Chapter 6: Briar

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I wake up hearing my alarm, I groan rolling over hitting it to turn it off. I go to the bathroom turning on the faucet, I brush my hair feeling the stings at the few knots before I step into the shower. I feel the warm water move over me making me wet as I reach forward grabbing my loofa. I start to lather on bodywash as I start to think about my day since I have a shift. I get dressed quickly and leave. 

"Hey." Dalton greets when I walk in the door.

"Hey." I smile sipping my coffee as I walk in. I put down my bag at the counter, and he follows me standing beside me. I let out a yawn.

I was never a fucking morning person. Although that's not why I'm tired, I'm tired because I was behind on sleep when I got here yesterday. Plus, I had to move everything in, my dad did the rest after we got the boxes in so I could leave to go to my interview. I was glad I was able to organize everything being done yesterday.

"You do know it's only two in the afternoon." He speaks walking on past me.

"Yep, don't care." I grumble making him laugh. "I just woke up an hour ago." I tell him.

"Can you focus or do you need the day?" He asks.

"Nope. I'm good." I answer.

"Alright, then." He shrugs with a nod.

The day goes buy in a blur Dalton teaches me how to close before we walk out. He tells me to call if I need anything before raddling off his personal number. When I walk around to get in my car, I freeze seeing none other than Heath leaning against it.

"Heath." I put my hand over my chest, he holds his hands up in response.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you literally." He mutters.

"What do you want?" I ask already feeling sleep start to drift in. "Make it quick." I order.

"We need to talk." He speaks.

"I already told you we don't." I argue.

"Yes, we do, Briar." He steps forward. "We need to talk because I didn't mean to let her hurt you back then. I sure as hell should never have let you walk away." He whispers.

"I may have walked away but you didn't come find me we didn't talk!" I scream. "I can't do this." I mutter.

"She blackmailed me, Briar." He speaks.

"With what?" I speak.

"A video of us. Our first time." He whispers. "I couldn't let her plaster it all over the website so she got to have her fun and I got to watch her delete it." He explains.

"That doesn't make sense." I shake my head. Why wouldn't he come find me and explain? If he had explained it would have saved me from a world of hurt. Maybe we would have had a future.

"Yes, it does. We both had sex at Neil's party remember? The camera angle was from the closet." He explains.

"It doesn't explain why you didn't talk to me." I tell him.

"I didn't know how. I was confused, I was scared, I thought if you knew you would have went running anyway. I thought-" He looks down at the ground. "I don't know what I thought." He whispers.

"It's true Briar." I startle hearing another voice. I turn seeing Neil behind me.

"I should have never ever let her hurt you. I should have never made it out like I was fine with that, because inside I was dying." He speaks.

"So, you just sit back and watch me become the odd man out, let me become the weird pathetic little girl everyone talked about?" I have to ask.

"Part of the agreement was I never touch you again, never be seen with you again." He explains.

"If she deleted the video why bother?!" I ask feeling tears in my eyes.

"I didn't know if she had another copy." He bites out. "You think I didn't want you back?! Didn't long to have you in my arms even if it was just for one more night?" He asks stepping closer his voice turning soft. I turn and run right smack into Neil's chest, he stays stock still though wrapping his arm around me.

"I knew you might run, Briar." He whispers and I turn back around to face Heath. Everything around me envelopes me in a heat so hot that I almost forget about our conversation. "Everything coming out of his mouth right now, is the truth." Neil whispers in my ear. Heath walks stopping a foot before me.

"You broke me." I whisper and he reaches up wiping a tear off my cheek.

"I know baby." He whispers. I turn to Neil now.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"He didn't know." Heath answers walking around standing beside Neil.

"I only knew bits and pieces." Neil shrugs. I feel a pull to both of them and it's fucking mind boggling, I sigh turning to my car.  

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