Chapter 21: Briar

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I want them both to touch me. I want both of them to touch me so bad I am honestly on the brink of kneeling and asking for them. I feel Neil drawing circles on my inner thigh, Heath keeps his hand on my shoulder. If the movie is interesting, I don't fucking know it. I move before I can stop myself onto Heath's lap and I kiss him. He groans and I moan feeling his body against mine.

"Damn baby." He whispers pulling away. I start kissing his neck grinding against him, I gasp feeling a friction. I reach down unbuckling his pants I see him smirking up at me. "Are you going to use me?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer him not even thinking about it.

"Fuck this is hot." I hear Neil's voice making me blush. Heath puts his hands against my chest. I stand and he undoes my pants as I take my shirt. When he pulls them down, I step out of them standing in front of them naked. Heath takes off his shirt and I straddle him once more.

"Give him a show." He whispers. I feel him put his hands on my waist before he moves one up my back. "How long has it been since you've been touched?" He asks.

"Since the other day we were here." I answer him. I feel him start to kiss my neck and he groans making me shiver. I lower myself gasping at the feel of him, he feels so thick and hard filling me up.

He puts his lips against mine and he squeezes my ass before grinding me against him. It makes me feel so hot and all tingling making me whimper needing to feel more. He puts his hand on my neck pulling away, I watch as he looks me in the before he looks at my lips, he moves his hand down my chest before flicking my clit.

"If you want me use me." He orders with a smirk. I moan before I start moving, he puts his hands on my chest kissing my neck as I roll my head back. The pleasure is intense making me feel pure bliss, I shiver feeling him kissing my breasts. "Briar you're beautiful." He whispers making me cry as he flicks my clit.

"Heath." I whisper his name on my lips making him groan. I feel him moving in and out of me, the feeling is euphoric, it makes me tingle as the feeling enhances little by little.

The heat around me makes me feel so full, I put my lips against his neck. He listens to the sounds I let go of as I move fast and hard, I feel his hand move to my throat. He makes me make eye contact with him as I move before his lips meet mine.

"The things I want to do to you..." I hear Neil speak before he leans forward kissing me. I feel Heath twitch inside of me making me gasp and I feel Neil's hand in my hair as he takes advantage. The kiss deepens and I stop moving on Heath getting engrossed in the kiss.

"Fuck you're dripping onto me Briar." Heath groans I clench around him not being able to stop myself. I feel like I need to let go, the feel of him touching and kissing me is too much.

"Heath." I gasp before he kisses me, I feel Neil's gaze on me as Heath grinds me against him. I feel him flick my clit and I let go before I feel him start to move me thrusting in and out of me drawing out my high. He sucks my nipples biting just under my breasts. "Oh God!" I feel my head roll forward and his lips are slammed against mine as I feel him come.

"Baby come here." Neil urges, I feel Heath move me onto Neil's lap and I whimper at the loss of him. I feel Neil's hand on my thighs, I lean in kissing him lightly I hear him groan. "I have wanted you ever since that day..." He whispers.

"Then why not touch me?" I ask.

"I wanted to get to know you before we touched each other again." He answers me.

"I was trying to do the same." Heath speaks, I watch him fix his jeans before he looks at me smirking at me.

"I want to feel you." I whisper. I feel Neil's lips on mine, my body feels on fire as I move my hands over his hair.

I moan before I reach down pulling his shirt off, I take in the way he looks, his hair mused lips swollen. He looks so fucking gorgeous, I put my lips against his feeling an intense spark. It feels the exact same way it felt with Heath and the feel of his hand against me makes me shiver. I feel him cup my pussy before he flicks my clit.

"Briar." He says my name his voice deep.

"Neil!" I cry out his name feeling him thrust two fingers into me.

"Good girl." He smirks before he curls his fingers inside of me. I see stars before I start rolling my hips needing to feel him. Their touch makes me come alive, it makes me throb for them makes me want them. It makes me want to feel them until I can't take it anymore.

"I need you." I whisper in his ear. I moan feeling his thumb on my clit.

"That's it, baby talk to me." He groans. I put my hand in his hair and start kissing his neck before I move my hand down his chest. I unbuckle his belt and he moves fast, he wraps a hand around my throat pinning me against the floor. 

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