Chapter 39: Briar

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Going shopping with them was definitely the right call, I take suggestions from both of them. I really should have told them about it earlier because it was for them, they would know what they want. I have been really nervous that they may not like it, now I know they will.

"They have toys here but I'm guessing you knew that." Neil speaks to me.

"I did." I whisper looking over another set. "This was the nearest decent shop I could find." I turn to him. I'm in the dressing room a lacey set he picked out. It's a red bra, and thong, I think I would have a good photo if I had a tie wrapped around my wrists.

"You look fucking amazing in this." He steps closer to me.

"I need a tie to match it." I tell him.

"You already have ideas, huh?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer honestly as I take it off.

"I have a red tie that's the same color you can use it." He speaks. I grab the next set and I put it on, he clips the bra close behind me.

"You just want me to use it because you have an idea of what I will be doing with it." I say as I put on the matching thongs over my own before I see him smirking in the mirror behind me.

"Maybe." He shrugs. I hear a knock at the door and he steps behind me before reaching behind me opening the door letting in Heath. Heath's eyes light up seeing me this way and he leans back against the wall as Neil locks the door.

"Are you getting that one?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes." I answer as he steps closer.

"When is your shoot?" He asks.

"Tomorrow." I answer. I feel him put his hand on my thigh, I moan feeling him kiss my neck. "We can't." I whisper and he pulls away smirking.

"We can." Neil steps up kissing Heath and they both start making out. Neil pins him to the wall making Heath groan lightly before Neil shoves his hand in Heath's pants.

"Fuck." Heath mutters thrusting his hips. Neil starts kissing his neck and I see him moving his hand on Heath's length. I watch them as they watch each other and Neil moves kneeling in front of Heath. "Neil..." He almost whispers it like a prayer.

I feel so much pleasure in me as I watch them, Neil takes Heath's length into his mouth. I watch as he moves his mouth fast Heath breathing hard and fast, putting his hand in Neil's hair. I see Heath start rolling his hips in time with Neil's mouth.

"God baby." Heath speaks to him. I see that same gorgeous spark in his eye and I start taking off the set. I put on my clothes and I turn seeing Heath watching me, I lean against the wall watching him and he groans. He rolls his hips twice more before he groans falling over the edge.

"You were gorgeous." Neil speaks standing up and kissing him. Heath moans into the kiss before he pulls away.

"Did you get everything you wanted?" Heath asks.

"Yes." I answer and he moves kissing me. I feel his hand in my hair before he pulls away, Neil smirks at me, they both follow me out. I go to the register and pay, they follow me to the car, Neil pops the trunk.

"Don't open the-" Heath jumps in front of me and I arch a brow.

"What is it?" I ask. I watch Neil walk over and he smirks looking in the trunk.

"He bought toys." Neil looks at me. Heath finally sighs moving out of the way. I see two vibrators, a set nipple clamps, I also see a leather bra and thong. I look over at him arching a brow.

"You looked amazing in it, baby." He steps up to my side kissing my neck.

"Thank you." I whisper and he kisses me. I was going to get it but I thought I couldn't afford it. I drop my bag beside his and he puts his hand on the small of my back leading me to the car. This time Neil drives and Heath gets in behind me.  

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