Chat ~ Ch31

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Warnings : Mentions of sexual assult, mentions of rape, mentions of underage sexual assult

3rd Point Of View

The next day couldn't have come more slowly, delaying Sukuna's urgency to have an important conversation with a certain person. He had to wait until morning to summon them, as they did not live on-site and would have started a lot of trouble if he'd summoned them in the middle of the night in the exact way he wanted to. But Sukuna managed to control his impatience, instead summoning them the moment morning came.

"Ah, you're here. Wonderful." Sukuna grinned form where he sat on his throne, resting his chin in his first as he watched his strongest curse user walk through the doors cautiously and into the throne room. The curse user gulped as he stepped in, giving a nervous bow of respect as he took a few hesitant steps towards throne, Uruame closing the doors closing behind him before standing in the corner of the room.

"My there something you needed?" The man asked nervously, gulping when his throat suddenly went dry. Sukuna had never summon him so early in the morning before, not when a mission was not in progress.
"Yes. Sit down, why don't you? Let's chat." Sukuna smirked, motioning for Uraume who still stood stoically in the corner of the room to bring the man a chair.

Uraume instantly followed the silent demand, lifting a wooden stool with her bandaged hands from the corner of the room all the wall to Sukuna's throne, positioning it around two meters away from Sukuna's throne. The curse user's breath hitched as moved towards the stood, his movements slow and suspecting. He eyed Uraume once Sukuna waved her away with his hand, watching as she bowed and left the room, leaving him alone with Sukuna.

"Is there... something wrong, my king?" The curse user asked, biting down on his lip harshly as his fear began getting the best of him. The way Sukuna looked down at him with an evil grin did not help his case, a sadistic glint in his eyes.
"Not at all." Sukuna smirked, already knowing that his lack of explanation was pure torture for the curse user.
"Do you need me to repeat myself? Sit." Sukuna then demanded, more sternly this time, sending shivers down the curse user's spine.

But the didn't dare wait for Sukuna to ask again, immediately moving to sit on the stool, biting the insides of his cheeks as he stared down at the floor.
"What was your name again? Yohan? Natoro?" Sukuna sudden began guessing, his memory of names truly very terrible. It a pure miracle Sukuna remembered (Y/n)'s name at all.
"It's Hiyate, my Lord." Hiyate corrected with a gulp, making Sukuna pause.

"Oh...well, damn. I was well off, wasn't I?" Sukuna mused unbotheredly. "Well, Hiyate. I've heard from a bothersome little birdy that you're well aquainted with one of my staff members, (Y/n)." At this accusation, Hiyate's brows furrowed.
"Who?" The brunette asked the Lord with confusion, making Sukuna narrow his eyes on the man, his amusement fading.
"The girl who took your cock into her cunt in exchange for setting her free." Sukuna snapped with a dark glare, making Hiyate's eyes widen with realisation, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"O-oh, yes- um, I see...yes, I remember her. W-we were briefly aquainted, yes." Hiyate stuttered in embarrassment, avoiding all eye-contact as he scratched the back of his ear uncomfortably.
"Well, good because I've got a few questions I'd like you to answer about her." Sukuna told the man simply.
"What? B-but, my King. I honestly don't really know much about her. I only know that she was the embasador of Beijing's favourite whore." Hiyate told the man.

"And?" Sukuna proded, leaning forward.
"Well, I think he liked her because he walls were crazy tight- a-and I agree! H-honestly, I think she was the best cunt I've ever trie-" Sukuna cut him off with a sneer, snallingbhis fingers and enveloping the man very briefly in fire. Hiyate screamed and the best burned into his skin, leaving him red and blistered when Sukuna deactivated the technique a few seconds later.

"Oh. fingers slipped." Sukuna told the man dryly, talking through clenched teeth. Hiyate hissed at the pain before looking back up at the lord. "Since you don't have any useful information about the brat- let me rephrase the question. I would like you to tell me about the traders you saved her from."

"O-oh, well yes! I know much more on that topic!" Hiyate nodded eagerly, his arms wrapped around his body as he tried to ignore the pain. He could heal himself later. He just had to get through this odd conversation first.
"Wonderful. Tell me everything." Sukuna grinned, making Hiyate clear his throat.
"Well, the traders worked directly under Beijing's embasador. They worked with all the whores and slaves that the embasador got tired with." Hiyate explained. Got tired with? Did that mean this embassador eventually had enough of (Y/n)?

"The girls were kept in one large holding cells with the pretty ones shackled to the bars so that the guards could...rape them easily whenever they wanted." Hiyate told him nervously, "Your new staff girl was one of those that I found shackled to the bars..." Sukuna grit his teeth. They used her cunt through bars? They were that desperate for her?

"So- um, like I said before, the traders are under Yanfei's command- the embassador of Beijing. He's know to um...have a fetish for...the younger women. He usually got rid of them once they reaches the age of two decades." Hiyate stuttered hesitantly, not feeling comfortable of the way Sukuna's red eyes bore into his with anger.
"This Yanfei man...tell me more about him." Sukuna demanded.

"Well...he was known to be quite the sadist, my Lord." Hiyate told him truthfully, making Sukuna's brow rise.
"Oh?" Sukuna asked him.
"He used torches of fire to burn the thighs of the girls when he...went into them so that could scream." Hitske informed the King hesitantly.
"Fire? Did you say fire? My element?" Sukuna seethed.

"Yes, my lord." Hiyate nodded slowly. Sukuna suddenly wanted to kill someone. How dare someone use his element to commit sadist acts? That was only something Sukuna could do. And now come to think of it, (Y/n) did not mention a fear of fire in her list of fears. Did she keep that so that she would not offend Sukuna? Did she replace it with the rouse of death?

"Was fire manipulation his cursed technique?" Sukuna then asked.
"No, my Lord. It was just his hobby." The curse user confirmed. That made Sukuna feel just a bit better.
"Then what was his cursed technique?" Sukuna suddenly asked curiously.
"Lightning manipulation, my Lord." Hiyate told him, confirming Sukuna's suspicions about her fear of lightning and thunder. "As he went inside his whores, he'd electricute them. It would storm and thunder everytime he used his cursed technique."

So as his whore, (Y/n) got electricuted, burned and raped all at the same time? And while this was happening, she'd effect everyone in her six mile radius and then feel the guilt for the pain they'd feel. Either this embassador was too stupid to not realise she was a (L/n) or just loved her cunt so much that he overlooked it.

"This he alive?" Sukuna asked, Hiyate's brows furrowing.
"Uh- yes, he his...when I broke into the warehouse to steal the cursed objects, I only killed the traders, not Yanfei. As an embassador, he wouldn't be caught dead in a trader's warehouse." Hiyate told the Lord, making him nod in thought, becoming nervous the moment Sukuna went silent.
"Yousuke..." Sukuna called.
"Hiyate." The curse user corrected gently, making Sukuna glare before saying,

"Hiyate, I've got a new mission for you."

(A.N ~ slow it down make it bouncy...if you know that reference then you have officially been knighted by Bleedingrose7098)

Chapter 32 Quote Teaser :

"Well, just in case you've forgotten, you've handicapped all my staff...and that includes my cook."

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