Chapter 16: Briar

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I finish up the food with Neil, we fixed pasta, Neil fixed a salad, I grill some chicken cutting it into strips. I put the strips on top and he fixes some breadsticks as I fix a vinaigrette. We both finish what we're doing and we all sit down to eat. They both comment the food and we all like it as we eat. I ask them about their job a bit, I've always wondered to what extent Neil's father did. I do know that his business commands respect and comes with a hefty pay though.

"Yeah, I just look after the business and make sure our clients stay happy." Heath mentions.

"Heath does more but some of dad's longstanding clients demand to deal with me." Neil explains.

"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask.

"You don't think that's too fast?" Heath asks.

"Not really." I shrug.

"I was hoping you would say that." Neil smirks he walks up to me, I look up at him and his lips meet mine.

He backs me into the counter and he picks me up putting me on the counter in front of him, I spread my legs. I see Heath stand up he comes over his eyes sparking and he grabs Neil kissing him, I watch as they start to make out. Neil groans I watch as he pulls away before they both look at me, Neil takes my hand and I jump down.

"Come on." Heath orders.

We go sit on the couch, Neil turns on another movie and I sit with my head on Heath's chest and my legs in Neil's lap. As the movie goes along Heath puts his hand on my arm and I feel Neil moves his hand higher. The movie gets to a spicy scene and I feel Neil's hand move higher and my body starts responding to the touch. I hear a moan and Heath moves me fast making me straddle him facing the tv. Neil pauses the tv and I feel Heath's hands on my thighs.

"What are you wearing under this?" Heath asks his hands go higher and I feel a finger under the bottom. Then I feel his hands start pushing the gown up over my ass but he stops.

"Nothing." I answer. Then he puts his hands under the night down shoving it up and I hear them both groan. I gasp when he puts a hand on my back making me bend slightly forward, I feel his hands tighten on my thighs and I feel his lips on my lower back. "Heath." I gasp.

"Tell me something." Heath speaks. I feel his hand between my thighs and I blush knowing what he's doing. "How would you feel if I jerked off with you like this?" I feel his hand on my side and I shiver.

"Or with me using your pretty mouth?" Neil speaks.

"This view of your ass is so fucking perfect." Heath groans.

"I want you inside of me." I whisper and they both groan. Neil stands in front of me, I feel Heath push up my gown higher to take it off, I lift my arms and Neil's gaze goes right to my breasts. The gown lands to my right then I feel lips against mine and Heath's lips against my thighs.

I feel Heath put the head of his cock against my clit and I moan, Neil pulls away watching us. I slowly lower onto Heath the sounds we make sound in the room Heath's grip tightens on my hips. Neil shows me his length pushing down his pants, I see a bead of precum on the tip. I lean forward licking him his taste makes me moan, and he steps closer as I feel myself throb around Heath.

"Do you want me?" Neil asks.

"Yes." I moan feeling Heath rub a circle around my clit. I lean forward wrapping my lips around the tip of his cock, I moan as I take in all of him.

The head hits the back of my throat we all make a low groaning sound before Heath starts to move me. I let him take control bouncing me on his cock making me move taking Neil's cock as he puts his hand in my hair.

"Such a good girl." Neil speaks as I cry out.

"Oh fuck." Heath moans and I feel his lips on my back his hand on my ass. I cry out feeling a fiery tingling feeling and Neil's eyes spark at me when I look into his green eyes. The feel of both of them makes me hum and throb for him, my body feels full. "Good girl." Heath's deep voice makes me shudder at his compliment.

"Briar." Neil's voice shakes as his head rolls back. His hand tightens in my hair and I look over his chest watching him. I keep my hands on Heath's thighs keeping my balance as he continues to move me. He moves me up and down on him making my mouth move on Neil. "Fuck." Neil's eyes look into mine.

"This ass is fucking perfect." Heath groans I feel his hand meet my ass once more making me clench around him. I feel full, and Neil's length twitches making me moan, we all start making noises, gasping, groaning, moaning, I hear them saying my name and I feel in a daze. "Briar!" Heath flicks my clit and I scream around Neil going over the edge.

I feel Heath moving me drawing out their high I swallow Neil's cum liking his taste in my mouth. I let him go and Heath pulls me up before wrapping his arms around me. I moan as the after part runs through me, I feel sated as Heath runs his hands through my hair. Neil kisses the crown of my head sitting beside Heath as I feel my eyes start to drift close.  

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