Chapter 17: Heath

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Once Briar's breathing levels and we know she is sound asleep I get up. Neil walks with me until we get to her room, I lay down with her on top of me he lays down beside me. I run my hands through her hair before I turn my head and Neil kisses me.

"I thought you would tell me I'm a freak and run." He whispers.

"I knew you liked guys. I just didn't know you felt that way about me." I whisper.

"I know. Why are you just-?"

"Kissing you back? Already feeling the same way?" I finish and he nods. "I never thought I would be with a guy in any way but when you looked at me the way you did. I don't know, Neil, I just knew it was okay." I mutter.

"How do you feel about me?" He asks.

"I'm willing to experiment and see where it goes." I'm honest with him. I lay Briar to the side gently and cover her up. I turn to Neil and he looks at my lips.

"You're willing to maybe throw away our friendship?" He questions.

"If this doesn't work out, I'm not worried about our friendship I can keep this separate if that's what you're worried about." I tell him, I lean in as he licks his lips. I kiss him lightly feeling his lips against mine for just a second but damn if it doesn't wake me up to him. I groan needing to touch him and I move turning over hovering over him, I bite down hard on his neck.

"Heath." He groans, I put my hand over his mouth keeping him quiet. I feel of his chest and stomach under my lips making him breathe harder as he responds to me. He moves fast pinning me to the bed with a hand on my throat. "Turn over." He demands.

When I do I push up onto my hands and knees in front of him and he groans. I feel his hand on my back his feather light touch making me groan, he puts his hands on my hips. He groans and I let out one too as he grinds into me.

"I want to fuck you so bad." He whispers.

"What's stopping you?" I ask.

"Briar is sleeping." He whispers.

"No she isn't." We both hear a voice, she stands up from the bed going over to a corner. She picks out a hoodie putting it on her before she sits in a chair facing the bed, facing me.

"Touch me." I order before I lose my nerve. Neil's grip tightens on my hips.

"Lube." He whispers.

"Nightstand." She blurts. He moves fast grabbing it before I feel his lips on my waist, lower back, ass, before I feel his hands there. I moan not being able to stop it as he puts it on me, I hear him groan and I watch Briar's cheeks become a pale pink as she watches.

"You tell me to stop and I will." He speaks his voice on edge.

"I know." My voice comes out softer than I intended.

His touch is rough as I feel the head of his cock there, and as much as I try to stop myself I start to tense up. The feel of his touch getting softer and his hand moving on my back to try to soothe me gets me to relax, we both groan as I feel him. I urge myself to relax even though it hurts just a little but the feel of him makes it all fade. I need to feel him deeper, he just feels so good, he moves his hand on my back before I moan feeling him slap my ass.

"Fuck Heath." His voice washes over me like pure bliss making me moan. I feel my chest hit the bed and I push my ass higher for him he groans rolling his hips I gasp.

He starts moving slowly at first but I feel like I need more feeling him hit my sweet spot over and over. I start pushing back into him lightly and he groans. The need to feel him lose control is making me groan wanting to feel him deeper. I feel his hand meet my ass once more, I groan at the same time he does feeling the tingle.

"Neil!" I scream his name feeling him hard inside of me. I look back at him and he groans meeting my eyes, I feel of the sheets in my fists as I see stars.

Our skin starts to clap as I back over and over into him and his touch. Something about him touching makes me lose all thought because everything longs for his touch, and hers. Only the two of them have ever made me feel like this.

"Heath." He whispers it, I see his head rolled back and when he thrusts into me twitching at the same time it makes me let go.

"Oh fuck!" I look up meeting Briar's gaze as she watches me. He lets go inside of me at the same time before he pulls out of me, I turn over feeling his lips against mine.  

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