Chapter 15: Briar

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Heath moves over and Neil climbs up the bed taking my lips in a bruising kiss. He groans his hands moving over me as his touch makes me feel tingles all over. I feel his hand on my thigh and I moan as he lifts it, he pulls away and I feel his breath against my neck.

"I don't think I'll last baby." He groans and I whimper feeling him rub around my clit.

"I won't either." I whisper.

"You want me?" He asks and I bite my lip feeling him thrust a finger into me.

"Yes." I answer him. I feel full of need my body clenching needing friction, needing him, I clench around his finger moving my hips lightly. I cry out when he bites into my neck as he grinds against me. "Please." I whisper, I feel his smirk against my neck as he takes my thigh higher as another finger makes me cry out.

"Good girl..." He coos it makes me shiver as his voice washes over me. I feel a thin sheet of sweat covering me and I feel on edge needing release, my body shakes. I whimper and he groans his lips meeting mine, he bites my lips as I meet him for everything he dishes out.

"Neil..." I whisper.

"God say that again." He begs.

"Neil." He curls his fingers inside of me and I see stars. "Please!" I scream my throat scratchy.

"Fuck." He mutters and I close my eyes rolling my hips. I feel him pull his fingers from me and I whimper before I feel them at my lips. "Suck." He orders. I open my mouth sucking them into my mouth, I moan tasting myself on them I feel him kissing my neck. I cry out feeling him thrust into me so hard I shiver seeing see stars as he hits my sweet spot.

"Fuck..." My voice shakes as I moan before feeling his lips against mine. I gasp as he starts to move before I feel his hand wrap around my throat.

"So fucking beautiful..." He whispers and I whimper feeling him twitch inside of me. He starts thrusting harder as I clench around him, I put my hand in his hair moaning as I feel his lips against mine.

I feel my ecstasy right there as I feel our skin start to slap. My head rolls back and I feel his lips on my neck, chest and stomach as my breathing quickens. I feel lax as everything stirs up in me making me see stars, I feel him breathing hard and he bites down lightly just under my breasts.

"Come for me, baby." He whispers. Like a button being pressed I come undone, moaning, whimpering, whispering his name as he uses his thumb on my clit. As I clench around him I feel him release into me, I moan pressing my lips against his as he turns over.

I feel Heath put his hands around my waist and he pulls me off him bringing me into his arms. I moan feeling a bead of pleasure sitting on the comforter, Neil smirks looking at me and Heath. I put my hand in Heath's hair feeling his lips on my neck. His hand moves from my arm to my breast and I moan when he cups it before sucking on my neck. He moves his hands my thighs pulling away.

"Are you okay?" Heath whispers.

"Yes." I answer. Neil leans up scooting closer, he kisses Heath and I hear Heath groan before he pulls away. He looks at me and I feel his lips against mine.

We get dressed and I walk out sitting down on my couch Neil on one side Heath on the other and we watch some movies. I decide to put on my night gown once more and they both steal glances at me. Me and Neil decide to cook, Heath sits the high table I bought as we try to decide what to make. I turn seeing Heath with his eyes on my chest and I look down remembering the necklace.

"Neil gave it to me." I tell him and he nods.

"Question." Neil speaks and I turn to him seeing the picture he's looking at. I grab it off the fridge and he turns about to fight me for it. "You had purple hair?" He asks, I keep it at my side and I see Heath arching a brow.

"I was in New Orleans." I blurt making Neil smirk making him sigh. I put the picture on the counter in front of Heath in defeat before turning to the food.

"You look good with purple hair." Heath speaks and I turn seeing them both smirking.

"Let's just cook." I blurt making Neil move and we go back to what we were doing. A thought comes to my mind and I turn to Heath.

"Why purple?" Neil asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. I was friends with one of the witches there and she just suggested we go get our hair done. I told her that I was tired of my natural color and she mentioned a cut and color. I let them pick everything by the time I was concerned my hair was purple and I was loving it." I explain.

"I'm not lying." Heath stands up. "You look good with purple hair." He puts the magnet back on the fridge.  

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