Chapter 34: Briar

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When we get back to the house Neil said he knew me and Heath had some things to talk about. Heath took me to his room and he takes off his shirt before sitting down on his bed.

"I feel dirty." He whispers. "I didn't know she was like that about me Briar." He looks up at me.

"I know." I nod. I sit down in the chair by the door. "What have you seen of her over the years?" I ask.

"I saw her once a year if that. It was Christmas she would come home to visit her mom she sure as hell never spoke to me." He mutters.

"Maybe her mom has been the one putting pressure on her about you." I reason.

"Maybe but that's fucking creepy." He blurts making me smirk. "Tell me something." He orders.

"Okay." I agree.

"How many people have you had a relationship with? Like ours?" He asks.

"None." I answer immediately.

"Same no one really made me feel like you did." He whispers.

"After I moved away I took some time for myself, yes I had the occasional fling or friends with benefits. I guess after a while I thought I was fine, I didn't need anyone, until I came back." I explain.

"I don't know what to do Briar." He shakes his head. "How am I supposed to deal with her?" He asks.

"People like that Heath can't be dealt with." I tell him honestly. "Whoever is putting pressure on her or if she is doing it herself it can't be stopped. If you try you might make it worse. I'm not saying let her do whatever to you, I'm just saying stay away look out for yourself." I explain and he nods.

"You know I don't feel anything for her, right?" He questions me. I know he doesn't he has been with me all this time if he did feel something for her he would have been with her this whole time.

"I know Heath." I speak and he walks to me.

"Good." He mutters putting a hand on my chin. I get this fiery feeling from him that makes me instantly forget about our conversation.

"What would you do if I didn't?" I challenge him. He looks at my lips before I feel him put his thumb against my bottom lip.

"I would put you in every position I've had you in since you and I have been together to make you remember I've been with you." I suck his thumb into my mouth and he shows me a spark in his eyes. "Not her." He finishes.

I put my hand on his belt buckle and I start undoing it and he pulls his thumb from my mouth. I feel a pulsing need low in me, it makes me nervous but aroused at the same time. I welcome the feeling and he starts running his hand through my hair.

"You don't have to Briar." He shakes his head.

"I want to." I whisper. He groans when I take him in my hand.

"Those lips." He groans. I put my lips around the head of his cock before I suck moaning as I taste him. "Oh fuck." He watches me.

I start moving my mouth on him, I feel him roll his hips a little as I move. He keeps his hand in my hair, I moan as he tightens the grip in my hair. I suck around him and he groans thrusting into my mouth it nearly makes me gag and I relax my throat.

"Fuck Briar." He groans. The tip hits the back of my throat and I moan before moving my tongue around him. "You're taking me so well baby." He praises.

I moan around him feeling pleasure in me as well as I watch him. He watches my lips as I move, I feel his hand in my hair relax, it only makes me moan. I feel him twitch inside of my mouth and I suck around him.

"Oh God..." He trails off softly before he comes. He pulls out of my mouth early making some cum drip from my lips, he keeps his hand on my chin. He moves his thumb through it before he pushes his thumb into my mouth, I moan as I suck it clean. He fixes himself before he leans over me. "What do you want baby?" He asks.

"I want you." I whisper. He puts his lips against mine and I wrap my legs around him, he raises up. I feel the bed against my back and we both move slow, he lifts my shirt up.

"You are so beautiful." He puts his lips against mine.

He makes me moan as he unbuttons my pants pushing them down. I kick them off putting my hand in his hair to keep his lips against mine. I feel him start grinding against me, and I put my hands down shoving his pants and he groans kicking them off. He groans as he grinds against me teasing me there is a heat that surrounds the both of us the look in his eyes tells me he can feel it too.

He starts flicking my clit, moving his thumb around it gently. He bites into my neck making me gasp before I let out a moan as he sucks. I feel a hum wash over me opening me up to him, before he thrusts a finger inside of me. I need him to touch me, I need to feel him inside of me, I need to come apart hearing him moaning my name. I feel his smirk against my neck as I roll my hips needing the friction before he pulls it from me.

"Heath please." I beg and he smirks before he puts his lips back on mine. I moan feeling him flick my clit before wrapping my legs around him and putting my hands in his hair.

"Please what?" He asks pulling away before he starts kissing my neck.

"I need you." I hear him groan against my neck before he thrusts into me. I gasp at the force and the way he feels make me feel before I feel him smirk.

"Briar, you make me feel amazing." He groans I feel his thumb flick my clit making me gasp. "You look so beautiful and the way you beg makes me want to give in instantly every time." He talks to me making me whimper.

"You know exactly how to touch me." I whisper and he puts his lips against mine. He groans and I moan feeling him thrust even harder into me, I put my hand in his hair and I feel him put his hand by my head. He starts thrusting harder listening to my gasps as he kisses my neck, I feel his hand wrap around my throat and I moan.

"Fuck baby." He groans and his voice washes over me making me feel even closer. He bends my thigh high and I cry out seeing stars feeling like I'm falling for him. "Damn, Briar." He whispers. I put my hand in his hair holding him against me as he kisses my chest.

"Please." I whimper it needing more, I want to feel him deeper. I need to feel him come apart, I need to hear him.

I clench around him crying out at the force of him, and he wraps his hand back around my throat. He squeezes making me clench and writhe my whole body tightening so close to release. He keeps thrusting and the feel of him moving and filling me up makes me feel so close to him. It makes me feel alive, I'm throbbing for him, near the edge for him.

"Oh my God fuck...." His voice shakes and I feel him flick my clit making me go over the edge.

"Heath! Yes." I breathe hard and he groans thrusting to draw out my pleasure. I feel him fill me up sealing his lips against mine.  

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