Chapter 27: Briar

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When I hear a knock, I open the door and I gasp feeling Neil's hand around my neck and he walks pinning me to the couch. He groans before I feel his lips against mine, he cups my pussy and I roll my hips trying to feel a friction. I hear the door close and I see Heath walk in with the bags of food, Neil pulls away abruptly. I catch a hint of a smirk on his face before he stands I walk in front of him to Heath sitting on one of the stools next to him.

"That's not all your getting." He smirks against my neck. His voice makes me shiver and Heath kisses me lightly on the lips. I feel Neil's hands on my inner thighs and I gasp reaching behind me putting my hand on his thigh making him groan.

"Neil." I whisper then he pulls away. He sits beside me on the stool like he didn't just make me aroused. They are both in their suits and I have to say I like them in their suits they look so hot. Heath puts his hand in my hair kissing me and I meet him for everything he has as he dominates the kiss when he pulls my hair it makes me moan and he pulls away.

"Eat." He orders and I roll my eyes.

"Is this about me passing out? Because I'm fine." I blurt and they both nod. "I'm okay. It's not the first time it's happened." I blurt before stopping myself putting a hand over my mouth.

"Oh no. You're talking right now." Heath glares at me.

"Nobody knows why I pass out and it doesn't happen much. Sometimes they think low blood sugar other times it's dehydration just... it happens." I explain. "I usually just wake up drink some water, and I'm back in business it's nothing." I finish.

"How often?" Neil asks.

"Once every three or four maybe six months?" I reason.

"Why didn't you tell me last night?" Heath questions.

"I've never had it happen in front of other people before." I whisper.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Neil arches a brow.

"That's it I swear that's it." I swear and they both nod.

"We need to know how to help if anything else happens." Heath whispers.

"I'll tell you if there is anything." I make a silent agreement with them. Heath starts getting out the food and I ask them about their day, about what we should do and other things as we eat.

"Do you want to move in with us?" Heath blurts and I freeze.

"What?" I act like I didn't hear him right and they both smirk.

"You heard what I said." He nods in my direction.

"I don't know." I look over at the both of them. I can't lie I kind of want to, it would be nice to see how it would be with them. "Is this about the passing out?" They both shake their head.

"We have been thinking about asking you for a bit." Neil speaks.

"If you want, we could do like say a week at first." Heath walks to me.

"I'll think about it." I answer. I feel lips on mine, I moan feeling a spark immediately, Heath pulls my hips and I feel Neil standing behind me. Almost straddling him as my legs are over his on his sides, they both have me completely under their control like this.

The gown that I'm wearing is a pale pink, lace around the top really showing off my cleavage and Heath puts his lips on my chest. He pushes up my gown and they both groan seeing me like this for them, I'm not wearing anything now. He starts kissing me all over, before he bites into my neck making me cry out.

"Heath." I moan, he groans putting his hand on my hip before his lips are on mine once more. I moan and he pulls away before he kisses my waist, he licks up my slit. My grip tightens on the chair and I feel Neil's touch on my arms helping hold me in place.

"Fuck your taste..." Heath groans the feel of his lips against me makes a spark run through me. He puts my thighs over his shoulders before I feel his mouth on me. He makes me see stars as he sucks my clit between his teeth then I feel Neil's hand on my jaw.

"So beautiful." He tilts my head making me look up at him. I feel his thumb on my bottom lip and I cry out feeling Heath's tongue. The look in Neil's eyes is enticing and they both make me feel alive I feel Heath's hair as I push him against me.

"Fuck." He groans and I look down feeling him suck my clit, and I see him watching me.

I feel his mouth on me, he groans at my taste and I moan biting my lip. I feel a passion so hot running through me it's addictive, I feel his hand on my chest and it makes me feel butterflies. The feel of them both like this enhances the sensation I feel as my body hum in pleasure.

He groans against me and the feelings disappear in a blur as I feel him holding me down. His touch is bruising as he sucks my clit one final times making me go over the edge. He leans over me kissing me and I moan at my taste before he pulls away putting his lips against my pulse.

"One day I want you on this counter, bare for me. Then I am going to have my way with you, and make you come over and over until you are spent." He whispers and I shiver.  

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