Chapter 36: Briar

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Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. It's true, God it's true but I just can't believe I actually had the courage to say it first. I've known what I've felt being with them and the way my body demanded their touch. The way my chest always felt so full every time I kissed them, touched them. I knew what feeling was, I've just been dancing around the word.

"Come here." Heath speaks and I feel his hands on my waist.

He pulls me into his lap and he kisses me before he puts me beside him. I gasp feeling Neil he moved into my seat. He kisses me then I feel his hands on my hips. He starts grinding me against him making me moan before I feel his hand in my hair.

"You wearing his t-shirt just makes me want to do all sorts of things to you." He speaks against my neck making me shiver. "It makes me want to hear you scream, whimper and moan." He speaks to me.

He moves me back onto Heath and Heath groans kissing me. He pushes up my shirt and starts kissing my breasts keeping me against him and grinding me into him. He pulls my hair pulling me down onto his lap as he kisses my neck, it makes me moan. I feel Neil's gaze on me as Heath puts his hand on my chest, he pulls my hips to his kissing my waist.

"Perfect." He whispers putting his hand over my breast flicking my nipples. I lift my arms throwing my shirt and he bites down into my neck lightly making me shiver. "Say it again." He orders.

"I love you." I look into his eyes. He grabs my chin turning my head and Neil's lips meet mine.

"I love you." Heath speaks before he turns me back to him. His lips are rough against mine. Neils watches as Heath turns standing, he walks back to his bedroom, the walls are a grey and he tosses me.

I land on the bed in front of them wearing nothing but my thong, their gazes burn into me before they turn to each other. They start kissing and Neil groans before Heath pulls away kissing his neck. Heath starts kissing his chest before he goes lower kneeling, Neil and Heath look at each other with sparks in their eyes.

"Do you want a show, Briar?" Neil asks.

"Yes." I answer him. Seeing Heath on his knees for him is something I haven't seen until now. He looks so gorgeous Neil puts his hand in Heath's looking down at him. Heath unbuckles his belt then I see him pull out Neil's length.

"I love you." Heath whispers.

"I love you too." Neil groans as Heath puts his hard cock into his mouth.

He takes him all the way to the base. I see Neil put his hand in Heath's hair before Heath moans before he starts moving his mouth on him. The way they look together and the way they look at each other makes me feel alive, it makes me aroused, makes me want to see more of this. Neil groans rolling his hips and Heath moans once more, I feel all my breath leave me and I sit on my knees at the foot of the bed. This is gorgeous they look beautiful together, Neil's hair buried in Heath's dark brown hair his head tilted back as he shudders from the ecstasy makes me feel a heat.

"Fuck baby." Neil speaks to Heath.

It only makes me feel more attracted to them like this. I actually like this seeing them so entranced and taken with one another, it makes me feel a heat throughout my body. I see Heath put his hand on Neil's thigh and Neil rolls his hips. I see Heath's lips wrapped around him and Neil shudders.

"Oh damn..." Neil comes rolling his hips pushing his length into Heath's mouth. "Go touch her." He orders Heath and he stands turning to me.

He kneels on the foot of the bed kissing me and I taste Neil's cum making me moan. He pulls me to him before he pulls off my thong roughly, he spreads my legs before I feel his breath against me. I see Neil turn facing me he looks over me making me shiver, then I feel Heath's smirk against my thigh.

"We're going to make you scream." He speaks and I see Neil smirk. He puts his mouth on me making me cry out fisting the sheets looking for something to ground me.

"Oh my God!" I gasp and I see Neil watching him. I arch my back feeling him suck my clit it makes me shudder and I feel him put his hand on my chest.

The feel of his tongue moving in and out of me lapping me up as he explores every bit of me makes me hot. It makes me writhe. I start rolling my hips not being able to stop myself. The feel of him touching leaves butterflies everywhere and it's so fulfilling and satisfying.

"Good girl." Heath praises, it makes me blush as I feel Neil's gaze on me.

When I look down, I make eye contact with Heath, he pulls away and I see my juices as he licks his lips. I cry out feeling two fingers enter me and I can't hold eye contact anymore. I clench around him feeling needy for his touch, his mouth on me, I feel like I need it. I need to feel it against me, I feel him slip another finger inside of me and I whimper.

"Do you need more, Briar?" Heath flicks my clit and I shudder arching my back. He doesn't move, he only keeps moving his fingers slowly inside of me, I gasp feeling pent-up. He pulls his fingers from me and I feel them looking at me there.

"Heath." I silently demand him and he smirks against my thigh.

"Baby talk to me." He demands then I feel him flick my clit.

"Please." I whisper it lowly.

Then I feel his mouth on me, he doesn't let up for a second, I feel him sucking and licking me in all the right places. He thrusts three fingers inside of me making me scream as I come apart, I look down into his eyes as he licks me up. I'm not able to look away as I can see everything he thinks and feels in his eyes and I try to meet him with the same.  

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