head of yours?" Sukuna then asked her, narrowing his eyes at her as he came closer to the bed.

"You." She told him softly, smiling wuth a drunken dazed look in her eyes, "Always you... I'm always thinking 'I wonder what Sukuna is doing right now?'"
"You know what I'm doing right now- babysitting you." Sukuna replied dully with an unimpressed tone, making (Y/n) giggle. Her giggle then faded into a smile and she began staring up at Sukuna again with a look that he couldn't recognise.

"Tell me." He encouraged, seeing that she had a lot more than that on her mind. With the way she was looking at him, he knew there was more.
"It's just that... it's funny. It's funny that you have no idea how hard it's going to be now." The girl then mumbled, making Sukuna's eyes narrow on her.
"What's going to be hard?" Sukuna asked with a raised brow.

"Hiding my feelings from you." (Y/n) then mumbled, making Sukuna scoff with amusement, his low, husky chuckle forcing cold and painful goosebumps rise up on (Y/n)'s bare arms.
"You do realise that you've already confessed to me, Little (L/n)?" Sukuna chuckled with amusement, ripping a loud gasp from (Y/n)'s lips.
"Really?!" She whisper-yelled, "But that's going to make things even harder!"

Sukuna shook his head with amusement.
"Then your solution is simple, Little one- just don't hide your feelings." Sukuna told her with a smirk, making her lips part with awe is if his suggestion were the boldest one she'd ever heard.
"But if I show you, you might start to resent me." (Y/n) mumbled with a frown, pulling her blanket up to her chin to bask in the comfort of its warmth.

"I thoroughly doubt that." Sukuna then replied to her, amusement etched on his face.
"You promise?" (Y/n) asked softly, her doe eyes staring up at him, making Sukuna roll his eyes.
"What makes you think I will not be having the same issue?" Sukuna suddenly asked, "What makes you think that you are so special?" (Y/n) became speechless at that, unsure of what to reply.

"You said you wanted me to show you I care, correct?" Sukuna then suddenly asked her, making her nod slowly. The Sukuna then kicked off the wall and squatted beside (Y/n)'s bed. He leaned forward to gently brush the hairs away from her forehead, exposing to him. (Y/n) didn't dare move, frozen in place. Sukuna then leaned in and pressed his lips to the girl's forehead for two seconds before leaning back casually.

Sukuna then looked down at her with raised brows, his red eyes narrowing at her questioningly.
"You happy?" He asked her. The girl stared up at him with parted lips for a few moments, taking a while to process what had just happened. It was almost a few seconds later that she found the words to place in her mouth again.
"You missed." She finally said, making Sukuna chuckle loudly, shaking his head as he stood up properly.

"I'm afraid I want you sober for that one." The king of curses chuckled, making (Y/n) pout, kicking her feet in protest like an absolute child.
"But I won't even remember this one anyway!" She whined, "I don't want to forget that!" Sukuna hummed in agreement at her words, knowing she was too drunk to be able to remember any of this once she woke up.

"Too bad you will probably forget by morning- you'll go back to being furious with me and have absolutely no idea that I care." Sukuna replied teasingly, only making (Y/n) whine louder.
"That's not fair!" She protested.
"Really?" Sukuna asked with faux interest, "Well, that's a damn shame, isn't it?"

When (Y/n) realised she couldn't win, she crossed her arms over her chest. Only them she realised how tired she was. And as if he'd noticed, Sukuna spoke up.
"Go to sleep, brat." Sukuna told her when he noticed her fighting the heaviness in her eyes, watching her pout when her eyes closed.
"But I don't want to..." She said as she fell into a deep slumber.

As she slept, Sukuna watched over her with a smirk, coming up with thousands of ways to tease the girl until she was forced to confess sober too. This would be fun.

(A.N ~ How you enjoyed!)

Chapter 63 Quote Teaser :

"Why do you not just tell her the truth about who they are? The longer she does not know the longer it will take for her to forgive you."

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