Pain ~ Ch55

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

Sunlight coaxed me awake, nudging my eyelids until I was forced to open them. I groaned as I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling with a pout. I didn't want to wake, not when I currently felt like a Chinese lantern, swollen and hot. I clutched my stomach as I curled into a ball, my eyes flickering around the golden engraved ceiling. Was it just me...or was I closer to the ceiling than I was when I'd fallen asleep yesterday?

I sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes so I could get a better look at my surrounding. It was then that I realised that I was no longer on the floor. Instead, I was laying on Sukuna's bed. I gasped, my head quickly snapping left and right to see if Sukuna was beside me- glaring holes into the back of my head. But he was not. Sukuna was gone.

My brows knitted tightly together as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, wondering how I'd gotten into his bed- and when. Was it before or after Sukuna had left the room? Because if it was before, then surely Sukuna knew about it before he left. I inhaled deeply as I thought about it, my eyes looking around at my surroundings as if anything would give me a clue as to what happened.

My eyes flickered around Sukuna's room with awe, having not seen it too much yesterday night when most of the room was engulfed in darkness. Now I could see that most of the room was white and gold, his decor very minimalistic and his style simple. He had only what he needed, without a single painting on the wall or ornament of decoration. He was a man who liked art, so I wondered if the lack of art in his room meant that there was nothing worthy of being in his sleeping chambers.

After looking the room, my eyes locked on a vase of lilies by Sukuna's bed, sitting on his bedside drawer. My brows furrowed even tighter. They weren't a clue but it was odd. Those were not there yesterday. I ignored the nagging curiousity in my chest and began to let out my braid, brushing the now crushed flowers from my hair onto my lap before grabbing the fresh lilies and began braiding those into my hair instead. When I was done, I put the crushed flowers into the vase instead, letting them have one last moment of glory before someone grabbed them and throws them away.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps marching down the hall, making me turn my head to the open doors curiously.
"My Lord, I have the medical herbs you have asked for. Though, I don't understand why you would need such specific- (Y/n)?" Uraume cut herself off the moment she laid eyes on me, seeing me sitting on Sukuna's bed. My mouth went dry, as if I'd been caught red-handed.

Uraume held a tray in her hands as she stared at me, expensive metal cups and brewing tools laid ontop of it.
"Uraume...good morning." I whispered sheepishly as I pushed my braid over my shoulder to lay on my back.
"Ah." The lady sighed, "I understand now." Uraume then approached me with her tray, walking to the bedside table where she decided to place it down. She then used picked up the teappt and used it to pour something into a cup.

"Drink this. It's herbal tea. It should soothe your pain and inflammation." Uraume told me as she passed the cup over to me. My brows knotted together as I hesitantly took the cup from her.
"This is for me? But as you came in, you said that it was for Sukuna." I objected incredulously.
"The Lord ordered that I bring it to this room- but he did not mention that it was for him." Uraume told me, ushering the cup to my lips. "This is a herbal blend used for menstruation pains, which was why I'd found it odd that he requested it."

At that explaintion, I finally took a sip of the tea, unable to hide my smile as I swallowed. He requested this tea for me because he knew I'd still be in pain. Speaking of pain, only now I remembered that Uraume was forced to feel my pain  yesterday when Sukuna had warped her to the feilds.
"Uraume, I'm sorry for the pain you felt because of me yesterday." I told her softly guilt evident in my voice as I took another sip of my tea. It wasn't the best tasting tea in the world but if it was Sukuna that wanted me to drink it, then I'd drink it all.

"I do not hold a grudge. I understand. It was out of your control. You tried your best to avoid the situation." Uraume replied as she picked up the vase, carrying it along with the crushed roses inside. I smiled softly at her understanding, grateful for it.
"And I'm glad the Lord was able to facilitate you well." She then added, motioning towards the bed that I was sat on. My cheeks flushed red.

"I slept on the floor during the night, I promise." I giggled sheepishly, "I'm not quite sure how I made it into his bed."
"I may have a few guesses." Uraume replied, making me look up curiously. I waited for to elaborate but she did not, making me sigh with dissapointment.
"Uraume?" I suddenly asked, a question popping into my head. She looked at me waitingly.

"You...know about the fact that I lied to Sukuna...right?" I asked hesitantly, gulping. She nodded.
"I do." She confirmed stoically.
"Well, Sukuna said he'd punish me for it another day... Do you think he'll do it with all the staff onsite? I mean- that is the only real way to punish me, after make me used my technique to punish others." I whispered. Uraume hummed, seeming to understand what I was worried about.

"I think the word punishment no longer has the same meaning for you as it once did, (Y/n)." Uraume told me. My brows furrowed.
"Huh?" I whispered, "Why must everybody in this temple speak in riddles? Is it something that I too will also inherit one day the longer I stay?" Uraume chuckled at my words, finding me amusing.
"I only mean to say that I no longer think pain will be used as a punishment." Uraume said to me as turned around.
"But why?" I insisted. Right before she left the room, she stopped walking and said,

"Because evident by the tea in your hands, the Lord clearly cannot bare to see you in pain."

(A.N ~ Vote & comment! I hope you enjoyed!)

Chapter 56 Quote Teaser :

"How could I pick the strongest of you when none of you have ever proved yourselves worthy?"

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