Chapter 25: Neil

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I hear moaning when I wake up and when I open my eyes I see Heath fucking Briar. He's slow with her though his touch light as he kisses her, she moans and I see him flick her clit and they both go over the edge.

"Fuck when you clench like that." He whispers and I see her skin a pale pink like it always is when she comes.

"Heath." She whispers it before he lays on top of her. When he pulls out of her, she moans and when she sees me, I smirk.

"Did we wake you?" Heath asks and I spare him a glance.

"No." I answer honestly. I lean up kissing her and she moans. "How do you feel now?" I ask.

"Better." She answers me. "The doctor actually gave me a work excuse in case I wanted to take today off." She explains.

"Do you?" I counter.

"I called off today; I still feel a little weird." She answers me. I pull her into my arms and I feel her kiss my shoulder.

"You really fucking scared me." I whisper.

"I'm sorry." She responds. "How did I get to the hospital anyway?" She looks into my eyes.

"I got you into some clothes and Heath called. I drove to the hospital and Heath rode with you." I answer honestly.

I get ready for work with Heath she showers with us. I kiss her before we leave, Heath walks beside me and we both get in the car. I sigh before looking over at him before we look back at the house.

"We are both going to check in on her like fucking helicopters, aren't we?" He blurts.

"Yeah." I agree.

"Yeah. Okay." He puts the car in drive and we both head off.

When we both get there we both head off into work, we rent a floor out a building, it's mostly used for lawyers and companies. I could have a building to myself if I wanted but I would rather do this because my end game was to move my operation to my house. I still plan to do that when the time is right, I am still trying to win the trust of my clients and partners. Once they see they can trust me I will move everything in house.

"Hey, do you want to go see her for lunch?" Heath's voice interrupts my thoughts. I look at my schedule and the time before looking at him.

"Definitely but why are you asking?" I ask him and he smirks walking into my office before sitting across from me. Neither one of us have been asking, there have been times where I go to his office for lunch and he's already with her.

"She would want to see both of us. After last night I wasn't leaving without grabbing you." I start looking over paperwork as he talks. "Why are you acting like I have been betraying you? I have had lunches with you, hell I can't count how many times I've been bent over that desk." That catches my attention.

"What's your game here?" I meet his eyes and he smirks.

"Would you even mind if there was one?" He arches a brow.

"No, I wouldn't." I answer honestly before he stands. He rounds my desk before he bends down sealing his lips against mine. The fire I feel is so fulfilling as I groan before he kneels in front of me. "Heath." I feel my arousal hard, he looks up at me smirking.

"You and I both know you want me to." He whispers.

"Baby fuck." He starts unbuckling my belt and I groan when he looks up at me. I feel his hand wrap around my cock and I shudder feeling a bead of precum leak from me. He licks it off and I groan feeling his mouth on me. "Oh my God." I put my hand in his hair and he groans.

He unbuttons a few shirt buttons and he moves his hand over my chest. He moves his mouth fast on me over and over, the feel of me hitting the back of his throat pushes me closer to the edge each time. He groans and I feel him move his tongue around me, it makes me shudder before I feel on edge.

"Fuck Heath." I try rolling my hips but he holds me down. He understands what I need all the same and moves his mouth on me faster and I feel his tongue under my cock.

He's so fucking beautiful and I feel him move his tongue against my cock like he's trying to urge it out of me. He sucks around me so hard I can't help but let go. He puts his hand in my hair kissing me before he groans pulling away. He stands in front of me with his fucking cocky smirk before he turns.

"Was that good enough for you baby?" He speaks and I arch a brow.

"What the fuck?" I mutter before my eyes catch on his phone sitting on my desk. Briar is on her mattress laying down, her cheeks are flushed and I know she came.  

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