Chapter 1: Briar

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Hello everyone! This is a new book, same rules apply. There are typos in order for the content to come out there will be typos! If things don't make sense feel free to ask questions or point out a detail is missing. I more than likely have it written down in my notes and somehow it didn't make it over to the book for some reason. I really hope you all enjoy this book! Let me know if you have suggestions book topics etc. you would like on my profile. Have a great day/night!


I'm back home again. I never thought I would be back here but I wanted to come back for the first time in I don't know how long. I thought it was time to see the family again but actually thinking about coming back and actually being back are two totally different things. I pull up to the pub mom told me opened up six months ago and park my beat-up piece of shit car. I get out pulling on my jean jacket fixing my hair looking up at the old building that has been a steakhouse, a bar, and a barbecue joint during my childhood.

I walk forward hearing my boots on the ground only seeing about ten cars out front as I walk inside. It smells like moonshine as I step inside and I look up seeing Dalton behind the hostess stand. He smiles up at me and steps around toward me.

"Been a long time, Briar." He smiles offering his hand and I shake it.

"Gotta say, when my mom told me you owned the bar now it made me feel old." I remark making him chuckle a bit.

"Tell me about it. What are you doing back home?" He asks.

"I move around. I can't remember ever staying in one place longer than three years since I've been here growing up. Figured I would come back home and I don't know wait until it was time for me to move again." I shrug and he nods.

"Every time I see your pops in here, he's always talking about you being somewhere else. Are you a bartender?" He asks.

"Yes, I went to school for it." I nod handing him my resume. He looks down at the long list.

"Seems you've only worked in bars." He mutters. "I don't have a grand menu nothing special are you okay with that?" He asks.

"I never liked the job for the recipes. I like the pace." I peek a look at his menu nodding noting the different ingredients in each drink before my eyes latch on the special moonshine. "I think we'll get along fine." I smile and he smirks.

"Great, I say you're hired." He remarks.

"Already?" I arch a brow.

"Absolutely. This list has already convinced me." He smirks walking away, I see him talking to some people and I walk closer observing the menu. The bartender turns to me smiling and I move standing in front of him.

"You're that new girl Dalton told me about, right?" He asks.

"Briar." I state and he nods.

"Yeah." He nods. "He hire you?" He asks and I nod. "Just keep in mind a few things, there are a lot of regulars and they all need someone to listen." He chuckles and I smirk.

"I've worked with my fair share of those. Some say I should have become a therapist." I remark.

"It can be that way for some of us. Listen if you ever need anything just ask, I'm Dean." He introduces.

"Good to know." I quip just as Dalton walks back up to me.

I sign some papers for him and we catch up a bit before I leave. I walk back up to my car as another car pulls in and I open my car door. I see a flash of the guy walking as my phone rings, I pull it out of my pocket seeing an unknown number and I hang it up.

"Briar?" I hear a voice and I look up meeting a very familiar set of eyes. A set of eyes I never thought I would see again. I feel steel fill in every fiber of me like putting my body in fight or flight mode and I'm fighting to stay in place.

"Heath." I speak and he looks down. I look to the guy standing next to him seeing Neil, I used to know them both very well. Used to. "Neil." I greet and he nods politely. I see them both in suits, Heath still has his wavy brown hair and Neil has his dirty blond hair they're both wearing blue.

"What are you doing back home?" Heath steps forward and Neil follows him.

"Working." I remark.

"In the pub?" Neil asks and I nod.

"Don't worry I'll be gone before you know it." I quip and this time the phone rings I answer it blindly. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey it's mom." My mom greets.

"Oh hey." I look at the phone still seeing the same number as Heath and Neil walk away. "What is this number?" I ask.

"My phone went dead I want to meet you for something to eat." She mutters. "This is my friend Diana's phone she wants to meet you too." She speaks she always hums at the end of her sentences.

"Sure, can we meet at the diner? I haven't been there since I've been home." I speak getting into my old Honda.

"Sure, dear see you there." She speaks before hanging up. I quickly put the name Diana in my phone attaching it to the number so I know before cranking up the car.

"Thank God." I speak rolling my eyes before I step on the gas pulling out of the parking lot.

I remember that day we broke up or more like didn't break up. I was bullied once again by the queen bitch in high school who called me a slut because of me sleeping with my fucking boyfriend. He never took up for me and just stood there so I ran away crying, he never came and found me. We never spoke again, the next time we talked was when he told me I was getting annoying and he wanted me gone.  

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