Love ~ Ch60

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

I'd warped to a town that was over thirteen miles away from Sukuna's temple. Sukuna wouldn't expect me to warp to a civilization- if he we out to go and look for me, it would be in fields or forests. He'd never expect me to go somewhere where people could feel my emotions so vividly. Luckily, most people were asleep right now so if they'd feel my emotions, it would be during their dreams.

Admittedly, I hadn't warped to a random village. Instead, I'd warped to a village I'd actually been talking about today with Kazuya called Suyi Village which was actually where Kazuya lived. I wasn't sure why I'd come here specifically when it's not like I would be able to find her amongst all these houses. But if I did find her, I'd be happy because she's kind of the first friend I've had that was actually my age.

I walked through the pathway numbly for when felt like hours when I'm reality it had only been around ten minutes, tears running down my red cheeks as I kicked pieces of hay. I didn't know what to do or where to look, only knowing that I really needed a friend to talk to. And it like my prayer had been answered when I heard a hushed voice break free from the silence of the village.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" A voice asked, making me quickly look to the left, a tear falling down my chin from the harsh movement.

And there she was, Kazuya, sitting at the front of her house with a new bottle in her grasp. Kazuya wore her nightwear along with the top layer of her outdoor kimono ontop, trying to stay warm under the light breeze that the night came with. The redhead looked at me oddly, clearly not expecting me to be here. Hope coursed through my veins when I saw her, a cry slipping past my lips as I was reminded of why I was here simply by staring at her.

"I just..." I trailed off weakly, a tear slipping down my cheek. Kazuya then lurched forward, as if a gust of pain had suddenly struck her through the chest.
"Oh my God." Kazuya groaned suddenly, falling out of her seat and stumbling onto her knees with a loud gasp, her throat ripping into a cry of pain. I stumbled back, my eyes going wide. She was feeling my aura. I was hurting the one person I'd come to to feel better.

"I'm s-sorry." I whimpered, shaking my head as I stumbled away from her. What was I thinking coming here? I was a fool. I should have just found an empty field like I usually do- that way I couldn't hurt anybody. A sob ripped through my lips as I realised why I liked Sukuna's temple so much- because I didn't feel so alone there. Despite not having friends, I didn't feel isolated. I was understood there and that's why it hurt so much when Sukuna lied to me.

Kazuya weakly lifted her head from where she kneeled with furrowed brows.
"Are you a...(L/n)?" The red haired lady asked, the last word of her sentence becoming a mere whisper- as if it were taboo to mention my family's name. I gulped as I bit my trembling bottom lip, unable to lie nor confirm the answer to her question.

Kazuya forced herself onto her knees with a groan, a hand on her chest for support as she stood to her feet.
"It's okay." She assured weakly with a comforting smile, "I won't tell anyone. Personally, I was against the emperor's decree. He was wrong for what he did to your family." With that she began walking towards me, approaching me as if I were a baby deer that could run at any given moment.

"Come, my lovely. Let's get you inside, okay?" She suggested with a smile, making me nod as I sniffled. Kazuya placed a hand on my lower back as she guided me through her front doors into her house. It was a rustic home, one that looked like a common house on the inside but so exquisite on the inside. She really meant it when she said she made a lot of money from what she did.

After settling me down on the nearest chair, Kazuya went back outside to grab her sake bottle before closing her front door on the way in. The lady grabbed two cups and placed one of them infront of me, filling it to the brim.
"Here, it'll help you calm down. I used to have a (L/n) friend and we'd get drunk all the time for this very reason." Kazuya told me, suprising me with this information, "And the sooner you do that, the sooner my chest stops hurting." The last comment was added jokingly, yet I could sense the urgency to her tone.

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