Anxious ~ Ch87

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3rd Point Of View

"I have sent a few curse users to find out as much as she can about that man." Sukuna said as he walked back into the throne room, walking towards (Y/n) who had spaced out while sitting on her throne, clearly deep in thought. Sukuna had left immediately after Noritoshi to follow him but unfortunately the man had warped away before Sukuna could catch another glimpse of him.

Usually arrogant men wouldn't annoy Sukuna as much as this one did. But Sukuna couldn't help but be infuriated by the way the Kamo member felt as if he owned (Y/n)- as if she were his to begin with because he laid eyes on her before Sukuna ever could. That made him mad.
"You're worried." (Y/n) commented softly, noticing the way he now held his guard up- as if Noritoshi would return.

"He knows too many things that he should not know." Sukuna told the girl, hinting towards her paintings. If the emperor found out about her cursed paintings, she could possibly be executed. The emperor distained those who done anything but exorsise curses.
"He does." (Y/n) mumbled, "But I wouldn't worry." Sukuna's brow then raised at her words.

"And why is that?" He asked her as he climbed up the steps to the thrones.
"I'm not sure... It's odd because by the feeling I got from his aura, I could tell that he is not a good man. But my instincts told me that he would not be an issue in the present." (Y/n) explained softly, trying to explain to Sukuna the oditty of her thought process. Sukuna looked at the girl questioningly.
"Do you mean to say that you believe him to be an issue in the future then?" Sukuna asked as he stood infront of the girl.

"Possibly." The girl replied sheepishly, scratching the back of her head because she took did not understand her words. Sukuna scoffed as he moved to his throne, plopping down with a sigh.
"You make no sense, woman." The king of curses grumbled, making (Y/n) giggle.
"What I mean to say is that for now, I think we'll be fine. So stop worrying so much." The girl told him, making him exhale loudly as he leaned his head on his palm, using his fingers to run circles against his temple.

"My Lord." Uraume announced as she walked into the room, "I have closed the gates so that nobody else may enter and have also contacted the curse user who specialises in barrier jujustu so that he may block out the entry into this temple of any Kamo member." Sukuna nodded in agreement with quiet hum, pleased with Uraume's initiative.
"Wonderful. Good work, Uraume." Sukuna nodded.

"Well then, I guess now that the official ceremony is over, it is finally time to make my own offering to the queen." Sukuna then said outloud, making (Y/n)'s head snap to him with confusion.
"Your offering? What do you mean, Sukuna?" (Y/n) asked him, her eyes innocent and wide. That's when Sukuna lifted two of his fingers, becoming her to come closer.

"Come here." Sukuna demanded, pleased that (Y/n) had already stood up before he could finish his sentence. She could be obedient when she wanted to be. She slipped onto Sukuna's lap with ease, straddling him as comfortably placed his hands around her waist.
"What offering could you possibly have for me that would need me to be up here, Sukuna?" The girl asked him teasingly, tilting her head with a smirk. Sukuna chuckled as he shook his head, understanding where her mind had went to.

"It's nothing of that sort." Sukuna assured her, making her pout. (Y/n) didn't speak up again, deciding to wait for Sukuna to tell her. But it was after a few silent moments that she realised that he was hesitant. His smirk had slipped away and now suddenly he couldn't make eye-contact with her anymore. He seemed rather serious and it began worrying the girl.

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked with an frown, hating Sukuna's silence. The girl tried to read his aura, despite the fact that his was always a neutral colour that she could never depict. But as she focuses on his aura rather than his silence, she'd realised that itbwas no longer a neutral green but rather an muted orange. He'd let his guard now with her and now she could see how he truly felt. What offering could he have for her that could possibly make him feel like this?

"Your aura..." (Y/n) frowned, her brows knitted together with concern.
"What about it?" Sukuna asked her, his eyes flickering up with a hopeful look that showed that he let his guard down on purpose because he wanted her to know how he felt at this moment.
"I am rarely about to see what you are feeling." The girl admitted quietly.
"And what am I feeling now?" The man prodded gently.

"Anxious." The girl answered with apprehension, "Why are you anxious?" As she spoke her question, her hand lifted to cup Sukuna's cheek.
"There is... something that I have done some time ago." Sukuna then admitted cryptically. "Do you remember when I told you that there were secrets that I've been keeping from you? Secrets that I was keeping for good reason? I said that I'd tell you everything eventually. Do you remember that?"

"Yes, I remember." She replied, nodding slowly, confusion in her eyes.
"Well, today is the day you find out the truth- that you see for yourself what I've been hiding from you. The truth is my offering and what you do with that truth is completely your decision." Sukuna told the girl, lifting his hand to her face instead, pushing a few strands behind her ear as he spoke.

"This is something that has weighed on my chest for a long time because I had no idea how to share this with you without envoking terror." He admitted, "But there is no way around it. You will be startled, but I will be right beside you the entire time." (Y/n) didn't know what to say. She'd wanted to know what secrets he was keeping for a while now. But she was starting to think that she'd rather stay in the dark on the matter.

"Why now?" The girl whispered. What made today different from yesterday that he felt that it was finally time to share the truth with her? Why now?
"Because now you are officially my queen in not only my eyes, but also your own. Now you have the confidence in yourself that I've been waiting for and the power that you yourself have been seeking." Sukuna told her.

"And what power is that?" The girl asked, making the man pause momentarily.
"The power to turn monsters back into men." Sukuna whispered, making (Y/n)'s eyes go wide. Surely he wasn't referring to what she thought he was? Surely not.
"Sukuna..." (Y/n) whispered as Sukuna then looked towards Uraume.
"Uraume." Sukuna called out, envoking fear within (Y/n) immediately.
"N-no...S-Sukuna, wait!" She exclaimed. But as the next words left Sukuna's mouth, she knew that the was no stopping this now.

"Bring him in."

(A.N ~ Those of you who follow me on Instagram will know already that I've had such a stressful two months while completing my portfolios (Yes, I had to two portfolios that needed to be submitted). I submitted everything last week and now have a four week break before everything starts all over again lmao. Writing was hard when I was so fricking exhausted everyday. I gave myself a small break before I continued writing this chapter so that I could update tonight. Hopefully there will be more to come within the week! Thank you for being so patient! Also, did you guys know that the PM feature is being deleted from wattpad???)

Chapter 88 Quote Teaser :

"You...killed her."

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