Lonely ~ Ch44

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3rd Point Of View

Days passed so very quickly, everything feeling so very repetitive. Lately, the moment nightfall came, (Y/n) wrapped up her work for the day and packed away her newly translated scrolls before using the rest of the night to work on her painting. Just recently, she'd started a new work of art depicting the transition of a phoenixas it rised from the ashes. The story had touched her so much that the girl wanted to immortalise it with a painting.

Currently, (Y/n) was sat in her usual spot on the floor, painting the details of the phoenix now that she'd finally gotten the main outline locked and finalized. She'd been painting happily for the last hour, but now, for some reason, (Y/n) suddenly lost enthusiasm. The young girl frowned as she put down her brush, not being able to get a specific stroke right. It was beginning to bother her. With a sigh, she looked at the empty hallway on either side of me. The entire temple was quiet, suggesting that everyone had gone to bed.

Lately, everyone has been busy, including Lord Sukuna. So, (Y/n) had been on her own for most of the time. Admittedly, she was starting to feel...lonely. With pursed lips, she stood up from her position on the floor, collecting all her supplies in her arms as she stood. (Y/n) wasn't sure what her plan was, but her feet starting moving by themselves, guiding her down the hall all the way until she reached the throne room.

At first, (Y/n) wasn't sure if it was Lord Sukuna that she was subconsciously looking for. But the moment she got close enough to the throne room to hear his voice, feeling her heart skip a beat and giddiness course through her veins, she knew it was Sukuna that she was craving to see. As she approached the throne room, the girl realised that he was in the middle of a conversation. The doors were wide open, revealing the back of who she could only assume was another member of his curse users.

This man stood infront of Sukuna's throne, speaking to him on what the girl could only guess were important matters.
"How many of them are left?" Sukuna asked the man boredly, leaning his chin on his first as he sighed, clearly not having a good time. She heistantly stood by the doors, not yet drawing attention to herself- still contemplating whether this was a stupid idea or not. Should she just turn around now?

"Only four left, my Lord. It was six but fortunately two departed as the cold night air became too much for them." The curse user replied calmly. Sukuna groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Then hurry and send the next one in. My patience is running thin tonight. The boredom is killing me." Sukuna groaned with frustration and annoyance.
"Right away, my Lord." The man replied with a nod before turning on his heel and heading towards the door.

It was then that the curse user jumped back in fright when he noticed (Y/n) standing by the large doors, his brown eyes blowing out wide with surprise. (Y/n)'s mouth went dry when the two made eye-contact, as if the girl had gotten caught red-handed doing something she wasn't supposed to.
"Who are y-" The curse user cut himself off when he looked down at (Y/n)'s kimono, pausing with realisation. His eyes then flickered up to her hair and the magnolia flowers she had entwined within her braid today.

"Oh! The lord is right inside, my lady. Please, enter." The man ushered with a kind smile, moving out of the way so that (Y/n) could go past him with ease. The girl's lips parted with surprise at the odd was that he was now acting, taking a hesitant step forward.
"Thank...you?" She mumbled with confusion, walking forward slowly. Once she'd fully entered the room, the curse user took his leave, bowing at Sukuna once again before disappearing down the hall.

(Y/n) gulped as she turned her gaze to Sukuna, realising that he was noa aware of her presence. When she looked up at him, she saw that his eyes were locked on hers, narrowing on her as if he were trying to figure her out. (Y/n) then bit her lip nervously.
"I don't recall summoning you today." Sukuna mused, "You're usually occupying a hallway floor right about now."

(Y/n) giggled softly at the truth to his words, nodding in agreement.
"That's correct, my Lord." She said.
"Then why are you here?" Sukuna then asked curiously.
"I was... kind of lonely." She admitted embarassedly, letting out a small nervous chuckle to hide the pure shame in her.
"Lonely?" Sukuna echoed with a raised brow, making (Y/n) nod slowly. She shouldn't have come. He's busy. He doesn't want her here, she thought.

"Yes...I guess I was just wondering if I could just keep you company. But now I see that you're busy so I'll just-" She began to ramble quickly to hide her pure embarrassment, turning around quickly in order to flee, but Sukuna quickly cut her off.
"Hold it." Sukuna then called out demandingly, making the girl hesitantly freeze in place.
"You don't get just walk away from me. Come here, brat." Sukuna ordered pointedly.

Sukuna then waited patiently as (Y/n) turned around again before very slowly approaching him once again, her lips pressing into a thin line. (Y/n) then stood infront of him with her eyes locked on her feet, embarrassed.
"I apologise, my Lord." She mumbled, her voice quiet.
"You only plan to paint?" Sukuna suddenly asked her, his eyes falling to the painting tools in her hands. Her lips parted as she looked down at her occupied arms.

"Y-yes, my Lord." (Y/n) whispered.
"Then sit to my left and paint quietly. You won't be a distraction." Sukuna sighed, waving his wrist off to the side where he expected her to take a seat. The girl then immediately brightened up, looking at him with a giddy smile as she nodded eagerly. She then climbed the four steps to where Lord Sukuna's throne was and lowered herself onto the marble floor beside him, directly to his left.

As she set up her tools, Sukuna found himself peering over the edge of his throne, looking down at the girl as she began setting up her inking supplies and scrolla. She didn't notice how he stared, but he knew she probably did notice how he lied. If (Y/n) didn't notice, it was because she was too excited. But deep down they both knew that she most definitely would be a distraction.

But she was exactly the kind of distraction Sukuna needed to brighten up such a tedious night.

(A.N ~ Mini Q&A below. If you have anymore questions, pop a comment down below and I'll reply!)

Do you ever plan to become a professional writer?

Yes! I'm currently in the middle of writing a sci-fi/fantasy book, and have been for the last 7 months.

How long have you been writing for?

9 years give or take. Though, my grammar was utterly shit for the first 5 years, I'd say. And it wasn't until 2019 that I found my style of writing.

What's your favourite story of yours so far?

Either this book or Our Love. I love the Heian period era of Japan.

Is blood-stained discontinued?

No, just on a hiatus. I've been on a major writer block for three of my books and always end up 'curing' it by writing a new book lmao.

Do you plan on finishing our ties?

Yes, once I sort out that planning stages a bit more and lay down a full foundation for the plot.

Chapter 45 Quote Teaser :

"My daughter was killed by a curse due to a young lady's recklessness! And so I beg of you to find her and kill her!"

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