Chapter 37: Briar

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Neil steps up to me when Heath backs away kissing me. I moan as I feel him move my thigh bending it at my side as he grinds against me. He smirks as he starts kissing my neck, I feel a burning low inside of me once more. He pulls my hair abruptly making me gasp and he moves his hand cupping me.

"Want to be a good girl for us?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer closing my eyes as he flicks my clit.

"You're going to beg for me." He thrusts a finger into me making me whimper. When I start moving my hips he pulls it from me and he smirks.

"Please." I let it out and he kisses me.

I feel him start to grind against me then I feel Heath's lips on my shoulder. Neil moves to one side and they both start kissing my neck and I feel Neil flicking my clit as Heath bites down lightly his hand moving on my breast. I close my eyes moaning but they both don't make a move to do more. It's not long before I find myself whimpering on the border short of begging for it again.

I don't want to beg because I know what they are doing. I want them to give in themselves to give because they need to themselves. Then I feel Neil thrust a finger into me, they start to suck on my neck and I cry out. I may not be able to hold out because there are two of them. I feel Heath's lips move lower on my chest, Neil moves another finger into me and I clench down.

"Please." I arch my back not being able to stop the words from spilling from me. I bend my legs, feeling Neil curl his fingers inside of me before he pulls them from me. I whimper at the loss needing one of them to touch me, I need one of them to make me feel good.

"Baby I meant what I said you're going to have to scream." Neil finishes before I feel his fingers thrust into me roughly. I cry out arching my back and I feel Heath groaning kissing my neck, Neil flicks my clit. I feel Heath hold my hips down letting Neil move his fingers in me only giving me what he wants.

"Oh my God." I feel Neil start to kiss down my chest and he groans when I look down at him. "Please!" I scream bucking my hips making them both groan.

I roll my hips and this time Neil doesn't take his fingers away, he curls them inside of me and I come apart. I writhe and scream their names making my throat scratchy as I feel their gaze on me. It makes me feel on fire as I feel the bliss fill me up, it makes me shake as I let go feeling everything.

I feel the heat, fire, love, passion, the chemistry between us. I feel Neil kiss me and I whimper before I feel Heath move away and Neil hovers over me. He starts kissing my neck then I feel his cock against my clit, he moves it gently against me.

"Such a good girl for us. So needy." He whispers against my neck. I move my hips lightly and he thrusts inside of me making me cry out. He makes me see stars as he starts to move, his lips are pressed against mine as he swallows my cries. "Let me hear you." He orders moving his thumb on my clit.

"Fuck!" I cry out feeling him thrust harder making me move with the force.

He smirks against my neck and he keeps thrusting harder, the feel of him makes me throb and ache for him. He twitches inside of me making me moan and I put my hand in his hair making his lips meet mine. I shiver as he moves his hand down my body making me tingle.

"Oh God..." I trail off and he bites my lip kissing me once more. He makes me gasp and I feel him roll his hips stopping. "Please don't stop." I beg and he smirks.

"What do you need?" He asks moving a hair out of my face.

"I need to feel you fuck me hard. I want to come apart feeling you do the same as you groan. I want to hear my name spill from your lips as we both come apart." I breathe hard and he smirks before he starts moving. I move with the force of him and he smirks against my neck.

"Such a dirty talker." He whispers. I gasp each time as he builds me higher and higher. The feel of him smirking against my neck before I feel him groan urging me on. Our skin starts to slap sounding in the room and I moan as he groans the sounds we make mingling in the air.

"Neil..." I trail off and he pulls my hair making me gasp.

"Briar..." He whispers it but he sounds so full of pleasure. He flicks my clit once more and I see stars.

"Neil!" He groans and I feel his teeth dig into my neck. He does it so hard I see stars as he rolls his hips hitting my clit. He comes apart inside of me and pulls out of me before I shiver, I don't feel like I could go again. Heath pulls me into his arms running his hand through my hair. "I can't..." I trail off.

"I know that was a lot." He whispers pulling me into his arms. I feel Neil pull me away he puts me in his lap I rest my head on his shoulder as he runs his hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry if I was too rough baby." His voice is laced with concern.

"You weren't you were perfect." I whisper. "I would have told you if you were." I press my lips against his neck kissing him. I feel my eyes start to close and he lays down with me in his arms I feel Heath behind me he puts a kiss on my shoulder. Neil gives me a kiss on the lips gently before I feel them just hold me. "I love you." I whisper that.

"I love you." They both say in unison before I feel the darkness take me into a peaceful sleep. 

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