Everything ~ Ch14

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"What is it that you fear?" Uraume asked me, a scroll and an inking brush in her hands so that she may write down all my answers. I hummed in thought, thinking back to everything that has every ignited fear within me.
"Curses...oh, and the sound the barrier makes when it exorsises curses!" I told her, my eyes flickering to the window where I could see the barrier even now, shimmering under the the moonlight.

Uraume wrote my two answers down immediately, her handwriting neat and modest which I couldn't help but admire.
"Loud noises, but thunder in particular...and um, death? Spiders! Oh, and mice!" I began listing, things coming to me quickly and all at once, making it hard for Uraume to keep up as she began writing it down on the new scroll.

"Anything else?" She then asked me. I went silent, pausing as I began thinking really hard, my eyes flickering to the open door of the room we were in. I had never been in this room. It seemed like just another storage room.
"I guess..confined spaces and closed doors?" I mumbled, making Uruame's brush hover as she paused her writing.
"Because of..." She paused her suspicions when she saw the look on my face.

"Yeah..." I whispered weakly, making her nod as she wrote the answers down. Before I could start effecting Uraume with the intense aura of my trauma, I quickly changed the subject.
"How will you make sure I do not get scared again? It's impossible. Surely something will scare me." I asked, baffled by the Lord's plan.
"We will eliminate all the factors of possiblity." Uraume replied, making my brows furrow.

"But why would the Lord care this much about someone as insignificant as me? He himself said that he'd rather watch my technique cause everyone suffering." I told Uraume, baffledly. By now, I knew she could feel my confusion or she wouldn't be scratching her head so roughly. I wonder what it felt like for her.
"Your power affects even the Lord himself, (Y/n). When he incinerated your cuffs, I don't think he realised that you'd be strong enough to influence him." Uraume explained.

"If your all your emotions truly effect him then it would make sense why it is fear that he refuses to feel, because he is the strongest. What does he have to fear?" Uraume asked rhetorically, making me nod slowly in understanding. I guessed the other emotions he felt of mine did not effect him as much because things like confusion, anger and pain were more common for him compared to fear.
"I suppose that does make sense." I replied, "But surely you cannot erase thunder?"

"There is a curse user in a nearby town who's wife is a supporter of Lord Sukuna. His cursed technique involves the cancellation of sound." Uraume informed me, "I could request him to adjust the barriers so that you will not hear a single thing that goes on outside the barrier. That way you will not hear the crack of thunder nor the sizzling of an exorsism."

"Wow! That's incredible!" I exclaimed, my lips parting in awe as she stood to her feet with a small nod of agreement.
"If that is all, I'll go ahead and see what can be done about the rest on your list also." The white haired lady told me, making me nod, deciding to also stand up. "If you think of anything else, come and find me tomorrow."

"You should go home now. Rest. It is late." She told me as she looked out the window, seeing that the sky was pitch black. I nodded with a small smile, bowing my head slightly with respect as Uruame left the room. When she was gone, I spared another look out of the window. My guess was that it was around one or two in the morning. Even if I wanted to go back to my home, it wouldn't very safe, so instead I made my way to the scroll room.

The halls of the temple were quiet at night, but even more so quiet at the first hours of the morning. My footsteps felt loud and heavy against the black marble floor, making me grimace with every step towards the scroll room. When I finally got there, I was actually surprised to see the Lord sitting inside. He hadn't been in the mood to learn any jujutsu for a while- in all honesty that was probably my fault. While I was with Uruame, he was probably using that time to his advantage.

I didn't go inside the scroll room, only peeking in due to the rule that I could not enter from nine to three. So I stood there, leaned against the door frame, watching him with awe. It didn't take long for him to notice me, looking up from his scroll and into my innocent orbs. He rolled his eyes with a scoff as he looked back down at his scroll.
"I do not like to be disturbed while reading. But you just do not care, do you?" Sukuna sighed. I giggled, deciding to not answer his question, only because he did not answer mine.

"You never answered my question yesterday..." I told him, changing the subject. "About whether those scrolls are up your standards or not, my Lord." Sukuna scoffed as he looked up again, glaring intensly into my eyes with his firey red ones after my question.
"And you can not seem to learn that you should speak to me unless I've demanded it of you. It seems neither of us are satisfied, hm?" Sukuna replied with a raised brow.

"Come to think of it, you dared to touch me earlier. I believe that means you owe me a punishment." Sukuna sudden remembered, a grin spreading across his lips. Fear spread across my veins like ice as my eyes widened. Another punishment? But now if he punishes me with the boiling bath, then countless people could die horrific deaths. Sukuna gritted his teeth and hissed out, his hand launching to space over his chest.

"Alright! Fine! No punishment! Just stop feeling that wretched emotion!" Sukuna snapped, making my shoulder sag in pure relief. As the fear left my system, Sukuna seemed more comfortable, relaxing back into his seat before offering me a quick glare. I was surprised he'd given in like that, suggesting that my aura really did effect him the way Uruame had told me it did.

I then looked at him expectantly, tilting my head to the side with a small encouraging smile. Sukuna's brows furrowed with disgust, grimacing.
"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sukuna snapped angrily. Instead of asking him again about my techniques effect on him, I decided to speak up on something else.
"You have yet to answer my question." I told him softly, making him buff and roll his eyes.

"The scrolls look no different to me than they did a year ago." Sukuna replied gruffly, making me smile wildly, immediately beaming with pride. Last year it was ny mother who was his translator, which meant that my handwritings and translations were identical to my mother's. That was an honour to know.
"Thank you, my Lord. My mother would have been pleased to hear that." I smiled.

"Tell me, what is it with you and your mother? Most girls seek to displease their mothers, to sneak off with secret lovers in the forest or become a concubine of the emperor purely out of spite...but not you." Sukuna mutterd, his eyes narrowing on me while I who only shook my head with a soft smile.
"I owe my mother everything." I replied calmly.

"Because..." Sukuna proded, trying to get me to talk about the tragic backstory he seemed to guess that I had. But I did not. I simply stayed silent, smiling softly as I looked him in the eyes, making him scoff loudly in disbelief.
"Now you no longer wish to speak?" He mocked, making me smile as I pushed myself off the door frame and readied myself to turn around. But not before saying,

"Enjoy your reading, my Lord."

(A.N ~ Did you enjoy? What do you think of the story so far?)

Chapter 15 Quote Teaser :

"Have it so that no rooms are closed shut while she is in it. I'd rather the brat not have a panic attack and force me to feel it too."

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