Chapter 28: Briar

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They both left after I got dressed, I have been texting them throughout the rest of the day. I caught up with my show, just wish the other season was out already, I have been drinking water as much as I can. I actually got a call from Jody checking in on me, I told her I was okay, and she said to call her if I needed anything. I have been thinking about the guys' offer to move in, but I really don't know if that is too fast or not.

Something is happening between us between all of us. I don't know if it is love or if it is just lust. I don't think it's just lust, they wouldn't be messaging me and hadn't been so worried if it was just lust. I put my phone down and start cleaning, I clean when I think. It makes me think clearly and it calms me weirdly enough. I think I'm like my mother in that way, speaking of her I have been checking in on her.

I think she was drunk a while ago because she messaged me saying she was 'wanting some action.' I think you can guess after that I quit checking in. I didn't want the messages to get more graphic, so I just stopped. I fixed me some leftover food from when the guys were over and I go sit on my couch to pick out a movie. When I settle on one, I think is mildly interesting I settle in.

I don't remember what happened about twenty-five minutes into the movie. When I wake up I stand up wiping my eyes taking my plate to the sink my mouth is dry so I get me some more water. I hear my phone ping so I go over picking it up.

Baby, are you okay? - Heath messages me worried.

I'm fine I just fell asleep. - I text him back.

We both say goodnight and I go to my bedroom laying down for the night.  

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