Chapter 7: Briar

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I feel a bead of sleep try to take over me and I moan trying to wake myself up. I turn back to them feeling a hand on my shoulder. Heath steps closer and Neil follows.

"Listen okay, I feel a pull to both of you. Yes, I know it's not conventional and no he's never touched me." I speak to Heath seeing a fire in his eyes. "This is a lot to take in." I lean against the car.

"Briar, you need to sleep." Neil speaks.

"I know when I start feeling tired sometimes, I can't stop speaking my fucking mind." I speak making them both smirk. I feel a set of arms around me and my feet leaving the ground and I turn seeing Neil with me in his arms.

"I have felt a pull to you too." He whispers making me blush. "Sleep, we got you." He urges. Before I can convince myself to do anything else I close my eyes as they put me in the front seat.

When I awake, I wake up in a bed, I look seeing the both of them in a corner of the room. They both turn to me they both walk to me sitting on both sides of the bed. I look down feeling safe I'm still in my clothes.

"Hey we brought you to our house." Heath speaks to me.

"Your house?" I look at the both of them.

"We both moved into a house together." Neil speaks.

"Whose bed am I in?" I ask.

"Guest bedroom." Heath answers.

"So, I wasn't dreaming the whole-?" I gesture and they both look to each other before they shake their head. I feel a rush of relief at that. "Good." I mutter.

"Why would you ask?" Neil asks.

"Can't count how many times I've had an active imagination." I mutter answering him. I've taken shrooms before but it hasn't taken me much sleep deprivation to start imagining shit.

"If you want to go home, I can take you." Heath offers.

"Where do you live anyway?" Neil asks.

"Busch Gardens." I joke making them arch a brow. "The old trailer park." I tell them.

"Scratch that you're staying here." Heath blurts making me scoff.

"It's not that bad." Neil looks at me like I have a third ear. "Hey, I had the place inspected, twice by two different inspectors. Locks changed, furniture threw out, everything cleaned. And bleached." I tell them.

"What about the windows?" Neil asks.

"Bought locks made for them. I'm not stupid what do you think I did in New York?" I ask.

"You still can't think that's safe." Heath mutters.

"Of course, I don't." I speak looking around. "You have my bag?" I remark.

"This." Neil puts my drawstring bag beside me, I look at the both of them.

"Don't scream just don't even flinch." I instruct, I reach into my bag pulling out my gun and their eyes widen.

"Put it down." Neil demands.

"I have a permit. I never move anywhere without it." I tell them.

"Good." They both say in unison.

"I have clothes in here to change into." I tell them.

"Bathroom is there." Neil points at the door to my right and I get up walking over. "Spare toothbrush in the drawer." He tells me.

"Thank you." I speak opening the door ducking inside.

I look into the mirror seeing I look fine other than my hair being slightly mused. I brush my teeth changing into some shorts and a tank. I look up at myself in the mirror. How did I get here? I mean I was there and all but this still feels a little... surreal.

I'm in my ex-boyfriend's house with my... friend. I don't even know what to call Neil, he's something but I'm not sure friend would really cover it. I take off my necklace finding a little change thing in my purse putting it inside. I open the door Neil still in the room, I sit back down on the bed and turn to him.

"So you took over for you father." I nod and he arches a brow.

"I know I told you I didn't want to. He offered to teach both me and Heath and well after a while I was good at it, Briar. I like doing it." He smiles. "I never told you that. Did you ask around?" He inquires and I scoff.

"No, one of my coworkers saw me talking to you and she just... told me." I finish answering him.

"I'm sorry if you thought us waiting outside for you was a little creepy. I didn't know how else to give Heath a shot at talking to you." He whispers.

"It's okay. I feel like I needed to hear it." I look up at him.

"So that part about you liking me...." He starts making me blush. "Did you mean it?" He questions.

"Yes." I whisper not being able to find my voice.

"Did you back then?" He counters.

"I don't know, I don't think I gave myself time to think about that kind of thing." I answer and he nods. Heath walks back inside and I see them both out of their suits in lounge clothes. Neil stands up walking out of the room and Heath walks next to me sitting beside me on the side of the bed.

"I know I have a lot to answer for Briar." He whispers.

"You've answered everything." I tell him. "I'm not going to be a bitch and tell you to go screw yourself and everything else. There's no sense in holding on to everything that happened back then." I tell him.

"I wanted to tell you. For so fucking long I wanted to tell you." He rubs a hand through his hair and I turn facing him.

"I know." I whisper and I sneak a look at his lips. I start to feel a heat running through me and I look down putting my hand on my forehead.

"Briar." He says my name. I feel a hand on my thigh and when I look up he looks down at my lips. "We don't have to do anything." He whispers.

"What if I want too?" I blurt and he starts leaning in. I close my eyes letting his lips meet mine, he groans instantly responding to me. He stands and I move my legs letting him stand between them, it escalates fast and I feel his hands on my hips.

"Oh." I hear a voice and I look over seeing Neil. Heath backs away from me and I stand, I walk over to Neil and he looks down at me.  

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