Sensitive ~ Ch83

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Author-san whispers : Double update, return to Chapter 82 if you didn't get the notification!

Warnings: Oral (Male recieving), Bondage?, CNC?

3rd Point Of View

Sukuna couldn't help but look around with suprise and awe, a smirk on his lips. It was complete domain- not a patch of the domain undone. She'd really done it. Only this morning she'd struggled, and yet now, with the goal in her mind to get her way, she'd completed her domain expansion without failure. The entire shogi board spanned out for at least a hundred metres, the board enveloped by a black mist that matched the dark purple sky.

"You've done it." Sukuna muttered with pride, his eyes lowered to the first square of the shogi board that he was stood on and then to the squares to his side. "You've completed your domain expansion." Each every square around him had the emotion 'lust' written on it, meaning the no matter which way he stepped, he'd lose his ability to feel lust. And a man without lust is not a man. This meant one thing and one thing alone...that he could not move from where he stood.

Sukuna's eyes then lifted to (Y/n) who stood calmly before him, not even seeming surprised by her newfound control. She was too focused on him.
"But tell me, little one. Why am I your target?" Sukuna then asked with a raised brow. His words may suggest that he was angry but the daring smirk on his lips suggested otherwise. He respected the girl more for having the audacity- for being the only person alive who was allowed to have the audacity.

"When a victim is brought into a (L/n) domain, they are unable to move their bodies- unless they plan to take a step forward." (Y/n) told Sukuna, "This is to ensure they make no silly mistakes due to fear and hesitation." Sukuna watched with narrowed eyes as (Y/n) came closer to Sukuna step by step. She was teasing him with how slow she was being.

"Right now, you are frozen in place. You cannot push me away nor move away from me unless you'd like to rid yourself of lust." (Y/n) spoke softly, "And I have no doubts that you believe that a man is not a man without lust." Sukuna couldn't help but grin widely. Oh, how she knew him so well. Sukuna watched her with hooded eyes as she dropped to her knees infront of him, her head in line with his manhood.

"And when I break your domain with my own? What then, little (L/n)?" Sukuna asked with a smirk, watching her every move with entertained eyes.
"You won't." (Y/n) replied as she reached for the ties of his kimonos, slowly and teasingly pulling them undone.
"You are so sure?" Sukuna asked her with a raised brow. Her confidence stayed unwavering as his kimono came undone and his already hardened length sprung to face her.

"Yes." She replied, "Because it is not only I who wants this." Sukuna's jaw locked together as he stared at the way (Y/n)'s eyes darkened with lust as she looked at his length. It wasn't her first time seeing it, and yet it felt like it because ethis would be her first time touching it. She'd wanted to for so long and now the moment is hers and hers alone.
"And I know you like being in control, but this time, it is I who needs to take the next step otherwise you will continue to treat me like porcelain for the rest of our lives." (Y/n) told him as she licked a long stripe over her palm, preparing herself in a way that felt oh-so-familiar.

"You'll get punished for this, you know?" Sukuna told her darkly, "It will only add onto the two punishments you've collected for yourself already." (Y/n) hummed with acknowledgement, seemingly not even caring of his words. They held no real meaning to her now.
"You always say that, but you still have yet to punish me. I'm starting to believe that your threats are nothing but empty." (Y/n) mumbled, making Sukuna's eyes practically turn black with desire.

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