Dinner ~ Ch40

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Author-san whispers : Double update so if you didn't get the last notification then go back to chapter 39!

(Y/n)'s Point Of View

Later on that day, I used my dinner break to find the cook who was in charge of making Lord Sukuna his meals. I was told that they started work today but came back on site yesterday to clean their workspaces in preparation to start without any hiccups. Honestly, I was disappointed that I could no longer cook the Lord any more food, considering how much he seemed to like my cooking. But that was why I wanted to find his personal cook.

If I could find the man in charge of the Lord's meals, I could give him this scroll that I spent most of this morning writing down recipes in, including many Chinese dishes and a few Japanese style dishes that I'd created myself while working in the Inn at Shimutsui Village. It wouldn't be the same as making it myself for him but it would have to do.

Another reason I sought out the chef was because I wanted to ask him if he could cook the Lord meals regularly. Sukuna apparently only at once or twice every two to three days and that was in no way healthy. I wondered why but have not yet had the chance to ask him. But maybe I could see if the cook knew. Though, that was probably a long shot.

When I'd made it to Sukuna's private kitchens, I was glad to see the cook already inside. He was man who seemed to be in his forties, seeming to sort freshly picked herbs into baskets, sniffing each before deciding which basket it needed to be put in.
"Excuse me, sir..." I mumbled timidly, hesitantly walking into the kitchen with my hands tightly wrapped around the scroll of recipes.

The cook spun around rapidly, staring at me as if I were crazy.
"What the hell? Who are you, girl? This is the Lord's private kitchen! No menial staff worker can ent-" The man paused mid-scold, his eyes locking on the camellia flowers entwined with my braid that I'd done this morning. Then his eyes drifted down to my red kimono, his aura glowing apple green with realisation.

"A girl wearing a red kimono who wears flowers in her hair..." The man mumbled to himself.
"Oh! I do apologise sincerely! I didn't realise who you were! What can I do for you, my Lady?" The old man suddenly asked, his sour attitude completely changing, increasing my confusion.
"M-My lady? There's no need for titles. I'm a normal staff member just like you." I chuckled sheepishly, my hands fiddling with the scroll in my hands nervously.

"Yeah, right." The man scoffed as he put down the last of his herbs, for some reason suddenly offended by my humble admittace. "So then, what is it you need?"
"I-uh...was just wondering if you were planning to make the Lord some dinner today?" I mumbled, my brows furrowed as I tried to shake off this odd conversation to get what I'd actually come here done.

"No. He hasn't requested dinner and probably won't until tomorrow or the night after." The man told me dismissivly, making me frown. That was far away.
"Why does he eat so little?" I asked. The man shrugged carelessly in response.
"I haven't a clue. Though, it makes my job easier." The cook replied, again making me frown. It was like he didn't even care for Lord's health.

"Actually...I was wondering if you could make him some dinner tonight. I have even written a scroll of recipes and ingredients of different new meals that you could make from time to time. I think he'd really enjoy them!" I told him, my nervousness turning into enthusiasm the more I spoke about the meals. I held out the scroll the the cook with a smile, only for him to look at me as if I'd grown two heads from the palm of my hands.

"Did he request this?" The cook asked me, making me tilt my head innocently.
"Well, no but-" He cut me off before I could speak, scoffing.
"Then I'm not doing it." The man then replied incredulously, my lips parting with pure shock.
"W-What?" I asked baffledly.
"I'm not getting my head chopped off for serving him a meal that he didn't for! No offense, my lady, but are you crazy?!" He argued incredulously.

"But-" Again, the man cut me off.
"No." He replied firmly, making me frown. I didn't try to argue again, my head drooping down with disappointment. I guess I would not get to see Sukuna enjoy one of my recipes ever again then.
"Unless..." The cook suddenly said slyly, a smirk gracing his face as he thought of an idea. I looked up with a smile, glad that he'd changed his mind.

The man then looked towards the door momentarily before looking back at me mischievously.
"I guess I would be willing to put myself on the line for you, considering how important you are." He began slowly. "But you know, since there will be a lot at stake- like my life for example... I'd need something in return- something great enough for me to think this be worth the risk." He smirked, slowly coming closer to me, around the table.

I gulped, subconsciously taking a step back, my heartbeat speeding up. No, I needed to to calm it down. My fear could get people killed. I breathed through my nose as I tried to subside my fear, stumbling back against the wall as the cook came closer to me. His aura was a colour I was familiar with- maroon and dripping with lust.

The closer he got, the closer to the doors I had got, which closed behind me. I was trapped- just like I was when I was on that ship. I was trapped. I had no where to go. Everything feel so small. I was trapped. The room was closing in on me and so was this man. The air was thin. Was I even still breathing anymore?

It was then that the cook suddenly stumbled back with pure fear, his eyes wide and open, his auro ice cold. Wisps of red angry fire flung around me, dissolving into the air after curling around me, as if they were protecting me. It was then that I felt a large hand rest firmly on my head. In that same moment, I heard a familiar voice say,

"Now what the hell did I just walk into?"

(A.N ~ It's dinner because I feed you so well...get it?)

Chapter 41 Quote Teaser :

"And did Uraume not spend all morning briefing you imbeciles on her importance?"

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