Duty ~ Ch82

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Warnings : Fingering, Bondage?

3rd Point Of View

"And this one? Why are its eyes located along its back rather than its face?" Sukuna asked as he walked through his chambers, now paying attention to every painting that he'd brought in to his room earlier. Admittedly, back when he was moving all (Y/n)'s stuff into his room, he didn't may much attention to the contents of the painting as he was too focused on counting the minutes until sunset.

Now that he was paying more attention, he wondered how did not piece of this himself when it was all so very obvious.
"I'm...not sure." (Y/n) admitted as she walked behind Sukuna, "I just want to create something unique and beautiful." Sukuna nodded at the girl's explanation, almost finding it amusing to hear.
"And yet, now that I know the truth about these paintings, they seem that much more sinister." Sukuna chuckled as his fingers brushed along the edges of the golden frame.

Sukuna had framed these paintings during the girl's market trip. He was almost certain that she had yet to notice it considering her panic earlier and her anxiousness now. He had praised her for this new power of hers and yet she still seemed to believe herself to be in the wrong for hiding it from him.
"Why did you paint them all with distinct and personalised forms when you could have painted them as simple abstracts? The chances of them turning into cursed sprits from an abstract form would be lower than having already given it a body to manifest into." Sukuna asked the girl.

The girl admittedly thought of that as she was painting them, but she knew that if cursed spirits did still manage to manifest from abstract forms they would be less beautiful than they could have been if she'd just given them bodies to become when they were ready.
"Because I wanted them to be beautiful." (Y/n) told the man simple, looking upon the painting the cursed spirit who had it's eyes on its back. "They may be created out of incredible amounts of suffering, but they didn't mean that they could not be stunning works of art."

Sukuna huff's with amusement as his eyes flickered across all the paintings in the room, eight painting here. Two of them were still in the throne room, not even half finished. That meant that there were ten paintings, not nine as he originally assumed. But what was odd, was that one of these paintings was different compared to the rest of them. Sukuna's eyes flickered upon each painting one by one, noticing the differences and yet similarities between them.

"They all represent something, don't they?" Sukuna asked the girl with a raised brow, making her eyes widen.
"H-how did you know that?" She asked him with surprise, her eyes flickering back to the paintings, having not realised that her intentions obvious enough for him to guess it so quickly.
"They all look different when you stand up close, but as I take a step back and look at them all collectively... they almost seem like they belong to the same family." Sukuna noticed, making (Y/n) smile.

"You're right." (Y/n) then whispered. "I wanted them to become a family." Sukuna turned to her with curious eyes.
"They represent the different stages of decomposition." She told him truthfully, understanding how dark that may seem- or how much death she must have witnessed to be able to paint each stage from memory. "As much as I'd have liked to paint them all as handsome young men, they could be released one day and see no familiarity within eachother. I needed to create a link, so that they could rely on eachother in the case that they do manifest."

Sukuna hummed in acknowledgement as he began walking to the painting that didn't match the rest- the painting the felt different both visually and in power.
"And this one?" Sukuna then asked as he approached the painting, "This man doesn't look like a curse nor any stage of decomposition." As Sukuna came closer, his brows began to furrow.

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