Personal ~ Ch58

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

When Sukuna dismissed me and tasked me with cleaning, I couldn't help but feel hurt. Before finding out that he was in the middle of an important meeting, I'd come only to spend time with him because I...missed him. It was nice sitting beside him as he worked through the meeting, and even having our small hints of conversation in between. But when the meeting was done, he left me alone and gave me tasks to complete that weren't even part of my job.

I wanted to object. I wanted to tell him that I wanted to spend time with him. I wanted to tell him that cleaning was not my job. It was so beneath my job. Translating scrolls was my job and it was an important one at that, and I was happy to do that while sitting beside him thone, even if he didn't talk to me the whole time. I pursed my lips as I walked to the front of the temple, mopping the stairs to the temple with pursed lips. Why was I feeling this way- so bitter and frustrated?

I huffed loudly with annoyance as I slapped my wet mop down onto the next descending step, roughly moving it side to side without care. I wondered if Sukuna could feel my frustration.
"Hey, cutie!" A voice called out, making me quickly look up from where I was mopping. I rapidly twirled until I found the source of the voice, gulping when my eyes laid upon theirs.

Her red hair coiled beautifully around her face, her kimono simple yet elegant.
"Remember me?" She asked me with a gentle smile, waving to me comfortingly. I nodded slowly, deciding not to tell her how odd it was to see her with clothes on, as the only time that I'd ever seen her, she was naked and spread across Sukuna's marble floor.

"You're..." I cut myself off, trailing off when I realised that I didn't know what to say. Would she get offended if I said she was a whore? But there was no other word to call her though.
"Sukuna's previous whore- you don't need to be afraid to say it." The lady smiled as came closer. "But if you'd like to know my name, it's Kazuya. My parents said the name matched my red hair."

I couldn't help but become more nervous as she came closer, her soft smile and calm aura making it hard for me to understand what was going on. Kazuya shouldn't be this calm- not when I was the one that got her fired.
"Are to yell at me?" I mumbled nervously, my eyes innocent and pleading. Kazuya laughed at my words, shaking her head simultaneously.

"Yell?" She laughed, "Oh, heavens no! I'm here to thank you!" I became confused at her words, slowly placing my mop on the ground as I tilted my head. "I didn't get the time to do so before now. I was settling the others into their new lives. But I'm here now." Others? Did she mean the other whores that Sukuna had fired?
"Thank me for what?" I asked her slowly, descending down the last few steps until I was standing infront of her.

"For freeing us." Kazuya smiled as she moved the the first step sitting on the edge before patting the pace beside her, signaling that she wanted to to sit. My lips parted with suprise, not having expected her to view me getting her fired as 'freeing her'. I hesitantly sat down next to her on the step.
"Uraume me me that it was you that talked the Lord into letting us go. We were all hired around 7 years ago and after so long servicing him, so we could not leave ourselves." Kazuya told me softly.

"Tanako got married last year to lovely man who farms wheat. However their relationship took a big blow when she told him that she could not simply just leave her job as the Lord's whore." Kazuya explained, making me frown. I wasn't sure who Tanako was exactly but it was saddening that her relationship took such a hit because of her lifestyle.
"She and her husband are far happier now, so for that I thank you. It hurt to see her hurting." Kazuya smiled sadly.

"I didn't actually think he'd fire any of you...I just shared with him the fact that you all feared him. I didn't realise that he did not already know." I mumbled truthfully, making Kazuya shake her head as she looked at the sky.
"Whether it was purposeful or not, you are still the reason we are all living happier lives now...all because you hated that we were scared." The redhead told me.

"How did you know that anyway? That we feared him, I mean? I thought we always done pretty well at hiding it." Kazuya asked, genuinely curious. I paused, wondering what to say.
"It's... because of my cursed technique." I admitted truthfully, making her hum.
"Oh, kind of like the (L/n) clan, huh?" Kazuya compared, making me gulp and nod nervously.

"Yeah... something like that." I muttered. I couldn't actually tell her I was a (L/n), the emperor would just send an army out to kill me the first moment he possibly could. The was a minimal number of people that I could tell, and this kind stranger wasn't one of them.
"Well, anyhow, I'm glad you told him. If we spent any longer with him, I'm positive he would have broken one of us." Kazuya admitted.

"How long have you..." Again, I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.
"Been a whore?" Kazuya finished with a laugh, "Fifteen years. Since I was seventeen." At that my lips parted with awe, that was a lot of years to be a whore. I, myself, had only gone through eight years. It wasn't lost upon me that Kazuya started at the same age that I was freed from being a whore.

"Was it...willingly?" I hesitantly asked, watching as she nodded.
"It made me money and it was just so easy- you know?" Kazuya laughed, "Spreading my legs and around ten minutes of my time a couple times a day and suddenly I'm rich. Lord Sukuna also paid quiet handsomely too." At that last comment, I frowned.

"I'm sorry that I caused you to lose that money." I apologised, ignoring the fact that she'd said that she was happy to be free from service.
"The Lord wasn't my only source of income, don't worry." The redhead smiled, "But...I do want to ask you something- only because I'm curious!" At this I perked up, offering her my full undivided attention.

"When I first saw you that the throne room, I said that you looked like a virgin. But you're not, are you?" Kazuya asked me, making me pause. "I just see something in your eyes...and I see that same look in all the others too." I looked down at my lap before shaking my head.
"No, I'm not a virgin..." I mumbled, "I was... actually once just like you." At this, Kazuya tilted her head.

"Unfortunately, I started at the age of nine and it was not willingly like it was for you." I mumbled to her, making her gasp loudly, reering back with shock.
"It's okay!" I comforted quickly, "I'm okay now! I've been free for almost five years, you see." I smiled at the end, but the pain was not lost upon her- evident by the way she quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled into my hair, "You know, if you need anything or anyone to talk to that knows what your going through, I'm happy to be here for you. Sometimes it's nice to confide in a stranger." I nodded gratefully as we parted from our hug. Now that we were separated, something crossed my mind.
"Actually..." I mumbled, "Can I...ask you something personal?" Hesitancy took over my whole being, suddenly feeling shy and awkward, her hands that suddenly began to fit told me that because of my aura, she was now feeling it to.

"Of course." Kazuya replied softly.
"It's just that...the Lord said something to me a while ago and it's been on my mind for while." I admitted slowly, keeping my eyes low on my lap. Kazuya hummed, waiting for my question.
"But if you don't want to answer, I totally understand-" Kazuya cut me off.
"Just ask me the question." The lady interrupted.

"Can women feel...pleasure from sex?" I asked her quietly, looking up at her face only to see her give me a pitied smile.
"Yes, we can. Like men, we can feel that same euphoria." She told me, suprising me, "For us, it's harder. Unlike them, we cannot simply grab our parts and furiously rub them. For us, it's slower and sensual- and so much more rewarding."

"Some women can feel great from penetration- provided that the man knows how to do his part- while other women cannot. But there is one thing that works for all women. The clit." The lady grinned, "It's the most sensitive part of us. If you caress yourself at a good enough pace and the perfect pressure, you'll feel like you're in heaven. It's hard to describe and even harder to imagine unless you've felt it yourself." After that explaintion, she paused before saying,

"But don't worry. After seeing your influence on the Lord, something tells me he won't allow you to stay in the dark on the subject of pleasure for much longer."

(A.N ~ Major angst countdown: next chapter...)

Chapter 59 Quote Teaser :

"Sukuna...lied to me?"

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