Aura ~ Ch8

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3rd Point Of View

"Has everyone been evacuated?" (Y/n) asked Uraume softly as the lady walked back into the punishement room. (Y/n) was sat on the floor, nude, waiting for the go ahead. Her cuffs were still on and were the only things left that needed to be taken off. She was extremely nervous, and so she assumed that was probably the first thing that others would realise when she took off those cuffs.

"Yes. I have warped all staff to the Fijou Village which is over seven miles away." Uraume confirmed as she stood before (Y/n), she herself also nervous. She'd only heard stories about the (L/n)'s cursed technique a over a decade ago. She never expected to see the technique in real life. Cursed Aura.
"You must evacuate too, Uraume-San. You will also be affected." (Y/n) warned, her face stoic but her eyes pleading.

"I cannot. I must see this punishement through. Lord Sukuna has ordered it if me." She told the younger girl. (Y/n) understood, she couldn't deny a command straight from Sukuna himself.
"It should not affect me too much, being a sorcerer myself." Uraume assumed ignorantly, making (Y/n) shake her head.
"My best friend too once said the very same." (Y/n) replied as she took off her necklace. It was a thin silver chord with a key hanging off at the end of it.

She didn't explain to Uraume what she meant by those words, only moving to unlatch her cuffs using the key. They both clanged to the floor loudly. In that same moment, a rush of fear took over (Y/n)'s expression. Her lips trembling as she attempted to bite down in it to keep it still. Uraume gritted her teeth so hard she thought they would chip, a rush of fear washing over her like a tidal wave. It prickled her skin like needles make her want to tear off her own skin.

Uraume's face felt like someone was picking at it, inch bly inch, flesh by flesh. Her heart beat uncontrollably, blood rushing through her ear in a disgusting squelch that made her want to reach into her mouth and pull out the organ just to be rid of that fear of dying. Her sight became blurry, darkness surrounding like a vignette of unknown. (Y/n) was making her feel all this from just fear alone? It had only been a few seconds and Uraume noticed that her hands were bleeding from digging her nails so hard into her palm.

"You're feeling it, aren't you?" (Y/n) whimpered, curling herself into a ball.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" She cried, the guilt overwhelming her and then rushing towards Uraume ten times harder. Uraume now felt like someone was clawing at her insides, scratching the inside of her skin but nowhere near where it itched the most. Uraume gripped her hands together tighter, forcing herself to stay focused on the task and move past everything she was being forced to feel. If this was what she as a sorcerer could feel, then she wondered what normal humans would feel...

"G-get in the water. Quickly. All at once." Uraume forced herself to say through gritted teeth, "Once you are in, you will cry and then you will immediately climb back out and put on your cuffs. Lord Sukuna requested you burn until you cry. He did not give a specific time frame." (Y/n) nodded, tears already running down her face with fear. She hadn't felt what it was to cry in three years. If she didn't knew what was about to happen when she got into that pool, she'd be enjoying the fact that she was feeling her emotions outloud.

(Y/n) whispered a quick apology to Uraume very jumping into the sizzling hot water. She screamed upon entering, the water now definitely hot enough to boil her skin into bubbles and blisters. The crying was loud and convulsive. All she could feel was fire. Everywhere. (Y/n) skin felt like it was melting- but Uraume? Her skin was actually melting. The white haired lady screamed as her skin dripped off her muscle like water. Her pale skin creating along the floor where she began thrashing in pain.

(Y/n) could not climb out of the water. It hurt too much to even think about reaching out for the edge of the bath to pull herself out, let alone to have the energy to do so. So, she warped herself out and onto the bath floors, her burned cheek laying against the tiles. Her tears increased when she saw the state of Uraume, skinless and convulsing beside her. (Y/n) activated her cursed the energy and used a reversed technique to heal herself.

It took a few seconds but once she was done, she rushed to Uraume's side and healed her too. By the time Uraume was fully healed, (Y/n) rushed back towards her cuffs and quickly locked them onto her wrists, her facial expression turning numb the moment the lock clicked in place. The girl stared at Uraume expectantly as she waited for the lady to stand after recovering. It took a few moments for Uraume to catch her breath and stand to her feet again.

"Are you...okay now, Uraume-San?" (Y/n) asked slowly, no longer making eye-contact now that the girl was standing.
"Yes...better now that you have your cuffs on." Uraume admitted. The two stared at the floor in silence for a few minutes, unable to shake off what had just happened. It turns out, Uraume had significant underestimated (Y/n)'s jujustu.

"I' sorry." (Y/n) whispered dully. Her voice did not show any sign of regret it guilt but Uraume knew that she meant every word that she said.
"I'm sorry that happened because of me...I told you that even you were not safe." (Y/n) muttered to her. With (Y/n)'s mother, Uraume may have gotten a bit of scalding. But with (Y/n), what she felt was quadrupled.

"I didn't know you could use a reversed cursed technique. Or that you could warp... those are very high level techniques." Uraume told the girl. (Y/n) could only nod, too ashamed to speak.
"Those they also stop you from experienceing pain the same way they stop others?" Uraume then asked.
"No. I still feel everything. These cuffs only blocks my aura whilst also hiding my facial expressions." (Y/n) explained, "If they only blocked my aura then those who see my facial expressions would still be effected by my emotions."

"These cuffs ensure that I do not react against nor spread any of my emotions." (Y/n) told the white haired lady. Uraume sighed in response, brushing her fingers through her now sweaty scalp.
"(Y/n)... you need to stop angering Lord Sukuna or this will only continue to get worse for you." Uraume told her.
"I do not try to. It just happens. This is just who I am. I am reckless and I have an incredible amount of admiration for the Lord that my cuffs can not hide." (Y/n) told Uraume.

"I cannot change who I am, Ma'am." (Y/n) added, making Uraume sigh again.
"Then for your sake, I hope the Lord's little tolerance of you becomes so much more." Uraume says to (Y/n).
"Now, I must bring back all the staff before the Lord returns. You should return to your duties." The white haired lady orders, making (Y/n) nod. When she turned around and left, leaving (Y/n) alone in the punishment room, the girl laid across the tiled floor numbly.

"I'm sorry, mother. I hurt someone again...I broke my promise."

(A.N ~ :)

Chapter 9 Quote Teaser :

"What is it that you know that I do not, Uraume?"

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